Author: Jen Watson

Although Jeri Ryan's former Borg drone, Seven of Nine, only spent four years on the USS Voyager, the rich history of the Star Trek: VoyagerThe emerging character of was revealed through flashbacks and dialogue. Each season of Star Trek: Voyager revealed more about the story of Seven of Nine before Captain Kathryn Janeway's (Kate Mulgrew) USS Voyager crew freed Seven from the Borg Collective. Previously, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) could only be separated from the Collective because he was Locutus for a few days, but Seven of Nine spent most of his life as a Borg drone. Seven of…

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Even before the start Star Trek: DiscoveryAmbassador Saru (Doug Jones) has had a fascinating life. Saru is Starfleet's first Kelpien, a new species created to Star Trek: Discovery. Why Star Trek: Discovery is set 5 years before Star Trek: The Original SeriesThere had to be a good reason why Kelpiens didn't appear anywhere else in the world. Star Trek timeline. As part of a series that follows Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: short walks season 1, episode 3, "The Brightest Star", explains why Saru was the only Kelpien in Starfleet for centuries. Saru comes from a simple agrarian village on…

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A character in Star Trek: Voyager it took him ten years to get home instead of seven. After arriving in the Delta Quadrant, Captain Kathryn Janeway's (Kate Mulgrew) crew estimated that returning to the Alpha Quadrant would take 75 yearseven at maximum warp. That time has been shortened considerably with technologies like the quantum boost, Borg transwarp conduits, and a telekinetic parting gift from Kes (Jennifer Lien) that shaved 9,500 light-years off the trip's original 70,000 light-year distance. Ultimately, a future version of Admiral Janeway helped shorten the USS Voyager's journey to just seven years. The USS Voyager also encountered…

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An alternate reality version of Star Trek: Lower Decks'Lieutenant Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome) is a brilliant return to a version of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) in Star Trek: The Next Generation. The penultimate episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks"Fissure Quest," sees Lieutenant Brad Boimler's (Jack Quaid) transporter clone, Captain William Boimler, leading a crew of doppelgängers from around the world. Star Trek timeline. When the crew of Boimler's starship Anaximander rescues Ensign Beckett Mariner, dressed in a gold Starfleet operations uniformWilliam discovers that this sailor's temperament is milder than he expected. In Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 6,…

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Star TrekKlingons are probably more human-like than you think, according to a scene from Star Trek: Lower Decks. In Star Trek: Lower Decks' season 5 finale, "The New Next Generation", the USS Cerritos and a small fleet of The Klingon Birds of Prey are captured in a Schrödinger Field that turns things into other versions of themselves on the other side. Star TrekThe vast multiverse. Captain Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis) sends schematics to protect against the changes at Schrödinger Camp, but vengeful Klingon Captain Relga (Roxana Ortega) banishes Freeman's help from the proverbial airlock. Only the hull of the USS…

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Paramount+ Film by Michelle Yeoh, Star Trek: Section 31would be the perfect way to Star Trek to introduce a young Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). In Section 31Yeoh reprises his role as Star Trek: DiscoveryEmperor Philippa Georgiou. After the USS Discovery jumped to the 32nd century, Georgiou needed to return to a time when the Prime Universe and the Mirror Universe were closer together. The Guardian of Forever (Paul Guilfoyle) sent Philippa Georgiou back to the beginning of the 24th century– also known as Star Trek"Lost Era", among Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country and Star Trek: The Next Generation.…

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Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Finale - "The New Next Generation" The end of season 5 of Star Trek: Lower Decks, "The New Next Generation" features the shocking return of Star Trek: DiscoveryKlingons style, five years later. Star Trek: DiscoveryThe 2017 premiere brought several aesthetic changes to the mid-23rd century setting, a decade earlier Star Trek: The Original Series. Instead of recreating Terms of ServiceKlingons style with smooth forehead, Star Trek: DiscoveryMakeup artists developed an all-new look that took the Klingons' alien features even further.. DiscoveryThe Klingons were supposed to be like the Klingons always were,…

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Star Trek: Deep Space NineMedical Director, Julian Bashir (Alexander Siddig), approached his romantic relationships the same way he approached his career: with youthful optimism and the confidence that he could accomplish anything. While this generally worked out better for Julian's Starfleet career than his love life, Dr. Bashir still had a number of problems. DS9 love interests. On Star Trek: Deep Space NineOver the seven years, Bashir found love (or something like it) with one-episode and recurring guest stars DS9 identical characters. Like many other characters in Star Trek: Deep Space NineDr. Bashir evolved as a character thanks to DS9risky…

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Although Star Trek: Deep Space NineTrill's character Curzon Dax died in 2367, two years earlier DS9 Season 1, Curzon's legacy is felt far and wide DS9there are seven seasons and beyond. After the Trill synbiotic was introduced into Star Trek: The Next Generation season 4, episode 23, "The Host", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine improved the Trill with Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell) from DS9. Why DS9The Trill symbiotes carried the memories of all previous hosts, and Curzon hosted the Dax symbiote shortly before JadziaJadzia Dax's personality was influenced by Curzon's, and she knew everything he did. Star Trek:…

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Curiously, Star TrekThe Klingons and Romulans in the film have Bird of Prey starships. First seen in Star Trek: The Original Series season 1, episode 8, "Balance of Terror", the T'Liss-class Romulan bird of prey is so named because of the predatory bird painted on its hull. Later, in Star Trek: The Original Series season 3, episode 2, "The Enterprise Incident", a Romulan ship looks like the D7-class Klingon battlecruiser in Terms of Service season 3, episode 13, "Elaan of Troyius." Rather than being a Romulan ship, the iconic D7 would become the basis for nearly every Klingon ship in…

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