Author: Ambrose Tardive

The Far Side is famous for its idiosyncratic and iconoclastic humor, which makes it appealing to readers who consider themselves outsiders in some shape or form. While the “nerdy kid” became one of the strip’s biggest recurring figures, artist Gary Larson has portrayed loners, outcasts, and outcasts in a variety of ways over the years. This list celebrates some of the The Far Side the best cartoons about characters who stuck out like a sore thumb, went against the grain, and were often simply out of placeas well as some that were out of control or, in one case, actually…

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The Far Side frequently featured jokes about getting older, and it's safe to say that few comic book characters have aged gracefully. Throughout his legendary career as a cartoonist, Gary Larson introduced the world to The Far Side numerous grumpy old men, grumpy old women, grumpy old animals and more. More than just a bunch of jokes about grumpy old men, though, these Far Side the cartoons offer insight into how Larson felt about aging. Despite all its strangeness, The Far Side it was, in essence, a form of observational humor, and these panels prove that the artist was deeply…

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Over almost fifteen years of writing The Far SideGary Larson has produced thousands of cartoons. Some of them became famous, others infamous – and although the number of Far Side panels with lasting legacies can number in the hundreds, there are still legions of comics that have fallen into relative obscurity. A select group of hardcore Far Side fans can count one or more of the cartoons collected here among their favorites, but in general, These in-depth comics will be new to most readers, as they have, for one reason or another, attracted less attention than others. As readers will…

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IDWs Star Trek comic just offered an answer to the eternal question of "which Enterprise is the coolest"since crews from two different eras and two different timelines agree that the USS Enterprise-A from the franchise's Kelvin timeline has more"style", at least in comparison with ships of the early 25th century. Star Trek #26 – written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, with art by Ángel Hernández – brings together the Enterprise from the Kelvin Universe, commanded by a young Captain Kirk, and the crew of the USS Theseus, the all-star cast of the comic book, which includes characters of various…

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Comic book fans have an incredible opportunity to dive into hell boy extended universe, as a limited-time offer gives readers the opportunity to fill their shelves with more than thirty comic books from the franchise, all for just over $1 each. The deal is a can't-miss opportunity to stock up on comics, especially considering proceeds benefit charities. hell boy "megapackage" is available until the end of the year. The offer includes volumes of hell boy, Hellboy and the BPRD, Abe Sapianand Lobster Johnson, and contains many of the most essential stories in hell boy canon. Considering the impact…

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Notice! Spoilers for issues 1-3 of Dynamite's Terminator series ahead. New from Dynamite Entertainment Terminator The comic book series is finally giving fans the story they've been waiting decades for, as Skynet's killer robots infiltrate the most heated moments in 20th century history, and perhaps beyond, entirely reinventing the scope of the franchise in the process. Although there are many exciting Terminator stories, across multiple mediums, this new incarnation is shaping up to be one of the best. The Terminator #3 – written by Declan Shalvey, with art by David O'Sullivan – concludes the two-part "Apocalypse, Then" storyline, set during…

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Warning: MAJOR spoilers ahead for Marvel's Infinity Watch #1 Wonder has just made a shocking change to its cosmic lore, confirming which of the Infinity Stones is the most powerful - proving that it is not the only one. Thanos thinks it is. Although the Mad Titan previously cited the Time Stone as the most dangerous of the set, the debut issue of the new Infinity Clock series declares that, in fact, the Mind Stone is the most essential. Infinity Clock #1 – written by Derek Landy, with art by Ruairí Coleman – ends with a shocking cliffhanger, as the…

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The Far Side is famous for its dark humor, but fans of the cartoon will know that creator Gary Larson's darkness came in different shades depending on the panel. Although some of his comics were downright shocking, others obscured how dark their jokes were under a layer of absurdity, or even outright silliness. This list celebrates the Far Side panels that take a while to reach readers; although they may not evoke an immediate cry of “My God!”, the harsh and sometimes even caustic humor of these comics is what leaves a lasting impact on readers. In other words, the…

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Doctor Doom is getting its own version of Avengers, while South Korean superteam the Tiger Division – one of the largest and most recent squads introduced into Marvel Comics – finds itself embroiled in A world under destruction crossover event. With Doom using his power as Sorcerer Supreme to achieve world domination, the team will be forced to serve the supervillain and renamed "Doom's Division." As announced by Marvel, Division of Doom #1 – written by Yoon Ha Lee, with art by Minkyu Jung – will kick off a five-issue limited series tied to A world under destruction. Like many…

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The Far Side often found humor in the contentious relationships between pets and their owners - and although THE Far Side Domesticated animals, in turn, were not always entirely innocent creatures, and often got the better of their human counterparts, Gary Larson's Cartoons About Bad Pet Owners Hit Differentlyespecially for animal lovers like Larson himself. The poor treatment of nature and its non-human inhabitants was a perennial theme for The Far Sideand comics where the joke revolved around cruel and unusual behavior towards pets played a central role in this. That said, these comics were also some of Gary Larson's…

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