This article contains major spoilers for Netflix's It's What's Inside.
In the climax of It's what's insideMaya figures out Cyrus' biggest secret through a tiny detail - a crucial moment that seals his surprise ending. The mind-bending Netflix movie is full of secret passions and shocking twists. Although some are explored early on, most of the twists come during It's what's insideIt's the end. Outside of the discovery of Beatrice, the most influential secret is Cyrus' hidden feelings for Nikki.
Cyrus only got together with Shelby after Nikki dumped him, a detail he never shared with his girlfriend. Outside of Dennis, the only person with potential knowledge of Cyrus' feelings is Maya, who was in Nikki's body during the first round of the game. Since she thought he was "Forbes", Maya didn't immediately catch the secret. However, she finally figures out what he was hiding during the most tense moment of It's what's inside.
Maya found out that Cyrus was actually in Reuben's body during episode 1 of What's Inside
Cyrus mentions cutting herself earlier in the body-swapping game
After everything goes wrong in round 2 of the body-swapping game, Shelby refuses to stay in Nikki's body, refusing to switch everyone back. Cyrus comes after her to win her over, and Maia is in the same room. Before showering her with compliments, one of the first things he says to Shelby is that she needs to be careful with the chair she's on, because he's cut himself on it before - the statement that would be null.
In fact, Cyrus will go back into his own body no matter his decision; The only difference seems to be whether Shelby will vote for Cyrus' guilt.
Although it takes a minute for her to realize it, Maya puts it together that Cyrus, pretending to be Forbes, was inside Reuben's body in the 1st round. It's what's inside. She was in Nicky's body when he tried to hook up with her and nodded. Rather than keep the knowledge to herself, Maya blames Cyrus for his lies and philandering ways.
How the lying of Cyrus imprisoned him in that which is within
Shelby tests Cyrus's honesty before the final body swap
When Shelby learns about Cyrus' lie, she immediately begins to doubt him again. Her questions are probably made worse by the fact that he insists in a panicked voice that she is ignoring Maya, so it seems like he is guilty. to understand the truth, Shelby enlists the help of Beatrice to come up with a plan. She gives Cyrus a tense ultimatum. Option one: She'll switch everyone back into their original bodies (except Dennis and Maya, who will take Reuben and Brooke), and she'll help explain Cyrus' guilt to the police. Option two: If he wants Nikki, she will keep Nikki's body and switch Cyrus to Reuben.
In fact, Cyrus will go back into his own body no matter his decision; The only difference seems to be whether Shelby will vote for Cyrus' guilt. When he betrays her by picking Nicky, she puts him back in his body and lets the police take him to jail, a consequence he didn't anticipate. In one of the most satisfying final lines, she repeats back to him the insult he said earlier in It's what's inside About life with a rusty shovel thrust up his back.