Animal Crossing New Horizons fans discuss the pros and cons of restarting the game

Animal Crossing New Horizons fans discuss the pros and cons of restarting the game

One Animal Crossing: New Horizons the player debates whether it is worth restarting the game from scratch after finishing everything that interests him, something that many players have experienced over the years. While the game is a wonderful escape from real life, it often reaches a point where players have finished the museum, decorated their island, met the villagers of their dreams, and have little to work with. Unfortunately, ACNH does not allow more than one island or game to be launched on any deviceso players must erase everything they did to experience it again.

Coming to Reddit with his riddle, the gamer nonamewndr asks if others have ever regretted restarting their island, hoping to make a decision of their own. After playing for 4.5 years, they have more or less completed everything the game has to offer, even completing all of the Nook Miles achievements.

Additionally, they've redecorated, changed themes, hunted villagers, and more to fill time, but they keep coming back to the same conundrum of wanting to restart without losing everything.

Resetting in Animal Crossing New Horizons can be a double-edged sword

Enjoy the game from the start, but miss out on the hard work

While Animal Crossing: New Horizons is not a game you can complete in the typical sense, Many players reach a point after a few hundred or thousands of hours where they no longer have goals to work towards. Because the game is heavily centered around decorating your islands, completing museums, and searching for your dream villagers, it often feels a little empty to carry on when there's nothing else to do. But restarting isn't all it's cracked up to be either, completely erasing those many hours of progress and leaving players with nothing to show for their hard work, making it difficult to give up.

Comments on namelesswndr's post are evenly split between their choices. WonkyGeorge claims it was the best decision they made in the game, while Hey, DickTracy, named it seems much more conflicting. Struggling to find certain DIY recipes and other parts after his multiple restarts, player comments "If you haven't downloaded Happy Home Paradise yet, I suggest doing so instead of restarting." Many helpful players also recommended sending your island to a dream address before restartingessentially allowing them to visit even after creating a new island, only with the catch that they can't edit it.

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The game never really ends

Animal Crossing New Horizons Timmy and Tommy with Money Trees on either side of them.
Custom image by: Carrie Lambertsen

The beauty of Animal Crossing: New Horizons is that even when everything ends, it never really ends. Players constantly have the opportunity to change their island and redecorate it, adding areas inspired by real life or embracing new online trends. There are also many daily tasks such as fishing, diving, insect hunting or farming, keeping players busy even at the end.

That's not all, as the game has a lot of silly things to discover even after hundreds of hours. With one player recently realizing that many of the game's bizarre items could be wardrobes, like a refrigerator or a retro ice cream box, these small but hilarious discoveries never stop happening. Like a peaceful escape from the world with lots of little details like these, Animal Crossing: New Horizons It's guaranteed to be fun whether you restart or become a mega-completionist.

Source: Reddit (nonamewndr, WonkyGeorge, Hey, DickTracy, named)

Animal Crossing: New Horizons


To replace


March 20, 2020


Nintendo EPD