Author: Isaac Jansons

Contains spoilers for Tempest (2024) #1!like Storm Embracing her future as a solo hero in the Marvel Universe, she quickly found herself at odds with Cyclops. Rage will always stay true to herself, but that doesn't mean her actions won't have consequences for other mutants. What her choice means for her relationships with the mutants is now the big question. Storm #1 - written by Murewa Ayodele, with art by Lucas Werneck - illustrates just how divided the X-Men are now. While rescuing civilians, Storm discovers that the cause of a disaster in a nuclear reactor is a newly revealed…

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Contains spoilers for Sentinels (2024) #1!The X-Men The latest team of complex villains have done their job to capture the worst of mutantkind, but they may just have a little more to chew on with the return of one of the franchise's most powerful villains who once beat the Hulk, among others. If the Avengers have to put their lives on the line to win the first time, do the traumatized soldiers stand a chance? The new book X-Men book Sentinels (2024) has just revealed the terrifying villain they will be facing when the team's newest member Drumfire sees attack…

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Warning: Spoilers for Phoenix #3!The X-Men May have countless healers on their extended roster, but one original member has a new healing upgrade that makes her more powerful than almost every other mutant. As Jean Gray ventures out to explore the galaxy on her own terms, the question is how the greater Marvel Universe will react to her new status. in Phoenix #4 by Stephanie Phillips, Alessandro Miracolo and David Curiel, Jean Gray showcases the Phoenix's ability to resurrect the dead like never before, as She came back to life immediately after dying. In this issue, Jean is killed by…

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Iron Man Was on almost every one Avengers list, but his newest team stretches the concept of Earth's Mightiest Heroes further than ever. With not only surprising heroes but unexpected villains old and new, the new team promises to continue not only the lineage of the Avengers, but also the multi-series stories told by their latest writers. Via CBRUpcoming West Coast Avengers Writer Gerry Duggan has broken down the weird roster of the new Avengers lineup, which includes Ultron and 'Marvel's Biggest Jerk' Blue Bolt. Duggan also provides the first look at Danny Kim's unlettered art. As Duggan explains Ultron's…

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Contains spoilers for Mystique (2024) #1!THE X-Men's The now-ended Krakoan era has fueled much debate among fans, but a new comic has seemingly killed off a character who was vitally important to the world of Mutants just a few months ago. Whether they're actually dead or not, this moment raises questions about the shock value in mainstream comics and what even an off-the-cuff decision can represent when it comes to a franchise intertwined with real-life oppression. The recently released Mystique (#1 ended with a shocking beat like the comic apparently kills Mystique's wife, Destiny. The edition focuses on two interconnected…

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Iron Man been to almost every one Avengers lineup, but his new team takes the concept of Earth's Mightiest Heroes further than ever. This new team, which includes not only unexpected heroes, but also unexpected villains, old and new, promises to continue not only the Avengers line, but also the multi-part stories told by their latest authors. By using Central Bank of the Russian Federationupcoming West Coast Avengers Writer Gerry Duggan has revealed the bizarre composition of the new Avengers lineup, which includes Ultron and "Marvel's Biggest Jerkass" Blue Thunder. Duggan also gives a first look at Danny Kim's illiterate…

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Warning: Spoilers for Phoenix #3! X-Men There may be countless healers on their expanded roster, but one of the original members has received a new healing upgrade that makes him more powerful than almost any other mutant. As Jean Gray sets out to explore the galaxy on her own terms, the question is how the greater Marvel Universe will react to her new status. IN Phoenix #4 from Stephanie Phillips, Alessandro Miracolo and David Curiel, Jean Gray demonstrates the Phoenix's ability to raise the dead like never before as she was brought back to life immediately after death. In this…

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Contains spoilers for Guardians (2024) #1! X-Men The newest team of complex villains has made it their mission to capture the worst of mutantkind, but they may just have bitten off more than they can handle with the return of one of the franchise's most powerful villains, who once defeated, among others, the Hulk. If the Avengers had to risk their lives to win the first time, do these traumatized soldiers stand a chance? New X-Men book Guardians (2024) has just revealed the terrifying villain they'll have to face, as seen by new team member Drumfire Onslaught after the first…

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Contains spoilers for The Storm (2024) #1!How Storm accepts her future as a solo hero in the Marvel Universe, she quickly finds herself in conflict with Cyclops. Storm will always remain true to herself, but that doesn't mean her actions won't have consequences for other mutants. What her choice means for her relationship with these mutants is now the big question. Storm No. 1 – written by Murewa Ayodele, illustrated by Lukas Werneck – illustrates how divided the X-Men currently are. While rescuing civilians, Storm discovers that a newly emerged mutant is the cause of the nuclear reactor disaster, and…

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Contains possible spoilers for Sentinels (2024) #1! Wonder is reinventing the X-Men franchise's Sentinels, and the preview for the debut issue of their new limited series finds them using A repurposed version of ​​a classic giant sentinel robot to travel the world, in a dark parallel to the famous Blackbird jet of the mutant heroes. It's a perfect symbol for all the differences between the two groups, in addition to looking simply incredible on the page. Marvel's preview for Sentinels #1 - written by Alex Pacnadel, art by Justin Mason - revealed that the titular team's version of the X-Men's…

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