Yellowjackets Follows the survival efforts of a girls’ soccer team whose plane crashes in the Canadian wilderness, where a strange paranormal presence, paired with teenage angst, tests the unity of the group. The series is divided into two timelines, the tragic events of the past and a distant present, which focuses on four survivors who are pushed together by someone who threatens to expose what they did in the forest. Mystery surrounds the rest of the group’s fate. Not even Yellowjacket’s season 1 finale explains what really happened to the cursed soccer team and who or what is responsible. Upon…
Author: Cece Montemayor
Yellowjackets Follows the survival efforts of a girls’ soccer team whose plane crashes in the Canadian wilderness, where a strange paranormal presence, paired with teenage angst, tests the unity of the group. The series is divided into two timelines, the tragic events of the past and a distant present, which focuses on four survivors who are pushed together by someone who threatens to expose what they did in the forest. Mystery surrounds the rest of the group’s fate. Not even Yellowjacket’s season 1 finale explains what really happened to the cursed soccer team and who or what is responsible. Upon…
Spoiler Alert: The following article contains spoilers from The Outer Banks Season 4, Part 1.The famous NFL running back Bijan Robinson made a cameo in Outer Banks Season 4 sparks questions about how the athlete ended up on the popular Netflix set and whether he will return. The new season of Outer Banks Brings in many new faces that are integral to the Pogues’ new treasure hunt. As the group accepts Wes Genrette’s offer to go after Blackbeard’s treasure, which is established in Outer Banks Season 3, they come face to face with old and new characters that may present…
Warning: The following contains spoilers from The Outer Banks Season 4, Part 1. Outer Banks Season 4 introduces a character who could unleash the worst Tapper’s show yet. The new season picks up on John B, Sarah, Pope, JJ, Kiara and Cleo after they found El Dorado at the end of Outer Banks Season 3. Now the team is back on another hunt, searching for Blackboard’s treasure. As in past seasons, the search for the treasure is front and center, give the Outer Banks Characters plenty of dangers to overcome. However, adding an extra layer of difficulty is the unrelenting…
Spoiler Alert: The following article contains spoilers from The Outer Banks Season 4, Part 1. Outer BanksA long focus on the Cameron family raises questions about Sarah’s little sister, Wheezie, and why she’s missing from the show’s new season. Each episode of the Netflix teen adventure series follows John B, Sarah, Kiara, Pope, JJ, and now Cleo, as they search for a treasure in some way connected to their families. While subsequent seasons of the show extended the focus to the ancestors of the rest of the Outer Banks The Cameron family is given a lot of attention because Ward…
Penelope is Netflix’s newest coming-of-age series and represents the first leading role for its young actress. Created by award-winning producer Mel Eslyn and The morning shows star Mark Duplass, The show stars a small but talented cast. The story follows Penelope, a contemporary teenager who feels out of place in her community of peers and decides to escape into the wilderness. The teenager enjoys her family and friends, and enjoys her own and nature’s company before meeting fellow travelers who show her what true belonging is. Although Penelope feels drawn to nature, it is in her connections that she finds…
Penelope is Netflix’s newest coming-of-age series and represents the first leading role for its young actress. Created by award-winning producer Mel Eslyn and The morning shows star Mark Duplass, The show stars a small but talented cast. The story follows Penelope, a contemporary teenager who feels out of place in her community of peers and decides to escape into the wilderness. The teenager enjoys her family and friends, and enjoys her own and nature’s company before meeting fellow travelers who show her what true belonging is. Although Penelope feels drawn to nature, it is in her connections that she finds…