Author: Anthony Avina

In a rare moment of fantasy turned reality, Marvel and DC both decided to answer the question of who would win in a fight between two all-powerful cosmic beings: Marvel's Galactus and DC's Krona. During the JLA / Avengers Crossover series by Kurt Busiek and George Pérez, a conflict between Krona and Grandmaster led to Galactus being drawn into battle. The battle began with Crona's desire to unlock the secrets of the universe. With Galactus' beginning as a survivor of the previous universe who witnessed creation, Crona demands Galactus' knowledge to take for himself. The World Eater refused, considering Krona…

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe has done an admirable job of adapting many elements from Marvel Comics, but one key element that needs to be added in the future is the idea of a superhero support staff. Superheroes who operate in fictional universes can often lead solitary lives. When the first beginning, a hero usually must learn the ropes of heroism on their own, often stumbling and learning from mistakes as they evolve. However, as they grow, they begin to work and interact with other heroes and eventually join or build teams to face greater threats. The logistics of this kind…

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