Animal Crossing Fans Discuss All the Weird Places You Can Change Your Clothes, Including a Bug Cage and a Fridge

Animal Crossing Fans Discuss All the Weird Places You Can Change Your Clothes, Including a Bug Cage and a Fridge

One Animal Crossing: New Horizons player I just discovered the strange feature of changing in a refrigeratorwith the game, for some strange reason, recognizing it as a wardrobe. There are many quirky details in the franchise that also give players a laugh like this, always maintaining the playful side. Particularly with some bizarre wardrobe choices in the game, players can interact with various items to make them more useful and at the same time funny.

Coming to Reddit to share his discovery, the user Links_Apprentice42 offers his new knowledge that a refrigerator can be considered a wardrobe. Allowing players to interact and exchange with each other, This item does not work as many may expect. Subtitled "UNTIL you can change clothes in your fridge"It's always interesting to see how longtime players are still discovering new features that keep things light and humorous.

Choosing the perfect outfit in Animal Crossing can be done in the strangest places

Change in a refrigerator

Through this discovery that many random objects can function as wardrobes in Animal Crossing: New Horizonsplayers took to the comments to express their own in-game experiences with furniture like these. With lots of hilarious user screenshots Churning Mud-1890players can see that this goes further than expected. Allowing players to change clothes in a retro ice cream box and a handcrafted bug cageThe strange locations where the game appears to store clothes get stranger and stranger.

Provoking some other joyful mood, players started making jokes about the game's bizarreness. With a user commenting "Me when deciding to go on a diet" like a scam on the fridge that has no food in it, and another user saying "I love taking furniture out of my fridge"That seems to be the fun Animal crossing would have expected by including this as a feature. While completely weird and unnecessary, it turns a lot of non-working furniture into a fun snack to enjoy.

Our Take: Animal Crossing Has Some Quirky Features

Animal Crossing benefits from its weirdness

Roald on his wedding day

There are a lot of silly details Animal Crossing: New Horizons that add a childlike wonder to your overall experience. Particularly with her many strange wardrobe choices, players can laugh unexpectedly at where they chose to dress. But other little details, like the villagers' glasses not lining up with their eyes, are a completely hilarious discovery that makes the game a little more fun.

That's not all either, as the game has already celebrated funny real-life events, like Cooper's Hill Cheese Roll, with in-game additions as well. Always allowing players to discover new things with these small but important details, Animal Crossing: New Horizons continues to prosper. No matter what you are doing or what catches your attention, there will always be something new to learn after that.

Source: Reddit

Animal Crossing: New Horizons


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March 20, 2020


Nintendo EPD