As of Season 4, there's an ever-growing problem to solve with one of the series' best original characters.

As of Season 4, there's an ever-growing problem to solve with one of the series' best original characters.

Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Season 3.

Of Season 4 needs to give a bigger role to one of the series' original characters. Since season 1, OfThe cast of characters was extensive. Boyd Stevens (Harold Perrineau) is arguably the most prominent character in the series, but Of has always been and continues to be a series of sets. The cast only expanded further in Season 2, when a bus got stuck in the city and several of its passengers became important characters, including Elgin (Nathan D. Simmons), Marielle (Kaelen Ohm), Randall (AJ Simmons) and Tillie (Deborah Grover).

Of Season 3 Episode 1 featured a major addition to the cast with the unexpected introduction of Victor's father, Henry Kavanaugh (Robert Joy), and Acosta (Samantha Brown) also became a major character after his debut in the Season 3 finale. Tillie, Tian-Chen Liu (Elizabeth Moy) and especially with Jim Matthews in Of At the end of Season 3, the ensemble is shrinking slightly. However, it is still quite big and has caused an original character to be increasingly forgotten.

Season 4 needs to give Kristi a bigger role after being sidelined in Season 3

Kristi Miller (Chloe Van Landschoot) is one of the Ofis one of the best characters in the series and has been one of the most central characters in the series since the first season. However, she was sidelined for much of the third season. Kristi appeared more in the early episodes, especially after Tian-Chen's death, as she tried to support her friend Kenny Liu as much as she could. After Kristi's foot got stuck in a trap in the mysterious settlementshe spent most of the remaining episodes in the medical clinic and was unable to physically move around the city with ease.

Unless the characters came directly to the medical clinic to see her, like Fatima (Pegah Ghafoori) did for her ultrasound, Kristi didn't have much to do in Of season 3, especially during the latter half of the season. Kristi was worried about her partner Marielle's performance after being possessed by the Music Box Monster in Season 2, but that didn't mean much as it wasn't until Kristi and Marielle Season 3's final scene that Marielle admitted that she didn't he was. doing well. This will likely be explored further in season 4.

From Season 4, reviving Kristi and Kenny's friendship would help resolve their story's problems

Both characters need more focus in season 4

Of Season 4 focusing more on Kristi and Kenny's friendship could help both characters feel more prominent, as they were largely sidelined following Tian-Chen's death and funeral. The sweet dynamic and chemistry between Kristi and Kenny was one of the best parts of their stories in season one. Their romantic spark was extinguished when Marielle was revealed to be Kristi's fiancée before she was trapped in the city. Happily, Of did not force a love triangle situation between Kristi, Marielle, and Kenny, instead allowing Kristi and Marielle to happily reunite while maintaining Kenny and Kristi's friendship.

Season 4 should feature them pairing up and exploring a new storyline together, whether resolving one of the Ofunanswered mysteries, helping residents after the fallout from Season 3, or simply spending more time together. Now that Kenny lives at Colony House, Kristi could spend more time therenot only for his own sake, but to be on call to help with medical problems that may arise in the area where the largest number of residents are. Of There are a lot of characters to balance, but that balance needs to include Kristi even more in Season 4.