from a certain point of view, Darth Maul Played a pivotal role in the destruction of the empire. Maul (formerly Darth) led a turbulent life. After dedicating himself to Darth Sidious's cause, he was "killed" by his biggest rival, Obi-Wan Kenobi, rumored to be living on a scrap planet, was given back his strength by the Nightsisters, found and then lost his brother, became A vicious ruler on Mandalore, and later led the crime syndicate, Crimson Dawn. However, despite all the failures and achievements, he somehow ends up alone on the Sith planet Malacher, which is where Star Wars Rebels'…
Author: El Kuiper
The live action Disney + Star Wars Shows have redefined the franchise, but each series costs quite a lot to make. When Disney+ launched, Lucasfilm had an opportunity to explore new types of storytelling and delve into new parts of those Star Wars Timeline. The MandalorianDisney+'s flagship series, changed the franchise forever, and serves as a connecting point between Star Wars Original trilogy and the sequels. Every show released since then, and every live-action Star Wars Shows yet to come introduced new characters and lore, rehashed old stories and explored different perspectives. Each project has brought something unique to the…
Hera Syndulla is widely considered the best driver in the world Star Wars galaxy, and she is one of the Rebellion's most important players. Hera Syndulla was originally introduced in the animated series Star Wars Rebels. She was co-leader of the Ghost Crew, alongside her (romantic) partner, Jedi and Order 66 survivor Kanan Jarrus. Along with the Lasat warrior Garazeb Orrelios, the Mandalorian Sabine Wren, the Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger, and Hera's trusty but violent droid Chopper, they became a major rebel cell – known as the Specters – helping worlds and communities in need and, eventually, freeing the planet…
The Disney+ live action Star Wars the shows redefined the franchise, but each series costs a lot to make. When Disney+ launched, Lucasfilm had the opportunity to explore new types of storytelling and explore new parts of the universe. Star Wars timeline. The MandalorianDisney+'s flagship series, changed the franchise forever, serving as a connecting point between Star Wars original trilogy and sequels. Every show released since then, and every live-action Star Wars upcoming show introduced new characters and storylines, re-examined old stories, and explored different perspectives. Each project brought something unique to the franchise. But these stories aren't cheap to…
From a certain point of view, Darth Maul played a decisive role in the destruction of the Empire. Maul (formerly Darth) led a tumultuous life. Devoting himself to the cause of Darth Sidious, he was "killed" by his archrival Obi-Wan Kenobi, clung to life on an abandoned planet, had his powers returned by the Nightsisters, found and subsequently lost his brother, became the evil ruler of Mandalore, and later led a crime syndicate "Crimson Dawn" And yet, despite all these failures and achievements, he somehow found himself alone on the Sith planet Malachor, where Star Wars RebelsThe Ghost Crew found…
Star Wars Rebels“The Ghost Team was an integral force in the Rebellion's fight against the Empire, but how dangerous were each of its members individually? The Ghost Team may be Star wars the most charming ragtag group of characters; Each character - Hera Syndulla, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger and, yes, even their droid Chopper - come from a disturbing, traumatic or violent past. Hera, the leader of the Phantom Team, has given them all a new sense of purpose, a new family, and perhaps most importantly, something to fight for. Of course, each team member…
The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power features a very different Khazad-Dum than the one in Peter Jackson's adaptation. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. By the time the Brotherhood reaches the Mines of Moria in the first Lord of the Rings In the issue, the dwarves have abandoned it and evil lurks in its depths. The answer to how Khazad-Dum came to be known as Moria and became home to such darkness lies in one of the battles against Sauron of the Second Age of Middle-earth and the early history of the Third Age.…
Star wars Kanan Jarrus and Cal Kestis have a lot in common, but who is the more powerful Jedi overall? Kanan Jarrus was originally introduced in the animated series. Star Wars Rebels as a Jedi in hiding and an integral member of the Wraith Team. The Phantom Team was part of the fledgling Rebel Alliance, helping wherever needed while Rebel cells were scattered throughout the galaxy. Despite the trauma of surviving Order 66, Kanan eventually revealed his Jedi status to the galaxy, and the rest is history. However, as we now know, Kanan was far from the only survivor of…
Ahsoka TanoHer story was far from over after the Clone Wars, but what was she doing in between Star Wars Prequel trilogy and the original trilogy? Ahsoka Tano was originally introduced in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie, chosen as Anakin Skywalker's Padawan. Their service during the Clone Wars made them incredibly close friends—closer than a Padawan and a Master should have been, arguably—and when Ahsoka subsequently left the Jedi Order in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 After being falsely accused of treason, some of Anakin's wavering faith in the Jedi is chipped away. Ahsoka's decision to…
Obi-Wan Kenobi Once considered leaving the Jedi Order, but why? Obi-Wan Kenobi has historically been seen as the model Jedi. He was mean, smart, steadfast, and sympathetic, taking on a young Anakin Skywalker as his Padawan when he had just lost his own master after the events of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Obi-Wan and Anakin proved to be a great, albeit unconventional pairing, with the two Jedi becoming as close as brothers; A relationship that would ultimately be the downfall of the Jedi Order. Although on the surface, it might have seemed like Anakin and Obi-Wan…