New era Weekly world news set to start as a couple Marvel Cinematic Universe writers unite to brings the iconic sci-fi satire to comics in a series that publisher Mad Cave Studios describes as "where are the secret materials meets It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" Screen Rant is excited to share an exclusive first look at Weekly world news comic from writers Stephen Paul Judd, Ken Christensen and Tvley Jacob with illustrations by Eisner Award nominee M.C. Perker. The series will adapt the most unusual, incredible titles from a publication that has been a staple of American culture for almost…
Author: Ambrose Tardive
Far side was known for his hilarious depictions of dogs, many of which reflected creator Gary Larson's deep understanding of the behavior of readers' canine companions. Fans of Larson's work know that he used dogs to induce laughter in many ways, but often his panels playfully depicted puppies, which dog owners could immediately recognize as his most successful. That is, although many of Far side dogs behaved like people; there were just as many memorable instances where their canine behavior was highlighted; cartoons in which Gary Larson managed to balance both of these things naturally rank among the most sublime…
Spoilers for Venom #38!Loki just lured a future version Iknown as "Old Man Venom", fell into some kind of trap, all the time thinking about the symbiote hero"glorious goal", which is a direct reference to the Trickster's iconic line from the original. Avengers movie. While it remains to be determined what Loki wants with Venom, the character's appearance in his classic design suggests that his intentions are likely not the best. I Issue 38, written by Torunn Grönbeck and illustrated by CAFU and German Peralta, features a narrative from a mysterious character who, on the very last page of the…
Spoilers for The Ultimates #4 and 5!Within Final The ongoing radical reimagining of the Marvel Universe Doctor Doom And Fantastic Fourthe heroic version of Doom officially dropped the word "Doctor" from his codename. While this may seem like a minor point compared to the character's other changes, from his origin story to his goals, this shows how different this Doom really is from the original version. Ultimates #5 – author Denise Camp, artist Juan Frigeri – officially calls his Reed Richards simply "Doom", as the character was introduced in a previous issue which offered a shocking reimagining Fantastic Four myths…
Almost twenty years later, the mastermind of one of the X-Men franchise's worst massacre confirmed – making canon what readers have suspected for decades: the leader of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, Gladiator, ordered the murder of Jean Grey's entire family.. More than just directly confirming details of the death storyline, it sets up a confrontation between Phoenix and Gladiator in the near future. Phoenix #4 – written by Stephanie Phillips, drawn by Alessandro Miracolo, continues to explore the impact of Jean Gray's newfound role as one of the cosmic heroes of the Marvel Universe. This once again put her in…
Far side showed some funny sabotaging zoos and museums by taking the idea of these locations and distorting them into outrageous parodies of their recognizable forms. Museums and zoos, both as settings and climaxes themselves, have become fertile ground for Gary Larson's idiosyncratic comedy. Larson's zoo humor and his museum jokes are stylistically similar; in each of them he often changed the purpose of these places, often filling them with strange, unexpected objects. Far side Zoo cartoons offer a unique perspective on Gary Larson's love of animals, and his museum panels reflect his interests in anthropology, history and sociology. In…
A spectacular Star Wars Showdown has reached its climax, as the battle for ascendancy between the Nihil and the Jedi in the High Republic Era of the franchise's timeline is coming to its terminal conclusion. Readers can expect a dramatic, pulse-pounding final confrontation between the forces of good and evil, in prototypical Star Wars Fashion. Screen Rant is pleased to share an exclusive preview for Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III - Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone #1 - Written by Daniel José Older, with art by Paris Alleyne - which offers readers their first step toward the…
The Marvel 2099 version of Cyclops is set to meet WolverineIn his role as the cosmic hero Nova, put an entirely new spin on the classic X- Franchise dynamic between the two heroes. The 2099 The characters' incarnations are both very different from their familiar main-continuity versions, meaning it's totally open to speculation how the pair will work together as the Conquest Miniseries progresses. In a preview released by AIPT for Conquest 2099 #1 - Written by Steven Orlando, with art by Ibraim Roberson and José Luis Soares Pinto - Cyclops 2099 is depicted coming to the aid of Spider-Man…
As part of the US X-Men The new era of franchising, Wonder is releasing an amazing reimagining of the mutant-hunting Sentinels, and in the process, exploring the tragic consequences of the publisher's many crossover comic book events. The new generation of Sentinels are More than just human - they are all, in some way or another, casualties of the biggest battles of the Marvel Universe. Author Alex Pacnadel Spoke with AIPT for X-Men Monday About the imminent release of Sentinels #1 - written by Paknadel, with art by Justin Mason - and shared a fascinating insight into the origins of…
As part of the US X-Men The new era of franchising, Wonder is releasing an amazing reimagining of the mutant-hunting Sentinels, and in the process, exploring the tragic consequences of the publisher's many crossover comic book events. The new generation of Sentinels are More than just human - they are all, in some way or another, casualties of the biggest battles of the Marvel Universe. Author Alex Pacnadel Spoke with AIPT for X-Men Monday About the imminent release of Sentinels #1 - written by Paknadel, with art by Justin Mason - and shared a fascinating insight into the origins of…