Michael J. Fox was one of the biggest names to appear as a guest star on ScrubsBut his presence created an amusing obstacle for the actor's couple of episodes. Every doctor in Scrubs Serves either as a mentor or student - or at least at some point in their career. Fox Scrubs Character was incredibly knowledgeableSo he used his visit to Sacred Heart Hospital to share as much of what he knew as possible. The veteran actor was a brilliant addition to the sitcom's cast and remains one of the best Scrubs guest star Fox's brilliance aside, his presence made…
Author: Daniel Bibby
Doctor Who Season 14, episode 4, "73 Yards," was one of the most mysterious episodes ever of the long-running British sci-fi show, but there may at least be a feasible explanation for why Millie Gibson's Ruby Sunday was unable to enter the TARDIS. Due to the absence of Nkuti Gatwa's fifteenth doctor, Gibson became the temporary leader of the Doctor Who Season 14 cast in "73 Yards," took the audience through an entire alternate timeline that was finally scrubbed from existence in the final moments of the episode. It was a wild ride, but it left a lot of unanswered…
Doctor Who has a long-running history of multi-Doctor stories, but Ncuti Gatwa's version of the Time Lord has a special consideration to make when embarking on this specific type of adventure. Many of the actors who played the Doctor have teamed up with other versions of the show's protagonist, and while there's often a time-wammy explanation for why it's possible, it's generally accepted as innocuous to the Doctor's timeline. however, Gatwa's iteration of the alien time traveler doesn't have the same narrative freedomAnd it all comes down to something that happened at the end of Doctor WhoSpecial 60th Anniversary. After…
Other than the Time Lord characters, Doctor Who Generally does not tend to recast its main players, but one classic companion whose original actor has unfortunately passed can now return to the franchise after a suitable replacement has been found. One of the most upsetting and harsh realities about this Doctor World Health OrganizationThe classic era is that it was so long ago, some of the original stars were unable to reprise their roles. So, while there may be a demand to see more of certain characters, it becomes a matter of whether the recasting of this part is necessary…
Doctor WhoThe special 50th anniversary episode began an ambitious journey that celebrated all five decades of the show's history up to that point, but a decade later, there still hasn't been a canonical explanation for a slowly emerging plot hole. "The Day of the Doctor" is still one of the greatest Doctor Who Stories of all time, with the three main Doctors of the installment allowing for a highly mind-bending adventure. Although not all the actors to play the Doctor are directly involved, they still got a nod at an exciting point in the episode. Doctor WhoThe Disney era kicked…
Joe Martin Doctor Who character completely shattered what I thought I understood about the Doctor's timeline, but the confusing Timeless Child twist aside, her TARDIS created another problem with franchise canon. Because Doctor Who has been going on for so long, I fully understand why it would certainly be inconsistent with the universe's knowledge. With so many writers contributing to the vast world-building, some things will slip through the cracks. However, some information, in my opinion, needs to remain concrete, and Chris Chibnall was way too much With some of the greatest Doctor Who Stories of all time. When the…
With David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor still hanging around in the Doctor Who universe alongside his successor, it is unclear what will happen to him when he next regenerates, but a line of Ncuti Gatwa's version of The Time Lord may have revealed what awaits in Fourteen's future. Although Gatwa went on to the Doctor Who The cast of season 14 After the show's shocking bi-generational twist, the fact that Tennant's Doctor did not make a traditional exit raised many questions about his fate. Interesting, Fifteen explained quietly. The end of the US Doctor Who The 60th anniversary special was one…
With David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor still hanging around in the Doctor Who universe alongside his successor, it is unclear what will happen to him when he next regenerates, but a line of Ncuti Gatwa's version of The Time Lord may have already revealed what awaits in Fourteen's future. Although Gatwa went on to the Doctor Who The cast of season 14 After the show's shocking bi-generational twist, the fact that Tennant's Doctor did not make a traditional exit raised many questions about his fate. Interesting, Fifteen explained quietly. The end of the US Doctor Who The 60th anniversary special was…
Summary Barbie 2 has not been confirmed despite the success of the first movie, but Mattel may be exploring an animated effort instead of a sequel. Illumination is rumored to partner for an animated Barbie movie, with presumably a different tone than Gerwig's live action film. An animated Barbie Movie with Illumination would be expected to be family-friendly fun. There is no denying the success of 2023 BarbieBut rather than a sequel being produced immediately, reports of an animated movie are starting to emerge. The Barbie Lead actor Margot Robbie is said to be unhappy with the franchise's proposed direction,…
Warning: Spoilers ahead for The Last of Us Part II - which will be used to adapt season 2 of the TV show.The last of us Season 2 introduces a hugely original addition to the adaptation that is not only absent from the source material, but also rectifies a common grievance with the show's inaugural run of episodes. The smattering of changes made to the game for The last of us Season 1 will always impact the story going forward. However, one of the newest alterations arguably didn't need to be included. That said, it looks like it will vastly…