Appalachian folk magic meets old-school revenge in MINE IS A LONG, LONEOME GRAVE

Appalachian folk magic meets old-school revenge in MINE IS A LONG, LONEOME GRAVE

Appalachian folk magic and old-school revenge will soon collide Mine is a long and lonely grave of Oni Press. The four-issue miniseries, written by Justin Jordan and drawn by Chris Shehan, takes readers on a brutal and bloody odyssey through the hills of West Virginia, how a man tries to free himself from a curse. The book hits the streets in February, and TelaRant is pleased to present an exclusive first look.

Oni Press' Mine is a long and lonely grave tells the story of Harley Creed, an ex-convict who wants nothing more than to leave his hometown of Briar Falls, West Virginia, for good. Oni's request for the first number is as follows:

Harley Creed is a bad man. He used to be worse. A violent ex-con with a string of brutal crimes in his past, he only wanted one thing when he finally got out of prison: leave Briar Falls, WV, behind and disappear forever. But Harley's hometown has a strange way of swallowing people whole - call it a consequence of the low-level folk magic that has permeated its darkest corners for generations. And now that Harley has returned, the pent-up revenge for her past crimes is about to return with a vengeance. Someone has cast a spell on him - and Harley has seven days before he dies in twisted, screaming agony.

To reverse this, Harley must find and kill her invisible enemy before her curse can meet its terrible end. But Briar Falls has no shortage of suspects – and Harley is after them all. If you can't have peace, at least you can get revenge.

The illiterate, black and white the preview pages perfectly establish the dark, gritty world that Harley inhabits. Readers see him mourn past relationships and also realize the curse that now follows him.

Mine is a long and lonely grave It's already the most exciting horror title of 2025

The book's creators are bringing the necessary authenticity to Mine is a long and lonely grave

Mine is a Long Lonesome Grave Preview Cover 4

Mine is a long and lonely grave is the product of Justin Jordan and Chris Shehan. Jordan, who was nominated for both Harvey and Eisner, broke through with titles like Corpse Road. Artist Shehan also has genuine horror comics credentials, having drawn House of Slaughter by Boom Studios. Both bring a wealth of gender experience to the table. Additionally, writer Justin Jordan was born in the Appalachian region and had this to say about Mine is a long and lonely grave:

Being able to do a detective book that is also a horror book, my other favorite genre, was incredible. And getting to set it in Appalachia, where I'm from, is just the icing on the brutal cake.

Meanwhile, Shehan said of the book:

Crime? Revenge? Witchcraft and Spells? This is a book I should draw

Mine is a long and lonely grave you will benefit from this emotion and authenticity.

This combination of age and ruggedness gave the Appalachian region an attraction that both crime and horror writers found irresistible.

The Appalachian region is the perfect setting for a story of folk magic and revenge. Located in the eastern United States, the area is mountainous and extensive, spanning several states. The Appalachian Mountains are also some of the oldest land formations on Earth. Scientists speculate that the Appalachian Mountains are so old that they predate Saturn's rings and perhaps even life as we know it. Areas of the Appalachian Mountains are also rugged, making access difficult. This combination of age and ruggedness gave the Appalachian region an attraction that both crime and horror writers found irresistible.

Mine is a long and lonely grave It's another winner from Oni Press

Mine is a long and lonely grave It's a win for representation

Mine is a Long Lonesome Grave Preview Cover 6

And now Jordan and Shehan are exploring that vein Mine is a long and lonely grave. The book mixes genres, moving from revenge story to family drama to supernatural horror, and this is only in the preview pages provided. Thoughtful depictions of life in Appalachia are few and far between, and this book appears to be just that. Horror comics are more popular than ever, and Oni Press' Mine is a long and lonely grave is set to be the next big entry in the canon.

Mine is a long and lonely grave #1 will be on sale in February from Oni Press!