Warning: Spoilers for Pokémon: Being a Pokémon Master, Episode 11
The final episode of the Pokemon anime doesn't feel like a series finale, highlighting that Ash's adventures will continue.
Ash reflects on what it means to be a Pokémon Master and decides that it is about befriending and appreciating Pokémon rather than just catching them.
New series, Pokemon Horizonsmay have some connection to the original continuity, but it will likely be a while before Ash appears.
Pokemon The anime starring Ash Ketchum has officially ended after nearly 25 years on the air, but just because the series has ended doesn't mean Ash's adventures have to end, even if some fans would prefer they do.
Last episode of the miniseries Pokemon: Become a Pokemon Master Of course, while watching it there was no feeling of the series finale. There were no long, sentimental goodbyes with Misty and Brock; the two have just separated from Ash to go to their hometowns because they know they will see him again soon.
While Team Rocket made up with each other earlier Pokemon In the finale, they didn't have any more personal connection with Ash. Ultimately, the final shots of the episode are very similar to those from the end of previous seasons, with Ash once again going on a new adventure, even ending with the words "Next time: a new beginning!" just as it always happens when one era ends and another begins.
Pokémon concludes Ash's story with a new adventure
Leaving his return to Pokémon a definite possibility
This episode takes an approach that is more in line with Ash's point of view rather than the audience's. Ash's last Pokemon the series is not over for him; it's just another day in Pokemon world. No flash forwards, no montages of great moments. Ash simply took a break to go home and rest before heading out again.
At one point, Gary congratulates his former rival on Ash's victory in the Pokémon World Coronation Series, but asks him if this achievement brought him any closer to becoming a "Pokémon Master". Ash doesn't have an answer to this question and spends most of the episode pondering the idea. When he sits under a tree with Pikachu during a rainstorm. Ash decides that being a master means being a friend to all the Pokémon in the world.. Contrary to the show's image, it's not about catching them; It’s enough just to know them and appreciate them.
Ash decides that being a master means being a friend to all the Pokémon in the world - a quest that can never end.
It's a surprisingly thoughtful ending to the character's quarter-century-long storyline, and it once again shows how much Ash has matured. The inclusion of Pidgeot in this episode helps highlight this contrast, as the Ash that Pidgeot knew was very different. This may not have been the ending fans wanted, as much of the speculation focused on things like Ash emerging as an adult, possibly with children of his own, or a connection to the new series.
By taking the usual approach of a season finale instead of a series finale, it highlights the fact that Ash's adventures with Pikachu will continue, even if fans don't watch them anymore. PokemonThe producers have stated that they see Ash as an eternally young, unwilling Ash, and this ending is a prime example of that. Of course, you can disagree with their point of view, but from the point of view of what they were aiming for, it seems like become a pokemon masterThe latest episode is exactly what they intended.
Ash's Future in the Pokemon Anime Explained
While Ash's return is likely, fans may have to wait for it
A new series that carries the torch Pokemon anime, Pokemon Horizonshas already proven itself to be different from Ash's era. However, there are some indications that the series is still ongoing, so a cameo is out of the question. Nurse Joy, for example, still runs all the Pokémon Centers. The chances of seeing Ash anytime soon are slim.as a new series first needs to establish its identity. However, it would not hurt to mention Ash's existence, especially now that he is the world champion and, apparently, a household name.
How Ash changed from the first episode to the last
Ash's growth was slow, but ultimately very significant
Ash Ketchum has changed a lot since he first set out with a reluctant Pikachu. In the early episodes, Ash is impatient, stubborn, and generally quite childish, much to the chagrin of Brock and Misty. In the beginning, his two companions mostly took care of him, guiding him and giving him advice that he may or may not have heeded. Ash's stubbornness has gotten him into trouble on numerous occasions, such as when Primeape steals his hat and even put his life in danger. During the Indigo League, Ash learns a lot of new things not only about Pokémon, but also about himself.
Since the series eventually moved to Ruby and Sapphire era, it introduced a new, inexperienced character in May. May knows even less than Ash did when he began his journey, so her presence gives Ash the opportunity to move from being the one who receives advice to the one who is giving it. Ash hasn't quite matured here yet, still gets into fights with May from time to time and acts recklessly, but he's clearly come a very long way from where he started. The same is largely true in relation to Diamond and Pearl seasons where Ash helps Dawn from the very beginning of her journey.
Not only does Ash act more mature for the most part, but his new design XY it also seemed to give him a more mature look.
Ash's character development has slowed down somewhat. Black and white an era where he seemed to have forgotten many of the lessons he had learned, losing easy battles and often fighting Iris early on. However, Ash gets back on track. XY era where he once again takes a rookie coach under his wing, this time Serena. Not only does Ash act more mature for the most part, but his new design XY it also seemed to give him a more mature look. Ash's fighting skills have also improved to the point where he reaches the final round of the Kalos League.
By this time, Ash's character had truly softened. He no longer has temper tantrums, and while he can still be a little stubborn and impatient, he has learned to curb these traits so they no longer control him. He is much more compassionate towards both other people and Pokémon, a fact that makes his goals even more achievable. Through Sun and MoonAsh deals with some heavy topics, like death, and handles them well.
As of Pokemon JourneysAsh is known for his achievements in battle, becoming the champion of the Alola region, but this is still not enough for him. While he still dreams of being a World Champion, he is also more of Goh's mentor and has matured enough to participate in actual Pokémon research alongside the professors. Ash's transformation from the inexperienced young trainer seen in the Indigo League to an intelligent and mature world champion was a journey that took quite a long time, but ultimately showed the character growth that Ash deserved.
Will Pokémon Ash be different when fans see him again?
How could Ash's return show his character development?
Although it's more than possible that Ash will return to Pokemon anime, it would be a mistake to show it like that Be a Master left him. Perhaps Ash will become a household name and it will completely change how other characters see him. If Ash met Horizons' for example, new protagonists Liko and Roy, it is unlikely that the new trainers will see Ash as an equal.
Although Pokemon the producers are adamant about keeping Ash a child, but that doesn't mean the Ash Liko and Roy meet can't be a more mature and down-to-earth trainer than Ash fans met a quarter century ago. Ash's maturity and experience may also lend some legitimacy Horizons cast, as it may be time to pass the baton to the next generation of coaches. Even a small appearance in just one episode can do wonders in showing how far Ash has come and how far Horizons the cast still has to go.
Why Ash's ending caused so much controversy among fans
Ash's ending didn't give longtime fans what they wanted.
The controversy surrounding Ash's ending has died down somewhat since the episode first premiered, but many fans still harbor dissatisfaction with the final episode. This is largely because fans wanted Ash's final episodes to highlight how far he's come and show him growing and aging, just like they've done since the beginning of Ash's journey. Considering how many anime series end with the main character growing up and having children of his own, it wasn't unreasonable to expect that this might happen for Pokemon Also.
Many fans hoped that Aim to become a Pokemon Owner it would have felt like a farewell tour for Ash, a return to old friends and Pokémon they hadn't seen in a while, but that wasn't really what it turned out to be. The episodes are much the same as other episodes TripsIt's easy to see why some fans were disappointed. The final episode itself was in many ways reminiscent of any other epilogue after the league tournament - something that PokemonThe creators had planned, but not the grand, emotional farewell that some fans felt was deserved after such a long period.
What storylines and mysteries will Pokémon have to solve for Ash when he returns?
Ash may still reveal some long-standing mysteries in his return
While the story didn't leave too many subplots untouched, there are some things that could have been dealt with if Ash returned to the anime. There are several Pokemon that Ash left behind in different places that he could reunite with, such as Primeape or Greninja. There's always the matter of the Pokédex, and Ash's quest to meet Pokémon he's never seen before can lead him to any number of places, such as Paldea, in search of new creatures to befriend.
Since Ash is a powerful trainer, respected throughout the world, he can also turn to him when problems arise. Champions like Cynthia have previously been shown to often take matters into their own hands when trouble arises in their region, and since Ash is a World Champion, it's likely that he could be called upon to solve almost any Pokémon mystery. Ash's fighting skills and eagerness to make friends with new Pokémon would make him ideal for such a role. While adult Ash is unlikely, there is no reason why young Ash couldn't do similar things.
Perhaps the biggest standout plot that could always be dealt with if Ash were to return is "Ho-Oh." Ash saw Ho-Oh in the very first episode and several times after that. Plot of the 20th Pokemon The movie actually revolves around an alternate version of Ash meeting Ho-Oh, but this is something that never happened in the main version of Ash. Perhaps Ash could return on a quest to meet and/or challenge Ho-Oh, finally ending his journey where it began.
Ash's ending is the epitome of what he has been all along: an endless adventure imbued with the wonder of a child.
Ash's ending is the epitome of what he has been all along: an endless adventure imbued with the wonder of a child. To try to change it now would, after all, be to deny what Pokemon is and has always been. Whether fans ever see Ash again or not, he and Pikachu are still out there, seeing new sights and learning new things, and that idea should live on in the minds of fans. Pokemon fans are everywhere.