Summary Mercy's Pink Skin, initially rare due to limited release, became common upon re-release in June 2024. Brigitte Medic Skin, exclusive to the 2022 Twitch event, saw low purchase rates due to the unpopular design. Skins from the first season of the Overwatch League, such as Florida Mayhem, Los Angeles Valiant, and San Francisco Shock, are rare. Determining the rarest Surveillance skins is incredibly difficult, as the statistics of how many skins are purchased are not public knowledge. That said, it is possible to narrow down which skins are likely to be the rarest based on a number of factors,…
Author: Joanna Damiani
Pokémon GO Constantly undergoing evolutions much like the beloved Pokemon creatures it represents, with new pocket monsters being added to the game constantly, and changing game mechanics. In a game where players are encouraged to catch them all, it can be frustrating at times to discover that some Pokemon are not that easy to get, and even then it can be frustratingly difficult to catch some of them. For the most part, the majority of Pokemon in the game will come and go with seasons, events, and even times of day.But there are a few that have even more difficult…