Author: Brandon Howard

THE UCM had a relatively limited release schedule in 2024, with Deadpool and Wolverine being the only film alongside a handful of Marvel Studios television shows. However, it had a pretty successful year overall, with a number of reveals that occurred throughout the year that made the future of the MCU timeline look bright. The MCU will really ramp up with Marvel's releases in 2025, via a handful of films set to debut that year, and a significant slate of TV series to look forward to. Beloved actors and directors returned to the universe, records were broken, and nostalgic revivals…

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The MCU's introduction to Kang has always faced an uphill battle, but it was the choice to have the character's fate mirror that of another character in another film that makes Kang's debut feel doomed before it even begins. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania was the next installment of the following series Ant-Man and the Waspand it was the biggest adventure for the titular characters yet. In the end, the film fell flat with critics and barely broke even at the box office, essentially wasting the introduction of the MCU's next big villain. It was once promised that Kang would…

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A savage Wonder cosplay with Scarlet Witch next to a burning house probably won't be surpassed anytime soon. Over the years, the cosplay community has grown exponentially, producing some amazing handcrafted cosplays that even rival the look of the actual movie costumes they are replicating. Scarlet Witch played a significant role in the MCU, sacrificing herself during Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' end. Hopefully, she will return to the MCU timeline at some point. Instagram user @taylorpettitt shows everyone how to really make the most of a terrible situation, as she poses in her Scarlet Witch cosplay in…

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Wonder 2024 has had a relatively quiet year, releasing only a few films and a few TV shows - although those installments have provided a number of excellent quotes for the franchise. Marvel's recent releases have had a number of successes, particularly in the MCU timelinewith Deadpool and Wolverine earning more than $1 billion at the box office, and Agatha all the time receiving a score of 83% from critics and audiences in Rotten tomatoes. Naturally, the public's connection with these films and programs depends on the dialogue found in the stories, highlighting the importance of good writing. Marvel's 2025…

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THE UCM saw the Avengers start from a group of six to several dozen as they all fought together one last time in Avengers: Endgame. They became a diverse group of heroes, ranging from talking trees to literal gods, with varying ages and power levels. The MCU timeline has seen it all, but there are some heroes who have experienced more than others. Despite all their differences, they managed to come together to defeat the greatest evil the universe has ever seen. No matter what kind of powers they have or don't have, the Avengers have given their all to…

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Originally released in 2017, Mindhunter remains one of Netflix's best shows, warmly received by critics and audiences alike. The series was produced by David Fincher (Fight Club, The social network)who also directed a significant number of episodes during the series' two seasons, and also essentially served as showrunner. The show's take on the creation of the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit in the late 1970s was compelling, gritty, and featured incredible performances on every level. Unfortunately, Mindhunter was canceled after just the first two seasons, despite Fincher's desire to continue the series and the public's overwhelming clamor for more. After years…

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Robin Williams is one of the most iconic comedic actors of all time, but it's his performance in an underrated thriller from 22 years ago that could very well be his best. Throughout the '80s and '90s, Williams became a prolific actor, releasing some of his best films during that era and cementing himself as a comedy legend. His performances in Goodwill Hunt, The Fisher King, Aladdin, Mrs.and Good morning, Vietnam they were all equal in genius; just to name a few. Robin Williams was a larger-than-life character on the big screen, delivering some of the most impressive performances of…

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THE 1990s they were some of the best years in cinema history, with some of the best films of all time being released in that decade. Iconic directors like Quentin Tarantino, John Singleton, the Wachowskis, Paul Thomas Anderson, Sofia Coppola, and even Wes Anderson made their directorial debuts in the 90s. Films like The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Good companions, Toy Storyand Warm up it all came out in that decade, proving how incredibly strong it was. These are just a few of the films that people instantly recognize and love, with countless others that can be added to the…

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe has enjoyed incredible box office success with its Avengers films, including the lowest-grossing release in the series - Avengers: Age of Ultron – making a considerable amount of money and revealing a lot about the MCU as a whole at the same time. Avengers: Age of Ultron came out three years later The Avengers It broke all box office expectations. Despite astronomical levels of excitement, the sequel failed to live up to its predecessor in a few different ways. With that said, Age of Ultron it still grossed over a billion dollars at the box office…

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THE Green Lantern myth seems to be an important part of UDCand there is no shortage of fantastic plots that the universe should adapt in relation to the Green Lantern Corps. Flashlights will feature Hal Jordan and John Stewart, while James Gunn's Superman will introduce the world to Guy Gardner. Even though the DCU is just getting started, there are already three Green Lanterns ready to appear in the emerging universe. Green Lantern hasn't had much luck when it comes to live-action, as the 2011 Ryan Reynolds-led film was a huge flop, bombing at the box office and becoming the…

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