Author: Ashley Fields

Warning: contains spoilers Captain America #14!! Captain America is famous for being a man out of time after being frozen in ice for decades - but despite efforts to update him on decades of pop culture, including one of Steve Rogers' most iconic scenes in the MCU, he even cites a George Gershwin classic, "Rhapsody in Blue," as his favorite song. Captain America #14 – written by J. Michael Straczynski, with art by Charlemagne – presents a rare opportunity for Steve to pause, at least for a few precious seconds. As Captain America moves on After his battle with Death…

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Summary in Dark Knights of Steel: Alwinter #2, Deathstroke's daughter Rose Wilson, aka Ravager, finally surpasses her father in combat, proving her lethality by outsmarting her father at a critical moment. This Other worlds The story shows the intense rivalry between Deathstroke and his daughter, Ravager, which spans multiple realities in DC's Multiverse. Rose's complex relationship with Deathstroke motivates her to defeat her father, showing her that she can be even more ruthless than DC's most notorious killer. Warning: Contains spoilers for Dark Knights of Steel: Alwinter #2 !! death stroke is one of DC's most prolific and formidable assassins,…

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Summary Colossus reveals his ruthless side by joining the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in a shocking turn of events, from Jonathan Hickman's Wolverine: Revenge #1. In an alternate Marvel Universe where Magneto has died, Colossus steps up to fill the vacuum left by the main mutant villain, as he shockingly betrayed Wolverine and his allies in the first issue of the blood-soaked series. Colossus' cold brutality in Wolverine: Revenge #1 sets up a completely different version of the character, unfamiliar to readers, in which Revenge Most intense moment so far. Warning: Contains spoilers for Wolverine: Revenge #1!! Colossus is often…

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Summary in Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual #1, the newly vampirized young Spider-Man showcases incredible speed and camouflage abilities, earning him a new moniker after a daring rescue mission. Despite tough challenges, Miles has found at least one upside to his newfound vampiric abilities: super-speed unlike anything he's ever managed before. Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual #1 helps establish Miels as Marvel's top Spider-Man, as his new power upgrades would surpass even the iconic Peter Parker. Warning: Contains spoilers for Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual #1!! Since he became Spider-Man, Miles Morales Life was full of changes. He had to come to terms…

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Summary Superman's long-contested vulnerability to magic is not a weakness, but rather something that puts him on an even playing field with others. Even without his powers in Superman #17, Superman defeats Child Warlock with physical force, proving magic is not a sure victory against him. Superman's determination to defeat his enemies, even those who use magic, shows that nothing can hold him back. Warning: Contains spoilers for Superman #17!!Superman's Supposed weakness to magic has long been a point of contention among DC Comics fans, but now the Man of Steel has given his defenders some concrete evidence to support…

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Since Charles Xavier founded the X-MenThe team's roster has shifted and changed. Its original members cycled in and out over the years as they grew in power, experienced tragedy and grief, and battled through life and death before finding their way back. No one knows that journey better than you Jean GreyAnd artist Lucas Werneck captured her very essence with concept art for her new look. In a post on Instagram, Werneck shared Concept art for Jean Gray as The Phoenix, who is currently starring in a solo series written by Stephanie Phillips. Jean Gray is one of the most…

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Warning: Contains spoilers for X-Men #3!!Cyclops led the X-Men For most of his life, but his current list is unlike any other. Now, in a confrontation with O*N*E* representative, Agent Lundqvist, he finally revealed why he picked the unusual line-up. His current X-Men are some of the most dangerous mutants alive, and the world's treatment of their people will determine whether they remain heroes or become the stuff of nightmares. in X-Men #3 by Jed MacKay, Ryan Stegman, Marte Gracia and Clayton Cowles Scott Summers sits down for a tense meeting with Agent Lundqvist of O*N*E regarding the X-Men's involvement…

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Warning: Contains spoilers for X-Men #3!! Magic is undoubtedly one of those X-Men Most dangerous and multi-faceted members. Between the teleportation abilities granted by her X-gene and the powers she gained from her complicated time in Limbo, she's already a force to be reckoned with. Now she's proven she can outpace even the most gifted telepath by tracking enemies smart enough to hide their minds but not their souls. in X-Men #3 By Jed MacKay, Ryan Stegman, Marte Gracia and Clayton Cowles, the team is dealing with a break in their new Alaskan base. They find Haya unconscious, but no…

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Warning: Contains spoilers for CAPTAIN AMERICA #12!! Captain America Has proven countless times that he is ready to face death in battle. Every time the Marvel Universe throws a new threat at Earth, Steve Rogers is there to meet it head on, no matter how impossible the odds may seem. Now, he finally reveals the truth he carries in every battle: He doesn't always plan to win, he faces his death to give someone else a fighting chance. Captain America #12 - Written by J. Michael Straczynski, with art by Jesus Sai - finds Steve and his allies preparing to…

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Warning: Contains spoilers for Fantastic Four #24!!The Fantastic practice have encountered many strange things in their years of exploration, and now they have recovered the last dreams of a long-dead civilization. After impossibly fast particles begin bombarding the Earth, the team learns that they are infinitely small vessels piloted by aliens. Several disturbing revelations later, Reid and Johnny investigate the final ship, only to make a Superman-Worth discovery: the last living daughter and hope of the entire species. in Fantastic practice #24 by Ryan North, Carlos Gómez, Jesus Aburtov and Joe Caramagna The team confronts the only living pilot of…

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