Baldur's Gate 3 Party member Will has been suffering from a behavioral bug that's been around for a while, but it turns out that it's actually incredibly simple to fix. For the most part, Will is one of the most likable Origin characters in the game, with a constant penchant for good deeds that not everyone shares. However, he is still capable of being rude, and due to a bug that affected the way he greets the player character, he appeared particularly standoffish. As a Tumblr user discovered autisticalsin and shared bongcommunism on Reddit, the whole problem with Will's negative…
Author: Ben Brosofsky
Additional content is often some of the most useful content in Zelda games and The Legend of Zelda: Echoes Wisdom is no exception in this regard. While the game can be played through focusing on the main story, it's much more fun to explore everything else the experience has to offer. Any side quest in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom may be worthwhile, but some stand out from the rest with meaningful rewards that can give Zelda a big advantage in the game. Since the overall gameplay is somewhat non-linear, it is possible to complete some outstanding quests…
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is filled to the brim with charming NPCs, but as enjoyable as they may be to talk to, they aren't necessarily the smartest citizens Hyrule has ever seen. Regardless of the game in question, Zelda The series has never been one for NPCs expounding philosophy or delivering elaborate monologues, generally preferring to keep things a little closer to the ground. Majority Zelda characters are generally more likely to talk about a missing bird or rumors nearby, and this straightforward approach is a defining part of the franchise's structure. Doesn't matter, how fast Zelda…
The new one Dungeons & Dragons Bastion system is a major selling point of the 2024 Dungeon Master's GuideBut there are a lot of reasonable concerns to have about this concept. As a specific framework for players to build and maintain bases, Bastions give the party something to be proud of at home even when they're away adventuring. While it's not an entirely new concept, anything similar to a Bastion has previously had to be handled with campaign-specific rules or homebrew, rather than any kind of universal rules. Bastions first appeared in Honored Arcana Play testing for DNDThe 2024 rules…
Combat in Dungeons & Dragons Can be tons of fun, but a lot of that is dependent on the right weapon and the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide Just turned a traditionally disappointing option into a memorable option. While some players clamor for magic items simply for the stat boost, many seek them out because of the ways they can spice up combat. Basic weapons can still be fun as long as they're effective, but when they don't live up to their potential in any flavor or impact, it's hard not to be disappointed. DNDin 2024 Player's Handbook Tried to address…
The impending release of the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide could provide a powerful new tool for Dungeons & Dragons DMs, but that's not the only interesting product on the horizon. 2024 has been a busy year for DND Until now, with new core rulebooks rolling out amid a flurry of celebrations for the game's 50th anniversary. In addition to the onslaught of official releases from DND Publisher Wizards of the Coast, each year also brings its fair share of third-party releases DND Products that can sometimes be even more exciting. Even in a sea of new resources, it is not…
The Animal Crossing The franchise is largely a success story, with game after game launching to general acclaim. While everyone has their favorites, it's hard to deny that there is a considerable level of merit in each of the main titles, whether it manifests itself in the rich atmosphere of Wild World Or the expansive custom island planning of New Horizons. That doesn't mean every game was boring Animal Crossing The name was a hit, however, and it is one true black sheep of the franchise that does not tend to have many defenders. As a party game spin-off from…
The 2024 Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook is a general step up from the 2014 iteration, but it has its own shortcomings, and the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide Improves my biggest complaint. Like two of DNDs core rulebooks (a trio completed by the edition of the Monster Manual) both these Player's Handbook And Dungeon Master's Guide Can be critical assets for running a great game. While the Player's Handbook Will always get more attention than the one volume that everyone needs, the Dungeon Master's Guide Should ideally make for even more interesting reading. While the 2014 core rulebooks were released…
Dungeons & Dragons'2024 Dungeon Master's Guide is set to follow the latter Player's Handbook In November, and there are already several main reasons to pay attention to the release. While the appeal of the Dungeon Master's Guide Is obviously a little more limited, it is a book that can still shape the game for everyone who plays it, at least in theory. The 2014 Dungeon Master's Guide is often criticized for being less basic than it could be, but with the 2024 edition, DND Has a great opportunity to turn this story around. One of the new features that the…
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Has no shortage of interesting echoes to use, but there's one in particular that stands out above the rest of the back. As the first proper game in the Seldom franchise to have the princess be the protagonist, Echoes of wisdom Equips Zelda with the power to duplicate items with a stick called the Tree Rod. These duplicates, referred to as echoes, take the place of Link's normal adventuring equipment, allowing you to attack enemies, solve puzzles and neutralize environmental obstacles with a little creativity. It is only natural that not every echo…