Summary The pilot episode sets the tone with a tragic murder that fuels Sam's motivation. Sam's death at the hands of Azazel is the beginning of a series of resurrections. The introduction of the Men of Letters provides a new base for Sam and Dean in Season 8. over 15 years, Supernatural Developed into an epic story of brotherhood and friendship, with a lot of mystery and death along the way, but the show had some moments that defined it along the way. Supernatural Started airing in 2005, and from the beginning, the show proved that it would be packed…
Author: Ben Gibbons
with Supernatural s Hugely popular, it's possible that the show could be revived for season 16, and if that happens, it's one perfect setup to bring back the incredible Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Sam and Dean's dad, John Winchester. Supernatural Has an incredible run from 2005 to 2020 with 15 seasons and 327 episodes. However, five years after the end of the show, and a failed spin-off later, there are still many fans who want to see the Winchesters back on the small screen. The show could be rebooted, or another spin-off could begin. However, it seems the most popular…
Supernatural Benefited from being made in an era when TV shows still had seasons with more than 6 episodes each, but season 3 was about 1/3 shorter than the show's average season. The CW started airing Supernatural Back in 2005, that was two years before streaming platforms like Netflix started streaming content to viewers at home. At this point, shows are watched with one episode dropping each week, typically in a regularly scheduled slot. With this release cycle, viewers return for many weeks, and more seasons meant that the show would have a much longer time to impress and hook…
Just like many of the biggest franchises running today, Supernatural Created a multiverse, but unlike the cinematic universes, most of the other worlds were explored in the main show. Considering the show's extraordinary run from 2005 to 2020, there was plenty of time to fill with stories spanning 327 episodes of Supernatural. While the show began with humble horror beginnings that saw it heavily into supernatural horror stories involving demons and terrifying monsters, it quickly evolved into an emotional and dramatic fantasy series revolving around two brothers. Sam and Dean Winchester made Supernatural What it is, from the minute the…
House had a spectacular 176-episode run over its eight years on FOX, making the question of the best episodes in that run a compelling one. Starring Hugh Laurie as the titular self-destructive, selfish, medically gifted Dr. Gregory House, the series was an innovative twist on the classic Sherlock Holmes stories. Similarities such as the last name of the main character, his best friend, D. "R. James Wilson is a play on John Watson, and even House's apartment, 221B Baker Street, are all obvious parallels and hints at House's connection to Sherlock Holmes. smart and introspective, House Boasting a main cast…
Brand new fan art from an Instagram user reveals how Tom Welling's Superman and the rest of the cast of Smallville Could have looked if they formed into an official Justice League with more experience behind them. Smallville may have wrapped up the series that went into incredible detail about Superman's origins and Clark Kent's early years learning to handle his powers, but for fans of the show, it never fails to get the imagination going when new fan art featuring the character is released Released. And that's exactly what Instagram user, buffy2ville did in a recent post, taking the…
A popular Smallville The fan account posted even more spectacular images of Tom Welling suited up as Superman, alongside his nemesis, Lex Luthor, played by Michael Rosenbaum. Despite Smallville Wrapping up in 2011, the series continues to be one of the most beloved iterations of Clark Kent ever delivered in live-action. Tom Welling played a young Clark, in the years leading up to him embracing his role as the mighty Superman, the mightiest hero on Earth. However, the series had a strict rule that meant Welling was never actually shown in the suit, except for a brief CGI glimpse in…