Apex Genetic Emblem Event Guide

Apex Genetic Emblem Event Guide

Since Pokémon TCG PocketSince the official launch a few weeks ago, there has been no shortage of events, the most recent being the Genetic Apex Emblem event. The event, centered on PvP battles, begins in November 7, 2024, at 1 am and runs until November 28, 12:59 pm local time.

In addition to collecting, battles are one of the main focuses of the game. Pokemon TCG Pocket, and many players have already begun carefully constructing unbeatable decks for use in the online battle system. Players can participate in PvP event battles to earn exclusive rewards as part of the Genetic Apex Emblem event.

How to complete the Genetic Apex Emblem event

Win against other players in online matches

Battle screen showing the Event Match option in Pokémon TCG pocket

When you open the Pokémon TCG Pocket app during the event, go to the battle tab at the bottom of the screen. Here, you should have already received a notification indicating that the Lapras EX launch event was happening in the Solo Battle section, but now you should also see an indication of an event happening in the Versus option. If you open this section, instead of just seeing Private Match and Random Match like normally, you will see another option called Event Match.

If you open the Event Match option, you can select your deck and start an online match. Pokémon TCG Pocket battle, similar to how the Random Match option works. However, looking to the left of the selected deck, you will see a small box indicating the number of wins. Initially, the box should indicate 0 wins and have an arrow indicating that you will unlock your first event reward after winning at least one event match. To do this, simply enter the battle and keep trying until you get your first victory.

After your first win, you will have unlocked your initial rewards. Your The goal is to keep competing until you win 45 online event matches. Once you reach 45, you will receive your last reward and there will be nothing left to gain from this particular event, but you can continue fighting online if you wish until the end of the event period.

All Genetic Apex Emblem event rewards

Emblems, glowing dust and hourglasses

There are four tiers for the Genetic Apex Emblem event, and you will need to achieve each one successfully if you want to claim all the rewards the event has to offer, as shown in Pokémon TLSGYouTube video. Initially, when participating in your first match, you will receive some Pack Hourglasses just for participating, but everything after that will only come as you win matches, not just participate in them.



Participate in 1 event match (Win or lose)

Pack of 3 hourglasses (Collected in the quest events tab)

Participate in 3 event matches (Win or lose)

Pack of 3 hourglasses (Collected in the quest events tab)

Win 1 event match

50 shiny dust (Collected in the quest events tab) & Apex Genetic Badge Event 1 Participation Badge

Win 5 event matches

Apex Genetic Badge Event 1 Bronze Badge

Win 25 event matches

Apex Genetic Badge Event 1 Silver Badge

Win 45 event matches

Apex Genetic Badge Event 1 Golden Badge

You can stop at any time, so even if online battles aren't your thing, I recommend at least doing one, so you can get the Hourglasses Pack and maybe even Shinedust and the Participation Badge if you win. As for those who worked to obtain the Gold Event Badge, you can proudly display it on your profile for other players to see.

All you need to do to equip your badge is go to your main dashboard and click on your profile icon at the top of the screen. From there, scroll down a little; you You should see emblems in your battle history. There are three emblem slots, so if you have Pikachu, Mewtwo, and Charizard's in the store, you'll need to select which one you want to remove. Tap the location where you want to place your new badge and select the Badge from the pop-up.

You should now see the badge on your profile page, as well as other players and friends online.. While it may not be Poké Gold or Hourglasses, it's a great way to show off your skill in battles in Pokémon TCG Pocket and show your hard work to win the amount of event matches you have achieved. Even if you don't achieve the Gold Badge, don't be afraid to show off any Apex Genetic Event Badge you get. After all, you deserved it and should be proud.

Video credit: Pokemon TLSG/YouTube