Author: Ambrose Tardive

Like most fans revisiting The Walking Dead Issue-by-issue, still along with the Deluxe Reprint of the series, I have been anticipating and afraid of the approach of the pivotal walking dead #100, and the death of Glenn - however What I did not realize is that the tragedy of the character's exit from the series would hit much earlier on the reading. The Walking Dead Deluxe #96 - written by Robert Kirkman, with art by Charlie Adlard - features the beginning of Glenn's last day, and what legitimately broke my heart is how unexpectedly hopeful the issue finds him, as…

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Widely considered among The Far Side most iconic cartoons, 'Dog With Gun' also perfectly encapsulates one of Gary Larson's favorite comic book tropes: jokes about animals, especially pets, turning the tables on humans. This perennial premise has appeared repeatedly throughout The Far Side run, but perhaps no other panel illustrated it better than "Dog With Gun." The beauty of The Far Side it was the way Larson could return to the same joke in drastically different ways, sometimes weeks apart, sometimes years apart; In a sense, "animals vs. humans" is an entire category of Far Side cartoons, and a subcategory…

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I thought The Far Side The classic "Discontented Cow" comic strip was funny before I even realized there was a deep cultural reference behind creator Gary Larson's joke - but As soon as I discovered that Larson was riffing on a 1907 condensed milk advertisement, my appreciation for the joke skyrocketed.. The thing I love most The Far Side It’s the feeling when a comic “clicks,” when it goes from obtuse to shockingly obvious. For me, reading Larson's explanation of his graphic novel "High Tide/Low Tide" was an "aha" moment in itself, where I realized how many Far Side comics…

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In 2022, visionary artist Alex Ross released his first full-length graphic novel as an author and illustrator, Fantastic Four: Full Circleand now, readers can get their hands on the stunning Expanded Edition of the book, which contains nearly three hundred pages of additional material in addition to the groundbreaking original story itself. Screen Rant is pleased to share an exclusive sneak peek at Alex Ross Fantastic Four: Full Circle (Expanded Edition)coming from Abrams ComicArts, which the publisher calls "a comprehensive look at the creative process of one of the most acclaimed and influential artists of our time." The preview pages…

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next year, Godzilla will embark on a tour of destruction across the United States, in a new miniseries from IDW Publishing Appropriately entitled Godzilla vs. America. As revealed by the publisher, the Midwestern metropolis of Chicago is the first on the list of stops to make the king of monsters - but far from the last. At this year's New York Comic-Con, IDV announced Godzilla vs. AmericaStarting with Godzilla vs. Chicago. Currently, specifics about the series are scarce, but what fans do know makes this a massively anticipated project for next year. Godzilla vs. America will be an anthology book,…

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Marvel Comics will once again celebrate the holidays this winter, with ten festive variant covers featuring beloved characters including Hulk, Spider-ManAnd these X-Men. These variants, from some of the top artists in the comic book industry, are gifts for collectors and casual fans, and are guaranteed to make Marvel fans happy. AIPT revealed a first look Marvel's slate of shipping "Winter Holiday Variant Covers" with some of its top titles in late 2024, which will be released throughout December - including some on Christmas Day itself. Perhaps the stand-out among the covers is Greg Land's Incredible Hulk #20 variant, which…

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Among the most remembered comics that Gary Larson ever produced during The Far Side executed in publication is his "Smoking Dinosaurs" panel, which reveals to readers "the real reason dinosaurs became extinct"was that they smoked cigarettes. It's perhaps one of Larson's most straightforward jokes – and that has at least something to do with its success. The Far Side regularly confused readers, but in a sense it could be argued that Larson's penchant for esoteric, layered humor managed to make his simplest jokes stand out when they appeared. "Smoking Dinosaurs" is an example. If The Far Side was often "niche"…

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At this point I have written extensively about The Far Sideand my understanding of Gary Larson's work has continued to rapidly evolve as I spend more time analyzing his vast output throughout his career. Case in point: when I started studying The Far SideI approached it with the view that comics “don’t have recurring characters” – but now I see it differently. That's because Larson made me rethink things like character and continuity. I would like to delve a little deeper into why the “recurring characters” issue in The Far Side continues to emerge, especially as successive new generations of…

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As strange as The Far Side could be, the essential formula for Gary Larson's comics was simple: his drawings included a drawing, plus words. Except, sometimes Larson lets her illustrations speak for themselves, avoiding the caption entirely. All over The Far Side history, the captionless comics proved to be some of the strip's most baffling - but also some of the funniest. Whenever Larson chose to forego a caption when crafting a Far Side cartoon, he was, in fact, losing 50% of a panel's ability to explain itself to the reader. Sometimes he did this because the image was evident;…

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Far side it featured a variety of very unusual pets - from classic pets that did shocking things, to animals that had no right to be domesticated and kept in people's living rooms. In many commemorative tapes Gary Larson poked fun at the very idea of ​​pets, offering a number of different variations on the theme, each of which will strike a chord with readers. one way or another. In these funny Far side Pet Panels Gary Larson takes two different routes, both of which end up being a total laugh riot. In some cases, Larson demonstrates the surprising, and…

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