Author: Daniel Bibby

with a Scrubs The revival almost certainly on the horizon, the comeback of the medical sitcom will finally allow one character to have a better arc, with their original one changing course ahead of season 8. The character in question has appeared in all nine seasons of ScrubsBut their role was drastically altered as the show drew to its conclusion. As showrunner Bill Lawrence stated that he was “Definitely going to"Do more ScrubsHe can fix the character's arc that changed so much towards the end. If not, the actor's persona in the universe will continue to suffer. Every doctor in…

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Scrubs Tried to finish three times, but the trio of finales of the medical sitcom all happened for different reasons. The attempts to end the show came at various points in all nine seasons of ScrubsBut only one of them hit the target. Oddly, the only episode that allowed the show to end wasn't even the final installment overall. Scrubs Arguably continued past the point that would have served best as the ending of the story. Unfortunately, it didn't, and the sitcom ended with three episodes that could be believed to act as a soft conclusion. Not every doctor in…

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