Author: Jordan Williams

Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 3!Jade's visions were growing more cruel of Season 3, as he is now Plagued with hallucinations of a dead man as he travels to the abandoned camp in the woods. In addition to his growing obsession with the mysterious symbol, Jade has been seeing visions of of's children say "Angkoy," the former resident Christopher, and a Civil War soldier throughout the first two seasons. Now, yet another vision came to Jade during a high-pressure situation in of Season 3, with the new theme that has a horrifying backstory. in of…

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Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 3!There is a new supernatural object in of Season 3, with the carved statues in the forest implied to carry powerful powers and meaning in the abandoned camp. After Jim and Kenny walk through the woods in of Season 3, Episode 1 The two trapped characters come upon an abandoned camp with cabins and eat crops to feed the town's residents. However, they are afraid of some Carved wooden statues supposedly guarding the camp, made of sticks and branches with human faces. Since no one lives in the camp, the…

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The mysterious children are coming back ofSeason 2 Finale As They Hauntingly Say"anghkooey" to Tabitha, but the horror TV show has yet to confirm the meaning of the word. The strange children first appear to Tabitha in a vision that consists of them saying "anghkooey"and trying to join her. However, the character later realizes that they are asking for her help. Despite their role in continuing to appear to Tabitha and Jade, the children are still a mystery ofSeason 2 finale, with the meaning of their phrase "anghkooey,” linking to the symbol, and demise in “Fromville” is left unresolved. in…

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Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 4!Fatima's latest twist in of Season 3, episode 4 already makes you worry about the pregnancy storyline a lot more, and is the show's most shocking development yet. When Fatima found out that she was pregnant before of Season 2's finale, the reveal came with a lot of skepticism considering she was told in the outside world that she was unable to have children. This Led to speculation that Fatima's baby may have a twisted supernatural origin Relations with the evil forces of the town, and of Season 3's revelations…

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Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 4!Jim has another haunting conversation with "Thomas" in of Season 3, Episode 4, which ends with the mysterious voice telling him that Julie and Ethan are not his children anymore. yet of Season 3, Episode 2 ended with Jim receiving a phone call from "Thomas," his infant son who died shortly before the series premiere, it became clear that the situation was just the city playing tricks on the family. Knowing that Thomas' tragic death is the biggest source of guilt and tension in the Matthews family. The phone calls…

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Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 4!As Victor tries to revive the forgotten memories of his childhood tragedy in of Season 3, the mystery horror show puts an important emphasis on the scary story of Christopher and Jasper. Victor first went into detail about Christopher earlier of Season 2's ending, vii Jade's obsession with the symbol reminded him of the same fixation shared by ChristopheR for his tragic turn. Now, as the city continues to see more unexpected changes in of Season 3 Victor realizes how crucial it is to remember what exactly happened to Christopher…

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Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 4!Boyd makes a major sacrifice with Randall in of Season 3, episode 4, which holds the intentions of the monsters to psychological torture and "break" him. yet of Season 3, episode 3's ending saw Tabitha return to the city in an ambulance, the series picks up with the paramedics driving in at night. as expected, The monsters come out to trick and attack the newcomersWhich culminates in the brutal death of the two paramedics while Tabitha, Henry, and Acosta, the police officer, try to reach safety. With Randall and Boyd…

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Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 5!Dale's journey into the distant tree in of Season 3, Episode 5's ending results in one of the show's most brutal deaths, setting up bigger problems for the trapped residents' hopes of finally getting out. After Tabitha's return in of Season 3, episode 3's finale, she attends a meeting in episode 5 in which she Tells her experiences of being transported to the lighthouse of the distant treeBeing pushed from the lighthouse, and ending up in the real world in Maine. Since this is the first known time that someone…

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Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 5!Already serving as one of the town's most innocent and lovable characters, Victor's story takes on another heartbreaking layer when he finally meets his father again in of Season 3, Episode 5. Since ofThe Lighthouse Gate took Tabitha to Camden, Maine (Victor's hometown) and eventually brought her to his father, Henry, The hit horror series has been working toward a bittersweet reunion for the Kavanaugh family. The development finally came to fruition of Season 3, Episode 5's finale, as Henry officially arrived in town alongside Tabitha after being separated from…

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Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 5!As the greatest hope for escaping the city and the terrors of the forest, ofThe distant trees play a large role in the central mysteries of the series. called the "Far away trees"through ofThe main character Victor, who was trapped more than anyone else in the evil city, the trees have long been a source of intrigue for the residents. Only two distant trees have been seen in ofs city so farBoth contain holes in the center of their trunks, while bottles with numbers written on pieces of paper inside…

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