Author: Ashley Fields

Warning: Contains spoilers for Exceptional X-Men #4!! When it comes to the battlefield, no one trains harder than the X-Men. They rarely get a break from war, and the constant battle for survival unfortunately defines the lives of many mutants. To live, they must be strong, but one of Emma Frost and Kitty Pryde's newest recruits may hold the key to living life a little more fully - and the X-Men need a dose of that. In previews of the next Exceptional X-Men #4 – written by Eve Ewing, with art by Carmen Carnero – new recruit Bronze reflects on…

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Warning: contains spoilers X-Men #9!! Juggernaut has performed some astonishing feats of strength during his tenure at Marvel, and he is undeniably the muscle of the current Cyclops. X-Men list. However, even with his incredible power, there's a mutant character with an even longer history that he needs help taking down: the Blob. In his final fight, Juggernaut needs Magik's help and more to defeat the Blob, reminding readers of an often-forgotten Marvel powerhouse. In Marvel's preview for X-Men #9 – written by Jed MacKay, with art by Federico Vincentini and Ryan Stegman – the attack on Greymalkin Prison continues…

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In essence, the Punisher has always been a story of retribution - and now former Punisher writer Matthew Rosenberg is taking the lessons he learned about writing a revenge story and applying them to his new Image Comics series, We are taking everyone with us. Frank Castle will stop at nothing to exact retribution for the death of his family; Likewise, Rosenberg's new miniseries blurs the lines between love and revenge. As first announced by The Hollywood Reporter, We are taking everyone with us reunites Rosenberg with artist Stefano Landini; the duo faced the Punisher together in the mid-2010sushering Frank…

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Warning: contains spoilers Achievement 2099 #5! On your worst day, Galactus is one of the most powerful and fearsome beings in the Marvel Universe. His appetite is already legendary, but his apparent fusion with vampire lord Dracula in Marvel's 2099 timeline will take that hunger to epic proportions. A planet-devouring cosmic being combined with one of the most voracious blood drinkers in history is the stuff of literal nightmares. Conquest 2099 #5 – written by Steven Orlando, art by José Luis Soares Pinto – concluded Marvel's futuristic, high-octane miniseries with a potentially game-changing turn of events like the final panel…

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Warning: contains spoilers Fantastic Four #27!! The thing has been an integral member THE Fantastic Four since its creation, and Ben Grimm is one of the most iconic powerhouses in the Marvel Universe. However, thanks to Doom, he will lose everything that makes him the strong man we know and love. Nicki Masters-Grimm's recent display of all-around strength proves she's ready to step into her beloved father's shoes, and I'm here for it. In Fantastic Four #27Nicki Masters-Grimm, born N'Kalla, proves what the Skrulls are capable of, even at a young age. Historically, we've seen the shapeshifting race portrayed as…

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Warning: contains spoilers Avengers #21!! Magneto is one of the most recognizable figures in comic book history, but he has changed significantly since his days as the X-Men's main antagonist. Although the Master of Magnetism still fights for the survival of mutants, he has expanded his umbrella of protection to include all who suffer under their oppressors - whether the victims are mutants, humans, or something else entirely. Magneto has a new purpose in life, and the underprivileged of the world should celebrate. In Avengers #21 – written by Jed MacKay, with art by Valerio Schiti – Scott Summers and…

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Warning: Contains spoilers for Uncanny X-Men #7!! The original X-Men have been through hell and back since the team's creation and everyone has hit a low point. Jean Gray had her Dark Phoenix era, Warren Worthington became Archangel, but Beast spent most of the Krakoan era acting like someone entirely different. Now, with Beast Prime over and the “new” Hank McCoy working with the X-Men, the character is finally exploring his heroic roots again. In Mysterious X-Men #7 – written by Gail Simone, with art by David Marquez – Jubilee, Calico and Beast are imprisoned within the confines of Greymalkin…

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All superheroes have their own style when it comes to saving the world, but it's rare that two of them come up with the exact same solution to a problem. A moment that stands out Superman certain kind of "right" casts doubt on a hero across the aisle, however, like Marvel's Mister Fantastic struggled with a choice Kal-El made without hesitation. Reed Richards' heroism comes with restrictions. In Justice League of America #84 and Fantastic Four #2, Superman and Reed Richards faced very similar situations; both heroes had the chance to essentially nullify their greatest enemies, Lex Luthor and Doctor…

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THE Marvel Universe is filled with complex and powerful heroes who regularly save the universe from all kinds of enemies. While many have already appeared on the silver screen, there's one untapped (and adorable) warrior perfectly suited for the spotlight: Jeff the Land Shark. He is an Avenger with many powerful friends and a guaranteed hit with all audiences. Jeff the Land Shark teamed up with Deadpool in 2021 Dead Pool #10 by Kelly Thompson, Gerardo Sandoval, Victor Nava, Chris Sotomayor and Joe Sabino, but Wade Wilson is just one in a growing line of famous faces to claim the…

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Warning: contains spoilers And if...? Galactus Transformed Rogue #1!! In a world of incredible superpowers, On your own still stands out as one of Marvel's greatest powers. With her incredible strength, speed, flight and absorption abilities, there's virtually nothing she can't accomplish - and now that includes taking on Galactus himself. As the herald of the Eater of Worlds, her natural gifts are enhanced to unbelievable levels, and she is ready to use them against her new master. In the next And if…? Galactus Transformed Rogue #1 – written by Ann Nocenti, with art by Stephen Byrne – Rogue absorbs…

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