Author: Ashley Fields

Warning: Spoilers for Achievement 2099 #3!The Marvel Universe is full of beings of incredible strength and Red Hulk It is often at the top of the power list. The 2099 timeline is no different, but it's not mere strength that makes Red Hulk stand out. After being summoned by the new Nova, Hulk agrees to transport the group across the stars, revealing his incredible hyperspace jumping ability. Conquest 2099 #3 by Steve Orlando, Ibraim Roberson, José Luis, Oren Junior, Andrew Dalhouse and Cory Petit begins with Wolverine (who is the Last Nova here) and his team trying to follow Dracula's…

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Warning: contains spoilers Poison Ivy #27!!Poison Ivy cemented her place in Gotham City's rogues gallery many years ago, and she's learned some important things about Batman in the process. As she begins to face a new eco-terrorist group that falsely claims her as their leader, she is reminded of one of her most important traits, which is likely keeping some of her "bad guys" in Gotham. Poison Ivy #27by G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara, Arif Prianto, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, focuses on Poison Ivy's investigation into the Order of the Green Knight - a group that claims her as their leader…

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Warning: contains spoilers Force X #5!With tens of millions of mutants around, the X-Men have been home to many powerful and complex people. Some still stand out from the crowd, and I've always believed Noriko Ashida aka Surgeto be one of them. From her early days as an Academy X student to recently joining Forge's X-Force, she has been a favorite, and I was shocked and disappointed by his recent death in X-Force. Force X #5 The team's battle against the ultra-strong Nuklo continues as he attempts to link Nexus Points and bring countless numbers of monsters into the world.…

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Warning: Contains spoilers for X-Men #7!! As Magneto leaves his villainous era behind to lead the X-Men alongside Cyclopstheir unique relationship comes to light. Scott Summers has taken off the gloves when it comes to protecting mutant lives, but his no-nonsense approach to mutant safety isn't the only thing he has in common with the Master of Magnetism. Now, X-Men is showing just how similar the two leaders are. X-Men #7 begins with Cyclops drinking away his troubles in a rare moment of hopelessness, but he doesn't wallow for long. Instead, his nemesis-turned-colleague Magneto interrupts to remind him that the…

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Warning: contains spoilers Birds of Prey #15!!! THE Birds of Prey it's home to some of DC's most powerful women, and the team has a wide range of abilities. However, it's not their individual talent that makes them strong - it's the bond they have with each other - and Black Canary knows this runs deeper in the second. BatgirlCassandra Cain. Cass has an uncanny ability to connect with others, placing her at the center of Birds of Prey. Birds of Prey #15, by Kelly Thompson and Sami Basri, continues with Batgirl's secret mission starting to go wrong. Cassandra becomes…

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Warning: contains spoilers Poison Ivy #27!!Poison Ivy has long been one of Gotham's most capable villains, but her recent intense battle with former mentor Jason Woodrue revealed a new level of her power. When Pamela decided to destroy the Green Man for good, she delved deeper into the Green than ever before. She didn't simply use it against her opponent, she created armor from "Living Green" itself. In Poison Ivy #27by G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara, Arif Prianto, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, Poison Ivy corners a member of the Order of the Green Knight ecoterrorism group and demands to know why…

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Warning: contains spoilers Wolverine: Revenge #3!! Colossus is a mutant powerhouse, but even his physical abilities and organic steel body don't normally make him from Hulk equal. An alternate reality fight with Wolverine has finally revealed that Piotr Rasputin rivals the Incredible Hulk in strength after completing one of the Green Avenger's most controversial feats. By ripping off one of Logan's arms, Colossus becomes one of three beings capable of tearing Wolverine apart. Wolverine: Revenge #3 brings the confrontation Wolverine has been waiting for. After killing the rest of the Brotherhood, he finds his former friend, Piotr Rasputin, to end…

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Warning: contains spoilers NYX #4!THE X-Men have faced many powerful enemies over the years, although few have made such an impact Magneto. As the Krakoan steps in to take over the Master of Magnetism's dream of mutant superiority, his first major battle shows that he, too, has inherited the former villain's fatal flaw. Prodigy is able to catch Julian Keller off guard with an unexpected tactical move, turning his massive ego against him. The Krakoan faces its first major battle against its fellow mutants in NYX #4of Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Enid Balám, Raúl Angulo and Joe Sabino, ultimately failing…

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Warning: Spoilers for NYX #4!THE X-Men's the last villain is entering Magneto shoes in style, like the Krakoan is adopting the ancient philosophy of the Master of Magnetism and some corresponding aesthetic elements. Now, he's added a classic catchphrase-turned-meme to the mix. As the Krakoan confronts Ms. Marvel, he pulls out Magneto's famous video game line, "Welcome to Morrer." NYX #4 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly and Enid Balám brings Ms. Marvel face to face with the series' current villain, the Krakoan. Julian Keller, formerly known as Hellion, took on his new role with ease. He adopted all the drama…

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Warning: contains spoilers Captain America #14!! Being a superhero is complicated, especially when secret identities are involved. There's a world to save, but many heroes also keep personal lives private, and a recent revelation of Captain America confirms that secrecy keeps the Avengers further apart than other teams. Trust comes with risks – not just for the heroes themselves, but for the loved ones they seek to protect – and that gap is difficult to bridge. Captain America #14 – written by J. Michael Straczynski, with art by Charlemagne – opens with Steve Rogers facing the realization that he has…

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