Author: Guillermo Kurten

Summary The Game Final Fantasy Series boasts various villains, with memorable characters like Sephiroth and Kefka Palazzo. President Shinra epitomizes corporate greed, while villains like Seymour Guado and Exdeath add depth and challenge. Iconic villains like Sephiroth and Ultimecia bring unique powers and emotional depth to these Game Final Fantasy Series. As one of the gaming industry's most prestigious and enduring JRPG franchises, Square Enix Game Final Fantasy Series has amassed a diverse catalog of villains over its 34-year-plus history. The series' anthology-style approach allows for a good revolving door of villains With each new mainline entry. New players are…

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Naming the best comic books of all time is no easy task, with each new decade delivering an instant classic from Marvel, DC Comics, Image, Dark Horse, and many more. But a handful of famous comic books and graphic novels stand above all the rest. The medium has been growing exponentially since its early days in the 20th century. Gradually evolving mainstream culture and artistic approaches changed how comics and their characters were written, with each passing decade seeing more great comic stories published. DC and Marvel have unsurprisingly created some of the most famous comics ever, but the likes…

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