Author: Ethan Watts

Marvel New Champions, scheduled to debut in 2025 – with the staff made up of Cadet Marvel, Fantasma, Liberty and Moon Squire – took the title and catchphrase of the Champions, and the unique solid – Ms. Imaginative and prescient and Brawn – apparently can have one thing to say about this, resulting in a crossover battle between Champions and Champions. Superior Marvel synopsis for New Champions #3 – written by Steve Foxe, with artwork by Ivan Fiorelli – teases that New Champions will come nose to nose with earlier Championswho've points with their title and catchphrase utilized by these…

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Star WarsThe most iconic weapon is, without a doubt, the lightsaber. All lightsabers are made of five main parts: the power cell, the casing, the focusing lens, the emitter, and the kyber crystal. Kyber crystals, also known as living crystals, are the heart of the lightsaber and what gives it its color. A connection is formed between the user and the right crystal. A raw kyber crystal of course, but when a Jedi meditates on a crystal and awakens it to the force, it will change its color to match the Jedi's nature. The exception to this are red and…

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THE Marvel Cinematic Universe is now officially connected to the Marvel Comics continuity, with the debut of a new comic book series that acts as a bridge between the live-action universe and the comic book pages. Of course, within the multiverse everything is connected and crossovers between different media formats have been seen before, but the TVA the comic series directly unites the MCU and the main Marvel comics continuity. TVA (2024) #1 – written by Katharyn Blair, with art by Père Perez – begins with Spider-Gween being recruited by the TVA to help launch the "New and improved TVA"after…

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Like Marvel Star Wars comics reach the post-Return of the Jedi era of the franchise's timeline, Princess Leia was officially confirmed to be pregnant with her son, Ben Solo. Leia's growing belly became the focus of fans' attention in the latest issue of Marvel's Battle of Jakku series, as readers wonder where Han Solo isseeing as he has been noticeably absent since the start of the series. In Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku - Last Stand (2024) #1 – written by Alex Segura, Leonard Kirk – Princess Leia is depicted walking over Chandrila, holding her pregnant belly, which the…

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Beilert Valance is returning to Star Wars comics in the post-Return of the Jedi era, as the protagonist of the Marvel film bounty hunters comic series helps Luke Skywalker when he needs it most. The young Jedi Master may have prevailed on Endor, but when the Battle of Jakku begins, he finds himself overwhelmed by multiple enemies on multiple fronts; luckily, Valance is there to help. Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku – Republic under siege (2024) #3 – written by Alex Segura, with art by Stefano Raffaele – finds Luke being targeted by a new enemy, the Spice Runners…

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Charles Soule is returning to Star Wars to write Star Wars: Legacy of Vader, a comic book series focused on Kylo Ren during his time as Supreme Leader of the First Order between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker - and I guess this means that Soule's original character, Darth Momin, will likely appear in the series in some shape or form. Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #1 – written by Charles Soule, with art by Luke Ross – will be an extra-long 48-page special issue and promises to answer some vital questions about the gap between Episode…

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Mister Fear, one of Marvel's most dangerous Reckless villains, returned to the comics, suggesting that an MCU appearance could be in the works - especially considering the imminent release of Daredevil: Born Againcoming next year. Mister Fear would be a perfect fit for the new era of Reckless on screen, and this appearance could just be the first step in the character's rebirth. Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider (2024) #8 – written by Stephanie Phillips, with art by Paolo Villanelli – descends into chaos when Mister Fear unleashes his version of a fear toxin on the people of New York. As…

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Luke Skywalker His journey as a Jedi is unique because he lives in a time when most of the Jedi legacy has been destroyed. To gain knowledge of the Force and learn the history of his Jedi predecessors, he will have to scour the galaxy for surviving relics.learning from them, preserving them for a new generation. Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku - Republic Siege (2024) #1 – written by Alex Segura, with art by Stefano Raffaele – features Luke Skywalker and Rynn Zenat traveling to the swamp planet of Lehanis, where they discover a Jedi relic called the "Compendium"…

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Notice! Spoilers for X-Men #8 ahead! CyclopsThe first and greatest field leader of the X-Men, he is widely considered the best strategist in the entire Marvel Universe. Even under the most extreme conditions, Cyclops is known for coming up with a new strategy on the spot and then seamlessly communicating his plan to his team without hesitation.. Cyclops' primordial strategic thinking makes him Marvel's best leader, even better than Captain America himself. In X-Men (2024) #8 - written by Jed MacKay, with art by Ryan Stegman - the X-Men are dealing with the aftermath of Beast's kidnapping, with Cyclops especially…

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Marvel Comics announced its Star Wars offer for the next Free Comic Book Day 2025and the edition will include a new story, set before The phantom menacethat connects Obi-Wan Kenobi beloved master Qui-Gon Jinn to Tensu Run, the survivor of Order 66 who became involved with Darth Vader and his Inquisitors after trying to rebuild the Jedi Order after its destruction. Free Comic Book Day 2025: Star Wars #1 will include three stories – written by Alex Segura, Charles Soule and Marc Guggenheim, respectively, with art by Phil Noto, Luke Ross, Stefano Raffaele and Madibek Musabekov. Celebrating the new era…

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