Bards are jacks of all trades Dungeons and Dragonscapable of martial dexterity and powerful spell casting, as well as proficient in a number of skills. But they can become even more versatile with the use of magical items. THE Dungeon Master Guide 2024 includes a ton of new itemsincluding some that are exclusive to the bard. But which ones are best for bards to use? There are a number of items that synergize with their existing skills and help them better perform their roles within the group. Since bards are often the face of the group and can also act…
Author: Connor Lindsay
Baldur's Gate 3The game's eighth major patch will arrive in 2025 and will bring 12 new subclasses in the mix for players to choose from. For druid characters, your new option is the circle of stars, originally introduced D&D node Tasha's Cauldron of Everything reference book. While the subclass features provided by the circle of stars will undoubtedly receive changes in the video game format, it remains one of the more unique options for druid characters. This is predominantly due to the way the star druid can use his wild shape, renouncing the usual animal transformation for a power called…
Summary CIV 7 Introduces dynamic map terrain changes, enhancing gameplay strategy and providing new opportunities for players. Streamlined tech and culture trees aim to simplify progression, making each choice more critical for players to focus on. The game's return to a realistic art style, inclusion of base game features and crisis events add depth and player interaction. The next game in the Civilization franchise, Civilization 7Comes out in February next year, and its developers at Firaxis recently released some information on how it will differ from previous entries. The last game in the series, CIV 6came back in 2016, and…
One of the most universally hated missions in Baldur's Gate 3 this is to help Oskar Fevras recover from his possession. It's a quest that technically starts in Act One, when players can help the troubled artist escape the Zhentarim beneath Waukeen's Rest. But the real trouble doesn't begin until Act Three, when players arrive at the Jannath family estate and find the place haunted. Oskar is engaged to the owner of the house, but his obsession with his former love has caused her ghost to take over the entire mansion. The mission itself is quite interesting, but completing it…
The role of players' origins and species has changed drastically in the 2024 version of Dungeons and Dragonswith backgrounds now influencing a character's abilities more. But choosing character species is still important in determining certain traits and access to spells, and many previously underwhelming choices have been made better. The dwarf is an example of this, as it received an almost complete makeover in 2024 Player Handbook which makes your characteristics stronger and more useful. But that's not all. 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide includes a ton of magic items aimed at dwarves. Some are available exclusively to dwarven characters, while…
THE Dungeons and Dragons 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide includes a ton of magical items, many of which are incredibly powerful and complex. The player base's focus is often drawn to these expensive items, but The more mundane equipment on the list also deserves attention. After all, common magical items can appear throughout the campaign and often bring a fun twist to the player's equipment. Of the hundreds of items in the DMG, about 50 are classified as common (although some of them are unique potions or consumables). Some have returned from previous original books, while others are entirely new to…
THE Dungeon Master Guide 2024 was released, and with it came hundreds of magical items to use in Dungeons and Dragons. Some are returning from old books, while others are entirely new. And some, although familiar, received important changes to its rules and wording that may affect how players use them. Of course, many spells and items have had their rules changed with the introduction of "magic" actionwhich is now how many effects are activated. But these changes deal more with the minutiae of the items being changed, adjusting your damage output or increasing your requirements of the player characters.…
Few games can claim to be as influential as The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrimthat has shaped open world games over the last decade. Bethesda's ambitious fantasy project is iconic for its world-building, memorable lines, and even its delicacy. It's a beloved title, even all these years after its release, and fans will recognize his influence everywhere. Being a staple of the video game genre, it's no wonder so many developers nod to Skyrim in your own projects. They range from simple quotes to cheeky references to entire characters based on the fifth part of the Ancient Scrolls series. Of all…
Paladins in Baldur's Gate 3 are subject to certain rules and principles corresponding to their values. Depending on the subclass choice players make at level one; they They will need to adhere to certain moral principles if they are to keep their oath and the powers it grants. Since many of the paladin's abilities are based on oaths, it is quite significant if they are lost, which is a very real possibility given all the moral choices the game offers players. BG3 includes three different types of paladin oaths: devotion, ancient, and vengeance. Although everyone has their own codes and…
Fallout 4 Effectof Far Harbor The DLC features a series of mysterious factions on the island's foggy map. There's the sour port people, the secret synths of Acadia and the radiation-worshipping cultists of the Children of the Atom. The faction has appeared in other games before and even appears in the Bright Sea of Fallout 4 Effectbut they are present in Far Harbor in greater force than ever, based on an old nuclear submarine. The Children are currently led by Confessor Tektus, an aggressive fanatic who wants nothing more than death for the other people on the island. But before…