Warning! Spoilers for Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 6 ahead! A flashback in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 1 saw Adar kill Sauron, and it makes a lot more sense after Episode 6's big Morgoth reveal. The Dark Lord Morgoth, who was Sauron's master, was the first villain of Middle-earth. He initially helped create Arda (the world) but eventually turned down the path of evil instead. Morgoth became the self-proclaimed mighty king of the universe, but after his fall, Sauron tried to take that role instead. in Rings of powers version of…
Author: Angel Shaw
Warning! Spoilers for Rings of power Season 2, Episode 6 ahead. A statue stands in the region The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of PowerAnd it depicts a figure that is deeply important to the knowledge of Lord of the Rings. The fictional world that the author JRR Tolkien built is full of such characters who played important roles in the first era of Middle-earth (and even before). While Rings of power Set around the middle of the Second Age, these important elves, men and dwarves are still remembered for their deeds. The elf commemorated by the statue of…
Warning! Spoilers for Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 6 ahead! Peter Jackson made a controversial change to Sauron in his Lord of the Rings Movies, however The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power quietly changed it back. The Prime Video series had the rare opportunity to show Sauron in a new light since the Second Age setting allowed for a more up close and personal look at the villain. The Dark Lord never made an actual appearance in Frodo's story, so Jackson had to get creative to find a way to still make him seem like a…
Warning! Spoilers for Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7 ahead! Elrond and Galadriel had a pretty deep kiss The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2, implying that there is more going on between them than just friendship. The two characters have been through a lot in the last two seasons, both together and separately, and this moment is not the first time that the dynamics of their relationship has come into question. There seem to be moments of chemistry between Galadriel and Elrond, though it's hard to tell whether this is typical Tolkien-style romance or…
Warning! Spoilers for Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7 ahead! Celebrimbor completed the nine rings for men in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 set up their distribution to the doomed to succumb to Sauron's influence. These powerful bits of jewelry are the last of the titular rings of power to be made, except for Sauron's one ring destined to rule over them all. With their creation out of the way, the Prime Video series can begin to dive into their impact on Middle-earth, including the slow torment of their wearers and eventual development…
Warning! Spoilers for Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7 ahead! The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 offered its own explanation for why humans became ringwraiths while the dwarves did not. Just like in Tolkien canon, Sauron gave seven rings of power to the dwarves in the Prime Video series and plans to distribute the nine to humans in upcoming episodes. This would lead to the corruption of the Lords and Kings, ultimately resulting in them becoming the Ringwraiths known from Lord of the Rings. Of course, canon dictates that this is not the same…
Warning! Spoilers for Rings of Power Season 2 ahead! Sauron has black blood in him The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of PowerA unique characteristic that connects him to the original Dark Lord Morgoth. Tolkien never explicitly stated that Sauron had black blood in his work, nor did any other Maia (the type of being Sauron originally was) have black blood either. This is another area in which Prime Video excels Lord of the Rings Series took some creative liberties. However, given what Tolkien wrote about Morgoth in The SilmarillionThe acid state of Sauron's blood is a direct addition…
Warning! Spoilers for Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7 ahead! Celebrimbor's meaningful monologue in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 accurately predicts Sauron's fall, perfectly summarizing why Sam and Frodo are Middle-earth's heroes. Season 2, episode 7 sees a terrible time for the Lord of Eregion, when he realizes that Sauron has been keeping him in a prison of his own making for weeks. With Adar and the orcs laying siege to the city, it's only a matter of time before Celebrimbor's own life is forfeited. However, despite all this, this elf holds a…
Warning! Spoilers for Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 7 ahead! I am disappointed with how The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Portrayed high king Gil-galad, but season 2, episode 7, completely turned this around. While the Prime Video series was more or less faithful to Tolkien's work about the Noldor king, there was just something about him that fell flat. Sure, Gil-galad is portrayed as a strong and wise ruler, the first bearer of the Willia (the elven ring of power), and a mentor to Elrond. however, Rings of power Neglecting the coolest aspects of Gil-galad's…
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Follows Sauron's rise to power in the Second Age, but there are now few mentions of his previous master, Morgoth. The original Dark Lord dominated Middle-earth long before the events of Prime Video Lord of the Rings series, and there are many ways in which he was similar to his successor. however, Sauron is keen to point out all the ways in which he is different in Rings of power In an attempt to convince others (but mostly himself) that his rise to power and domination in Middle-earth would end differently.…