Dragon House Season 3 needs to change Rhaenyra Targaryen's character and challenge the audience to make the story of King's Landing reach its full potential. Dragon House The season 2 finale marked a major change to the status quo of the series' third season, with Rhaenyra finally ready to move to King's Landing. Even Alicent Hightower accepted this, preparing to sacrifice the life of her son, King Aegon II Targaryen, to protect two of her other children, Helaena and Daeron. When Dragon House With the release of season 3, which is scheduled for 2026, this story should happen very quickly.…
Author: James Hunt
In an unusual move for the Game of Thrones franchise, the A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms trailer has not yet been released. The next of many planned Game of Thrones spin-offs, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is set to release on HBO and Max in 2025, though no firm date, not even a month, has been confirmed. Based on George R.R. Martin The Tales of Dunk and Egg books, this will be a very different type of prequel compared to House of the Dragon. A Knight of the Seven KingdomsThe story has several Targaryens, yes, but on the…
Warning: Contains major SPOILERS for Fire & Blood, the book on which House of the Dragon is based. Death comes to everyone in Westeros, and although Rhaenyra Targaryen's death in Dragon House It won't come for some time, but those who are familiar with the Dance of Dragons know how it comes to an end. Emma D'Arcy could be the protagonist of Dragon Houseis scaled, but, as with Game of Thronesit doesn't mean they are safe. This is a story where anyone can die, and since it's set over a century before its original series, obviously everyone dies at some…
If Daenerys Targaryen officially becomes queen in The winds of winterthen it would finally break a rule that has been in place since the first A Song of Ice and Fire book. Daenerys was queen for Game of Thrones' ending - after years of pursuing her claim - although her reign was cut short, with Jon Snow killing her before she could sit on the Iron Throne even once. George RR Martin's books, however, could change that. Infamously, The winds of winter It's taking a long time and there's no release date yet. But when it finally arrives, Dany is…
Warning: contains SPOILERS for Fire & Blood, the book on which House of the Dragon is based.One of the biggest theories about Daemon Targaryen in Dragon House could have a positive impact Game of Thrones. Daemon's story is one of the most important Dragon House Season 3, now that he has once again sworn his loyalty to Rhaenyra Targaryen, now ready to fully support her bid for the Iron Throne. However, it's possible his story goes beyond that, with one theory claiming he will become the Three-Eyed Raven. That's part of the fun of a character like Matt Smith's Rogue…
Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Fire & Blood, the book on which House of the Dragon is based.Dragon House has his own opinion about Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish, and they are destined to die under very similar circumstances. Dragon HouseThe timeline means it is different from Game of Thronesbut it inevitably still has many of the same character types and parallels between key figures, at least in a broad sense. It's easy to see the connection between Rhaenyra Targaryen and Daenerys, for example, as two Targaryen women who believe it is their birthright to rule, or Otto Hightower as a Tywin Lannister…
Cersei Lannister is not only Jaime Lannister's twin (and, er, lover), but she apparently took parts of her original Game of Thrones history too. Cersei and Jaime are intertwined - even seeing themselves as having one soul in two bodies - but things were quite different in George R.R. Martin's initial plans for the story, which would have seen Jaime become king of Westeros by murdering Joffrey's son . Baratheon and Sansa Stark (among others). Martin's original plans for the A Song of Ice and Fire the books changed a lot from what was published and later adapted into the…
Daenerys Targaryen appeared in the Dragon House season 2 finale, and connects to the fall of House Targaryen. The episode, “The Queen Who Ever Was,” surprisingly made the prequel’s biggest connection to Game of Thrones so far, as Daemon Targaryen had a vision of Daenerys. Beside her were the Three-Eyed Raven and a White Walker (though not the Night King himself) leading an army of the dead. The implication of the scene in Dragon House The Season 2 ending is that Daenerys is the Prince Who Was Promised, the prophesied hero who will lead Westeros to salvation and help them…
Frasier The Season 2 finale wraps up the reboot's second year with some big thrills, hijinks, and lots of Christmas cheer. The second season of the show, based Frasier season 1 finale, saw Kelsey Grammer's character connect more with her son, Freddy, as well as find a new romance with bartender Holly Quagliano (with Patricia Heaton joining the Frasier reboot cast). These two topics are particularly important in the finale, “Father Christmas.” The episode mainly revolves around Alan Cornwall's reunion with his daughter, unbeknownst to both of them. It's a well-intentioned, stupid Frasier Crane scheme that turns into farce, with…
"What is dead may never die." These may not be the words of House Stark, but they seem appropriate when it comes to Game of Thrones'Jon Snow sequel, which was in development, out of development, but not yet completely gone forever. Reports of Kit Harington's potential return to Westeros years later Game of Thrones', appeared in 2022 and was the most surprising of all the franchise's discussed spinoffs. Everything else, up to that point and since, had been a prequel, but this would have changed everything. A few years later, Harington revealed that the Jon Snow spinoff wasn't happening as…