Author: Alix Batte

Ahsoka Tano is undeniably a skilled warrior, but it may come as a surprise to find that she has a higher number of kills in Star Wars Even her master, the future Darth Vader. During the Clone Wars, Anakin and Ahsoka both saw an incredible amount of combat despite their youth. They both fought alongside the 501st legion of clone troopers, but each of them had many missions that had them against various villains outside a battle scenario. After the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the fall of the Jedi, Anakin joined Emperor Palpatine as the terrifying Darth Vader.…

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Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Introduced the idea of ​​Jedi Padawans to Star Wars canon, and here's everything that's been revealed since. Until George Lucas introduced the idea of ​​Padawans in prequels, Jedi-in-training were simply referred to as "apprentices." Since then, viewers have learned that there are six ranks among the Jedi: Initiates, children brought into the Jedi Temple after they were discovered Younglings, in training to become Padawans Padawans, the apprentices Jedi Knights, who passed their trials Jedi Masters who have successfully completed a Padawan's training And Jedi Grandmasters, the most revered of them all. Yoda…

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Obi-Wan has his hands full with Anakin as his apprentice, and it's hilarious Star Wars: The Clone Wars Art shows just how chaotic things get when Anakin is paired with the equally stubborn and reckless Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka was assigned to be Anakin's Padawan, and although the two often ruffled each other's feathers, it soon became obvious that they were a perfect match. Throughout the Clone Wars, Anakin and Ahsoka become a dynamic duo, learning from each other on and off the battlefield. Artist Emilicreates Posted the funny scene to Instagram. Anakin and Ahsoka share a single poncho decorated with…

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Every planet in Star Wars has a unique government structure, and Padmé Amidala's role as Naboo's queen drives this fact home. Padmé was elected queen of her home planet as a young girl, masterfully navigating her people around a trade dispute that could have destroyed their civilization. At only 14, she led the Galactic Republic in a revolutionary vote to choose a new chancellor. Padmé exudes wisdom at every turn, even uniting the Naboo people with the amphibious Gungans against the attacking waves of battle droids. The idea that a queen could be elected seems counterintuitive, but the humans living…

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This Star Wars Art is a beautiful reminder of the complex character brought to life by the late James Earl Jones. Darth Vader was initially introduced to Star Wars As a hardened villain, he quickly became one of cinema's most fear-inducing characters of all. Vader seemed to be the embodiment of evil, appearing more machine than man. It is not until The empire strikes back That his humanity is shown in more ways than one, revealing both his human body healing in his bacta tank and his familial relationship with Luke Skywalker. Artist Varrick Wong Posted two animations on Instagram…

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Obi-Wan Kenobi was instrumental to Luke Skywalker's success in destroying the Death Star in Star WarsSo why can't he help Luke battle Darth Vader The empire strikes back? After Obi-Wan's death, he becomes one with the Force, able to coach Luke through his mission. With his master's help, Luke remembers his training and uses the Force to deliver the killing blow to the Galactic Empire's ultimate weapon. Obi-Wan's mentorship was instrumental in Luke's training, but when Luke was at his most vulnerable, Obi-Wan insisted that Luke had to fight Darth Vader on his own. When Luke chooses to abandon his…

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Supreme Leader Snoke was a menacing presence when he first appeared in Star Wars: The Force AwakensAnd his mysterious deformities only make him a more intriguing villain. The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy introduced many new characters to tie in with its existing story, and it seemed like Snoke was meant to be this generation's Emperor Palpatine. As it turns out, despite his elimination at the end of Star Wars: The Last JediThat's not too far off... from a certain point of view, that is. Supreme Leader Snoke is actually a clone of Palpatine, meant to provide the former Emperor with…

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Even after the revelation that she is his daughter, Leah organ Never fully considered a member of the Skywalker family Star Wars. It's easy to imagine Leia's shock Return of the JediWhen she learns that Luke Skywalker is her brother. She insisted she would always know on some level, but realistically, it looks more like a coping strategy - because she shared a kiss with Luke in The empire strikes back. The Skywalker family tree would continue down through Leia and Han's line, with her son Ben almost hero-worshipping his grandfather, Darth Vader. The striking thing about Leia, however, is…

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Han Solo is one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars franchise, but he was almost a completely different character. George Lucas created his story for years, carefully crafting the perfect characters for what the story needed. Although the early drafts of Star Wars Showing just how many changes Lucas made to his story between the beginning and his final product, the transformation that Han Solo's character goes through is definitely the most glaring difference. Harrison Ford's portrayal of Han Solo instantly made the character a fan favorite. His rugged exterior and snarky attitude created the perfect unlikely…

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Obi-Wan Kenobi Was at the center of many impressive lightsaber duels throughout the Star Wars franchise, but some of them stand out more than others. In the original trilogy, Obi-Wan is the wise old master who introduces Luke Skywalker to the world of the Jedi, and he begins by gifting Luke his father's old weapon. Luke spends the majority of their journey to Alderaan training with his new lightsaber under Obi-Wan's guidance. Unknown to Luke at the time, Obi-Wan was an incredibly talented warrior during his time as a Jedi Knight. When the movies expanded to include the prequel trilogy,…

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