Author: Casey Connor

Warning: Comprises spoilers for The Extension: Dragon Tooth #5!Years have handed since then Extension He closed his race on tv, however it can't be stated for the franchise as an entire. The Syfy sequence stays a beloved media for science fiction followers around the globe, and these followers made positive the story of Extension lived. Because of a Kickstarter Report, Extension He started to stay in a number of comics, and certainly one of these points made a degree of following a fantastic cliffhanger of the TV sequence. Ultimately, Extension made many followers query how precisely their rings work, and…

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While Iron Man is a household name these days thanks to his charismatic portrayal of Robert Downey Jr. in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he wasn't always the publisher's most popular character. Despite his charming personality, he was always a billionaire weapons manufacturer and war profiteer – but that all changed with a 1979 story arc: “Demon in a Bottle”. Taking place in The Invincible Iron Man (Volume 1) #120-128 – written by David Michelinie, with art by John Romita Jr. – "Demon in a Bottle" addressed the real-world ramifications of Tony Stark's cosmopolitan portrayal of the character, asking how Tony…

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The X-Men are a team that barely holds together, and Kitty Pryde And Emma Frost Long-simmering grudge match is about to finally come to a head. Given that Kitty is an unstoppable force and Emma is an immovable object, they are very evenly matched, and No one can predict what will happen in the fallout. While Kitty and Emma worked out some of their animosity during the X-Men's Krakoan era, working together in close proximity in Exceptional X-Men Excavated some old ones. Now that Orchis is defeated, the X-Men are rising "from the ashes," and that includes restoring Xavier's school…

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While the X-Men Having battled human prejudice, alien threats, and everyone else, one enemy has always struck fear into the hearts of even Omega-level mutants: The Sentinels. During the final conclusion of the Krakoan Era, evolved Sentinels nearly wiped out all life on Earth, mutants and humans alike. Now the Sentinel program has restarted, and one of their first assignments is…To save a mutant. Marvel released a preview for its new Sentinels series in June, a "From the Ashes" story centered on four new characters who voluntarily sign up for Lawrence Trask's reboot project. Like his father, the creator of…

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After an era of unparalleled unity for Marvel's mutants, the relaunch X-Men franchise will once again pit the heroes of the franchise against each other, in a conflict no one could have predicted, Like his two flagship series - Gail Simone's Invisible X-Men and Jed MacKay's adjectiveless X-Men - Come together for the exciting Raid on Greymalkin Crossover event. Raid on Greymalkin Will be a four-issue crossover, running through X-Men #8-9 and Invisible X-Men #7-8. The crossover will be released weekly, with the titles alternating, meaning it will be a fast-paced and action-packed storyline, one that can be expected to…

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Fan favorite Spider-Punk has a new one Spider-Man Variant appears for his title as a cool tough guy - and he's into heavy metal. In a new cover by artist Corin Howell, Metal Spider-Man (Spider-Metal?) is wearing ripped clothes, spikes, dripping eyeliner, and has brought two friends along for the ride: Thor, and A very nervous Captain America. In Marvel's November solicitations, it was revealed that Captain America #15 will feature the second part of the "The New Warriors Three" story by J. Michael Straczynski and Jesús Saíz. The story features the epic journey of Thor, Spider-Man and Cop exploring…

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Although he has an impressive list of villains, Marvel's Spider-Man Most dedicated enemy throughout his long history as a superhero has often been Y. Jonah Jameson. This case, the Daily Bugle Editor-in-Chief finally gets to put down the web-slinging menace once and for all in a variant cover for The Amazing Spider-Man. The Amazing Spider-Man #61 - the debut of writer Joe Kelly and artist Ed McGuinness on the title - will ship with a variant cover by Skottie Young, who Hilarious features a cartoon version of Spider-Man escaping from a rolled-up newspaper, swung with lust by an arm that…

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Deadpool breaks the fourth wall every chance he gets, so he, of course, would have something to say about the most exciting moment in the trailer of Venom: The Last Dance: When Venom takes over a horse and he and Eddie Brock race across the desert. Now, a preview for Deadpool #8 reveals that The Deadpool-verse has an even more awesome symbiote ride. A variant cover by artist Ema Lupaccino features Deadpool riding a giant symbiote wolf - who is also Wade Wilson's sort-of daughter, Princess. Wilson, recently having two of his limbs chopped off by the Muramasa blade, passed…

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Although the TV series Firefly Barely lasting a season, his story continues to be told through comics, with the latter being explored The past of fan-favorite character Zoë Alleyne. Before she joined the Serenity crew and married Vash, she was a Browncoat in the Galactic War for Independence. BOOM! studios Announced that Zoë's backstory will be told by the same team that helped the previous one Firefly: Malcolm Reynolds Year One - Writer Sam Humphries and artist Giovanni Fabiano. At the announcement, Humphries said Zoë was his favourite Firefly character, and that he was thrilled to make her backstory, included…

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Blips and Cheats has been a fan favorite since it was introduced Rick and Morty Season two, and thanks to the franchise 10th anniversary special Comic book, fans finally understand how the eponymous duo end up there: Rick has an infinite token to blips and cheats, meaning he can play as much Roy as he wants. Rick and Morty 10th Anniversary Special #1 - written by Alex Leader, with art by Fred C. Stresing - is a victory lap for the series, celebrating a decade of the franchise by packing tons of references and Easter eggs into an oversized issue.…

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