The Dreadmare is a terrifying and powerful creature in Ark: Ascended Survival recently introduced in the DLC fantasy creature series Fantastic Tames, and can also be a really faithful companion. It is a winged reptilian creature, as dark as the night. It's almost like a demonic version of a pegasus. Its main use is as a transport mount that can fly, but it is also great for fighting and capturing enemies.
THE Dreadmare needs to be trained even after being captured. He will start out as a very weak and beatable animal, but through training he can become an incredibly strong ally that can be used at almost any moment. It's great for taking out annoying dinosaurs and creatures and is definitely one of the coolest creatures to tame Ark: Ascended Survival.
How to tame the Dreadmare
How to get one for yourself
Taming the Dreadmare is a little different from taming other creatures in Ark: Ascended Survival. Unlike most creatures, you don't tame a Dreadmare directly. Instead, you need defeat a Dreadmare and grab the Dark Altar he drops. This Dark Altar is a special item that allows you to summon a level 1 Dreadmare. Keep in mind that all Dreadmares appear as males, so there is no playback mechanism yet. Watch the video of Teacher game too for a visual guide.
To find a Dreadmare, you'll need to go out into the world at night because they don't appear while the sun is up. They are most commonly found in the areas around the center of the map. After locating a Dreadmare and defeating it, grab its Dark Altar.
Take this Dark Altar to a safe location and place it on the ground to generate your new Nightmare level 1. Once you get the Dreadmare, you can level it up and start using its powerful abilities such as Black Hole, Dark Wind, and Terror Shield.
Dreadmare Abilities, Explained
All abilities that Dreadmare has
Dreadmare is a strong dark stallion and one of the youngest in Ark: Ascended Survival. It has a unique set of abilities that make it valuable for both combat and regular use. His main offensive ability, Dream Eaterhe leaves Drain your enemies' healthconverting his lost life force into a temporary energy shield for himself. This ability is highly effective against individual targets and groups. Additionally, the Dreadmare can also summon Dream Seeds that act like mini-explosions which can paralyze and damage your enemies.
The Dreadmare also has a powerful nightmare skill, summoning a dark creature which can attack and capture your enemies. Another skill is Dream Walking Stateallowing it to travel faster and become almost invisible to enemies. This ability is invaluable both for escaping danger and for launching surprise attacks. Finally, the Dreadmare can dream fabric, which creates an ethereal network that can trap enemies and even render them unconscious. It is a very strong animal in Ark: Ascended Survival.