Author: Angel Shaw

Dudley Dursley never got much attention in the Harry Potter Kino, which meant the most intriguing mystery about his character was completely ignored. Although never a main character, Dudley has something of an individual arc in these Harry Potter Books. In the end, Harry's cousin even made clumsy amends for his bullying over the years. Dudley realized that Harry had saved his life during the Dementor attack Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix And therefore, recognition was renewed for him. However, that's not all that happened during this scene at Privet Drive. When Harry and Dudley first returned…

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HBO may be tempted to make a simple, seemingly innocuous change with his Harry Potter TV remake, but that would be a massive mistake. Warner Bros. and HBO have touted the upcoming series as a “Book faithful" Remake of Harry's story, but there can be different interpretations about what that means. Harry Potter Movies are sure to be healthy,”Book faithful"Doesn't necessarily mean that HBO won't take any creative liberties. There could be some changes that would seem like no big deal but could have significant consequences. The upcoming Harry Potter TV show is meant to adapt each of JK Rowling's…

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Henry Cavill is officially cast for the live-action Voltron movie, which could be the start of his next big superhero franchise. Cavill has proven himself perfect for heroic roles, with his portrayals of Superman in the DCEU and Geralt on Netflix The Witcher Series allowing him to stand tall as a defender on the screen of the defenseless. However, since leaving the franchise, Cavill has been wide open. The actor has a lot of exciting projects on the way, but there is something about Voltron Which might satisfy those hoping to see Cavill again elevated as something akin to a…

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A Hogwarts house has been consistently neglected throughout Harry Potter series, but HBO's TV remake has a chance to finally set things right after all these years. Of course, Gryffindor is the most important when it comes to the overall story, as this is the house the main characters belong to. However, in the 17 years since the final book was released, the other Hogwarts houses have become even more important in the hearts of fans who identify with their defining characteristics. This makes it even more necessary for the Harry Potter redo to draw attention to those who have…

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Kemen was prepared for a dark fate in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Powerand one theory in particular would see him revealed as one of the Lord of the Rings' most despicable characters. Many of Sauron's followers in the Third Age were once mortal men, but centuries of corruption have caused them to forget their former identities. For this reason, Rings of Power You have the opportunity to take some creative liberties. It's likely that the series' original characters will end up connecting to mysterious figures from the canon – with Kemen being a likely candidate. Kemen…

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David Sweat was the only one of the two escaped prisoners to survive in Escape at Dannemora– but what happened to the real person after he was captured and brought back to prison? The Showtime miniseries was initially released in 2018, though its arrival on Netflix has put this story back in the spotlight. Escape at Dannemora is based on the real-life 2015 prison break in which two inmates, Richard Matt and Matthew Sweat, seduced a married prison employee to enlist her help in the first U.S. prison break in decades. Escape at Dannemora was praised for its accuracy, and…

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No one could have predicted Harry's ending in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- although in retrospect it was almost identical to his first adventure in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Of course, a lot has changed for the titular character between these two books. Harry begins the story as an 11-year-old boy with no idea of ​​his destiny and ends up as the hero of the wizarding world. However, upon taking a closer look at both versions of this character and the story surrounding him, it becomes clear that Harry's fate was sealed from the start. Each book…

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Tilly didn't get the ending she expected Escape at Dannemoraalthough she probably got what she deserved. The Showtime miniseries tells the story of the real-life 2015 prison break at the Clinton Correctional Center in Dannemora, New York. In eight episodes, inmates Richard Matt (Benicio del Toro) and David Sweat (Paul Dano) plan and execute their daring escape, which involves prison employee Joyce "Tilly" Mitchell stealing necessary tools. It took several months, but eventually, Sweat and Matt were able to cut through the wall behind their cells and enter a neglected laundry area to a steam pipe that led to the…

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Setting up the timeline for The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum has been confirmed, but this is much more complicated after a major change Peter Jackson made to his film trilogy. While Jackson Lord of the Rings films are often celebrated as faithful adaptations, he was not innocent of changing the canon. The director made adjustments that allowed Tolkien's beloved story to work on screen, and for the most part, there were minimal consequences. However, there could be more problems now that Jackson and New Line Cinema are expanding the franchise. The Hunt for Gollum was confirmed…

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I've long had problems with Voldemort's story, but I hope the next one Harry Potter the remake might fix that. Every villain needs a great origin story, and Voldemort's was certainly intriguing. The details of his parents' meeting and marriage have been explored extensively in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince book, and these sequences in the Pensieve have long been among my favorites in the series. However, the simplistic explanation for Voldemort's evil never sat well with me - but this could be an easy solution to the problem. Harry Potter TV program. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood…

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