Author: Dashiel Reaves

The majority of super villains in the DC Universe aren't really a threat to SupermanAnd that goes double for some of the sillier DC villains — viz peace maker. But, surprisingly, in DC's brand new Absolute Universe, Peacemaker might just be Superman's biggest threat. As readers get closer and closer to the dawn of DC's Absolute Universe, more and more details are revealed. In the application for Absolute Superman #2 by Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval, it is implied that The first great villain of this universe's Superman will be none other than Peacemaker. The choice is certainly surprising, considering…

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DC is gearing up for its biggest event in years as the publisher introduces the Absolute Universe, and part of its introduction includes Darkseid Gaining a significant power upgrade. Although Darkseid's Omega Beams have always been powerful, they are now the strongest weapon in the DC Universe. The new source of power seems to stem from Darkseid's status as the absolute universe's "ruler," and that universe's energy is bathing him in new power. In a DC roundtable attended by ScreenRant, key DC All In and Absolute writer Scott Snyder talked about the upcoming Absolute Universe and Darkseid's role in it,…

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Thanks in large part to its instantly recognizable design, Marvel Comics' Spider-Man is unquestionably one of the most iconic superheroes in comic book history. But as unforgettable as the webslinger's classic red-and-blue costume is, There have also been many memorable variations on his look over the years, many of which have instantly captivated fans. With Marvel's ever-expanding roster of spider-heroes crawling around the vast Marvel Multiverse, artists and fans continue to be enthralled by the innumerable different elaborations and permutations possible with the character's look. That is to say, Spider-Man is more than one of the most versatile character concepts…

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The Wolverine is an amazing warrior and superhero, but he's not always the easiest person to get along with. Older and grumpier than his appearance might suggest, Logan has watched dozens of friends and family members die over the years, not to mention going head-to-head with heroes and villains alike. Whether due to anger, politics, mind control, or just a bad mood, Wolverine has fought many heroes. These are The most intense fights Wolverine has fought against his fellow Marvel heroes. 10 Wolverine brutally killed the young hero Northstar Wolverine #25 by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr., Klaus Johnson, Paul…

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Although the X-Men hero may have more limited abilities than his teammates, Colossus Has become a fan favorite for a reason. Sure, he can't lift buildings with his mind or teleport across the country, but he's incredibly strong and unbelievably durable. And sometimes, that's all someone needs to make a difference. Thankfully, the Marvel Multiverse has produced countless different versions of each character. And considering just how popular the X-Men have been for decades, fans are spoiled for choice of versions and variants. From versions of Colossus with the power of Thor, to versions that hunger for human flesh, these…

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There are few characters that are as good as SupermanFamous for never using more force than necessary, with a no-kill policy to put Batman's to shame. At least, that's what most comic book and superhero fans would assume to be true. Lethal force may not be something he enjoys doing, there have been many times when a Superman from DC's multiverse has faced no other option...or simply decided he's had enough with whoever he's fighting. While they may not have all been made canon by DC, these are The time Superman killed someone in the pages of DC Comics. 10…

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Warning: Contains spoilers for Deadpool #6!There are tons of Marvel heroes who don't have to use lethal force, and one of the deadliest among them is Wade Wilson's. Deadpool. Deadpool has mowed down hundreds if not thousands of his enemies, using a truly impossible variety of weapons from everyday firearms to grenades that unleash man-eating cockroaches. But, how Wade Wilson's successor takes overHe demands they hold back their lethal potential. As Deadpool passes the mantle to his daughter, he decides to give her a surprising new rule to live by. While Deadpool has never had any problems killing people, he…

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Poison is one of Marvel's most popular characters, and part of that is the sheer versatility of the symbiote's design. Over the last decade, Venom has had some amazing designs, and Marvel just released another fantastic one with this new V-Star design that is unlike anything Venom has done before. This new design takes Venom to the far end of sci-fi, vi Venom ends up being much more than an android From the future as the iconic alien goo that readers know. This killer new design just debuted in the Venomverse Reborn #3 Story "Beyond the Void" by Steve Fox…

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When it comes to famous comic book villains, there are few that reach the heights of DC's Darkseid and Marvel's Thanos. The two characters are constantly compared to one another for being cosmic-level villains who often seek control over or the destruction of the universe. But DC has just permanently ended any possible comparisons between the two by making Darkseid a Galactus- level villain. As DC prepares to reveal the Absolute Universe to excited fans – as well as the start of the DC All In initiative, which will revitalize the main continuity – the publisher has been drip-feeding information…

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One strong Spider-Man Variant is even more powerful than the King in Black, who is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous villains in the Marvel Universe. Infamously, it took the combined might of all the Avengers, Sentry and Venom with the Enigma Force to bring him down - but one version of Spider-Man can do it single-handedly. Spider-Geddon #5 - written by Christos Gage and Jorge Molina - introduced one of the vast Marvel Multiverse's greatest iterations of Spider-Man. In this story, to fight the dreaded Inheritor family, Miles tries to contact the Enigma Force, and he finally…

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