Author: Dena Daw

Asian horror is a unique genre in its own right, known for aesthetically pleasing visuals, creepy storylines and gruesome deaths, and it includes the best Thai horror movies. Various supernatural folklore and a belief in ghosts and spirits have heavily influenced the Thai horror genre, with movies like Nang Nak And Inhuman kiss Drawing from Thai myths to create some truly memorable scares. Over the years, Thai horror movies have grown in popularity with international audiences who have a love for the horror genre as a whole but are looking for something a little different. Most are familiar with some…

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The best jump scare movies are the ones that have little happening in the frame for most of the time, allowing the viewer to effectively scare themselves with the power of their imagination. But that doesn't mean the art of the jump scare is beneath great filmmakers - quite the opposite. The best jump scare movies prove that horror masters throughout cinematic history have used the jump as a powerful tool to draw the audience deeper into their terrifying worlds, and although there are often cheap scares, the best ones are the scares that really surprise viewers. The best jump…

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The best jump scare movies are the ones that have little happening in the frame for most of the time, allowing the viewer to effectively scare themselves with the power of their imagination. But that doesn't mean the art of the jump scare is beneath great filmmakers - quite the opposite. The best jump scare movies prove that horror masters throughout cinematic history have used the jump as a powerful tool to draw the audience deeper into their terrifying worlds, and although there are often cheap scares, the best ones are the scares that really surprise viewers. The best jump…

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