Attack on Titan's Greatest Betrayal sums up the series' key theme perfectly

Attack on Titan's Greatest Betrayal sums up the series' key theme perfectly

Attack on Titan is not just an entertaining anime, It conveys some deep messages about war, humanity, conflict and the value of life. The series takes place in the battle between humanity and the Titans, but in the midst of the overarching war, smaller disputes break out between the humans themselves. Although all are waging war against a common enemy, they still can't help but fight among themselves in the process.

Even after the conclusion of Attack on Titan's manga, One moment remains the series' most shocking betrayal. In the second season, Eren Jaeger and Armin Arlert, among other members of the Survey Corps, began to be suspected against two of their friends, Rainer Braun and Berhold Hoover. Reiner and Bertholdt eventually confess the truth to Eren, admitting they are not only Marlians undercover, but Titan Shifters as well.

Eren, Bertholdt and Reiner in Attack on Titan

The members of the survey course were stunned and heartbroken at the admission. They could not believe that these people, with whom they had laughed, cried, grown up with and fought together, were the terrible enemies that They always learned to hate.

Reiner and Bertholdt's season two betrayal set the stage for later reconciliation

At the end of the series, the Marlians and Eldians team up to keep Eren

On the contrary, Reiner, Berthold and Annie Leonhart, another Marlian who worked with them undercover, also began to see the good in their friends. They struggled hard with betraying the Aldins After becoming close to them. Both sides have always mocked and despised. The Eldians hated the Marlians for keeping them trapped on the island and mistreating them, while the Marlians, along with many other people in the world, harshly judged the Eldians and saw them as a threat due to their titan-shifting powers. By recognizing one another, the Eldians and Marlians in the Survey Corps gradually saw each other's humanity.


In season four, the Eldians and Marlians realize that they are both fighting a common enemy: the Titans, and put aside their previous senseless fighting against each other. Both sides have come to the realization that "the enemies" are people with feelings, dreams and fears just like them. The looming threat of the rumbling and A desire to stop Eren's plan united the two groupsWho slowly began to understand that everyone only fights to protect the people they love. As the Eldians and Marlians put aside their preconceived biases and judgments to work together, they are able to stop Eren's destruction.

The conflict did not end easily and it took years for the two groups to reach a peaceful resolution

It took a dramatic turn, Eren's attempt to wipe out humanity, to force them to join together.

Special Operations Squad and Commander Erwin Smith stand on the wall in the Orwood District in Attack on Titan.

Although the first season two betrayal was devastating at the time, it laid the groundwork for both sides, Eldian and Marleyan, to realize The enemy side was more like them than they realizedAnd that their enemies may eventually become themselves. Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie are told that the Eldians are monsters that are out to destroy the world, but after spending hours of time with a number of them, they have to face the uncomfortable truth. They realized that the Eldian people just wanted to live peaceful lives outside the walls, free from the Titans' violence and the constant potential of death at their hands.

Just like that, the Survey Corps members began to realize that Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, and the other Marlians were desperate to keep their people safe and stop the Titans as well. Unfortunately, the fighting did not end here. Years of history led to the rift between the two groups, including past wars, actions committed by the Eldian king, and the anti-Eldian propaganda spread by Marley in retaliation. The Marlins and Aldians continued to battle for a few more seasons before eventually banding together in solidarity against Eren Yaeger, Who planned to wipe out everyone except his friends, his fellow citizens.

A global alliance is formed to maintain honor, forcing enemies to unite under a common goal

Gradually, people began to see the humanity of those they had previously hated and fought to defeat

Attack on Titan's Founding Titan Looming over the rambling Titan as balls of fire rain down from the sky.

Although the circumstances are still difficult and devastating, as thousands died in the rumblings and battles leading up to it, it is truly Nice to witness the two groups that previously hated each other together. A global alliance formed, made up of many different groups, all united under the common goal of stopping Eren. Without the joint efforts of everyone, Eren's rumbling would have been successful, but the alliance was able to kill Eren and bring the disaster to a strong halt. The ending showcases not only how important teamwork was, but the death, devastation and pain war inevitably causes.


The series ends in a much more hopeful place than it began, with Armin and his fellow Alliance members seek peace and work to heal the brokenness caused by years of war and titan destruction. Eren's death was tragic, but served as a stark, grim reminder of just how much loss war and hatred cause. Fortunately, Eldie and Marley were able to learn to work together, see the good and humanity in each other, and put an end to the negative notions they held between themselves. Reiner and Berhold's confession was the first step in the long road to redemption and understanding.

The peace-seeking, hopeful ending to the series mirrors its pivotal anti-war message

In the aftermath of the rumbling, those who survived began to seek non-violent solutions to issues

Attack on Titan's Jean and Connie support each other as they look at a cloud of smoke.

Isayama mentioned how he did not want the series to end neatly with every problem completely solved, as it "feels hokey" and would not realistically depict the real world. However, the finale also proved that gradual change is possible, if everyone is committed to seeking harmony and a new beginning. Some nations still hesitated to accept the Eldar, of course, because of their past transgressions against the rest of the world, but Armin and the members of the Survey Corps refused to give up the fight for a better world. After losing his honor and thousands of others in the war, They wanted to prevent future atrocities.

As the Marlians spent hours with the Eldians during their Survey Corps days, they actually enjoyed the company of their supposed enemies, and vice versa. The love of both sides made it more difficult to fight, and this is one of the greatest morals of the series. If everyone devoted themselves to seeing the situation from the other's point of view, trying to understand their actions and looking for similarities rather than differences, The world would become a more hospitable, more loving place. The one pivotal scene of Betrayal captures the heart Attack on Titan message, setting the stage for eventual redemption.