90 Day Fiance star Angela Deem's housekeeping skills are under attack as her house is reportedly dirty, and she may be too heartbroken to grab a Swiffer or turn on the vacuum. Trauma manifests itself in different ways – some people may be hypervigilant, while others need more time to relax. Everyone deals with it in their own way, and Angela should probably use some of her hard-earned money to hire a housekeeper. They can keep things sparkling while she does what she does best - entertain the audience.
Angela is not always a typical woman. She has a lot of masculine energy even though she wears dresses and jewelry.
It seems like Angela wants to be the dominant half in any relationship, taking on a sort of 1950s “man of the house” guide and looking out for her partner. Yes, it's old-fashioned, predating more evolved views on sex and gender, but then again, if that's what she likes and enjoys, it's her life. In addition to finding a man to do the housework while she sits in front of the cameras, or meets and greets fans, she has to clean things up herself.
Angela isn't all bad, but her house needs a good cleaning
Can she pull herself together?
Angela's house may have been one of the reasons Michael ran away, but there is much more. This relationship was doomed from the start - except Angie would never take off her rose-colored glasses. She continued to romanticize a situation that was inherently transactional and to forgive Michael for even the harshest offenses. Generally, this type of behavior is due to low self-esteem. As a person gets stronger, they typically tolerate less.
Although Angela is very strong in many ways, when it comes to her love life, she loses all sense of reality. Yes, she suspected Michael was a Nigerian scammer and not a prince, but she dismissed those thoughts. She needed to believe in him to make some kind of dream come true, or just to alleviate her loneliness. This isn't all bad – a lot of people have these impulses – they don't want to be alone. They are too forgiving. However, the train usually doesn't leave the tracks while millions of people watch.
Angela's Revenge Makeover Could Be a Way to Try and Feel Better
She's dressing to get Michael's attention
If a woman wants to please a man, she will usually make an effort rather than wearing sweatpants, messy hair, and no makeup. Angela, who abandoned her home, may have also abandoned her image at times, while Michael was still her husband. Maybe now she's doing the opposite, just to show him how beautiful she can look. When people are truly comfortable with their partners and feel accepted, they don't need to try so hard.
Lately, Angela has been going all out, wearing tight, revealing outfits. She has dramatically darkened her eyebrows, which gives her a fierce yet bizarre appearance. Yes, this woman is an icon of reality - her confidence is there, but right now it's perhaps not as abundant as it normally is. She's down because Michael hurt and humiliated her. How far she goes with her appearance makes it seem like she's on stage the whole time, playing to the peanut gallery.
Maybe Angela can't see her own beauty at the moment, even though she refers to herself as royalty. She may feel that she was not beautiful to keep her younger husband happy. With the right person, she won't have to worry about that.
The fact that she is wearing backwards baseball caps and layers of jewelry could be her way of telling Michael that she is still young and vibrant. However, she shouldn't try to impress a man who cheated on her and then abandoned her. He set out to pursue the American dream, and this was possible because of the money she gave him and the Green Card she allowed him to obtain. Why make the effort to do this? She shouldn't be and I hope she isn't.
Angela is suffering because Michael loves the single life
Her antics bring out the worst in her
Michael is glorying in his single status, and every time he does, he is destroying Angela emotionally. She had big dreams about Michael coming to America. In fact, she spent years waiting for him. Imagine how hurt she was when he finally got the US of A, only to run for the hills as soon as he could. Then, he rubbed all the happiness on Georgia Peaches' sad face, making her feel completely disposable. That's the downside of dating a man who approaches a woman on Facebook and showers her with compliments.
Michael's love bombarded Angela, trying to weaken her common sense. This technique can be very effective. Basically, decent people want to trust others and like them. They are not expected to be tricked by malicious users. However, with Michael, there were many warning signs. Even she was seeing some of them despite being blinded by love. She wondered if he was cheating on her, but that didn't stop her from dating him, taking him seriously, and marrying him in Nigeria.
These mistakes are human and survivable. They are not some kind of death sentence or emotional prison. She may live to fight again. She can find another partner. However, philandering Meemaw probably isn't ready yet. She is still recovering from a long and turbulent relationship. Her dreams died and she had to rise from the ashes, and she can.
Angela is inflamed by Michael's Christian purity law
He's trying to change his gold digger image
Michael wore a “God Got Me” t-shirt in his GoFundMe profile photo, playing the devout Christian. That was a little irritating – would a true Christian do any of the bad things he did? Sure, they sometimes sinned and then asked for forgiveness, but would they accept oral sex from a woman in exchange for giving her a ride?
Would they embezzle money from an older woman, turning her into a surrogate ATM? Would they play faithful husband until they get a green card with greedy hands and then isolate themselves from their wife? All these things “Christian” Michael did! It's enough to make a person cynical about religion, but there are good Christians out there. Michael is probably not one of them.
In her defense, Angela can be a nightmare. She is loud, rude and violent. She may be kind, but when she's triggered, Michael has to duck and take cover, and who wouldn't get tired of that? Both people have flaws, but Angela is the one who is heartbroken. Michael may carry trauma from all the abuse he has suffered, but he appears to be thriving. It's possible he's not having sleepless nights or crying. Michae could be okay. Angela clearly isn't.
Angela is trying too hard to be happier than ever
She needs her family now
Angela is currently promoting its anniversary event, as per the Instagram post shown above. It's a night of "dance" and "karaoke." It actually looks fun and hopefully there will be a good turnout. Although Angela needs to stop being physically aggressive, she can be very funny. She has more charisma than most people - a kind of star quality that keeps her from being canceled despite some heinous acts. However, behind all this festive festivities, Angela is a woman who lost her husband.
Every “happier than ever” post Angela adds to Instagram is a way of showing the world that she is okay, but might not be. The problem with strong women like Angela is that they try to project strength and competence all the time, even when they are hurting inside. Luckily, Angela's family is giving her the love she needs right now. At any time
Angela is fired up by Michael's GoFundMe
Her fans make her so angry
On GoFundMe, with the aforementioned “God Got Me” t-shirt, with an innocent smile, Michael tried to extract money from his followers, and he succeeded. The GoFundMe is over, meaning it's closed to donations, but Michael's audacity inflamed Angela. This probably made her very depressed. Seeing people flock to her fundraiser must have killed her. During breakups, people need to reorient themselves. They have to adjust to not having control over people they were very close to. It takes time and is often very painful.
She lashed out at Michael's fans and generally didn't take the high road. This is understandable as she believes Michael was taking her for a ride from day one. He deserves some shade for doing this. However, your side also needs to be considered. He needs money for legal fees because Angela seems to be trying to get him deported.
Angela is trying to win the division
She needs to get over all this
Angela is suffering because she loved Michael. It's a fine line between love and hate, and even now, she probably loves him sometimes and hates him other times. She must remember when they were happy and wishes things were different. At the same time, she's super bitter because Michael rejected her. Your American dream includes a new group of friends – your new “family.” Angela could never carry a baby for Michael due to her age, and she may have to watch another woman do it one day.
As she tries to win the division, Michael frustrates her at every turn. He joined a Paradise Men Facebook group where he could easily connect with vulnerable women. This isn't really a gigolo thing, but it's on the margins. It seems like he's trying to find more women to take advantage of and take advantage of in general. Watching him branch out extravagantly like that must hurt.
Angela needs to stop trying to win the split. There really are no winners here. Michael is free in America, but he's still the guy who left an older woman heartbroken after using her for years. Is this something to be proud of? Of course. Meanwhile, Angela's reputation is in ruins. However, this can be liberating. Once a person's reputation is completely destroyed, as Taylor Swift discovered, they can reinvent themselves. They are no longer trying to meet expectations. As Austin Powers said, “that train has left.”
Angela will try to date again
She is posting photos of her with men
Angela looked giddy while posing with Vanilla Ice at his concert. She would probably date the “Ice Ice Baby” rapper if she could. Angela is older, but hot-blooded. She wants romance and has a wandering eye. In the past, it seemed like she was just flirting with people to get revenge because Michael was a cheater. However, as a single woman, she is the same.
The chances of getting burned again are extremely high, so she needs to be cautious. She needs to start looking for nice guys and try to appreciate them. Yes, she may gravitate toward the bad boys, but there is another way – a higher way. On this path, she can forget about appearance and focus on the way the person is acting. Do they try to help her? Are they there for her? Do they listen? Do they care? The answers to these questions are important - in fact, a partner who cares, rather than pretends, is actually ideal... not a con man from another country, or a rapper who will forget you as soon as he sees another woman. .
Angie is cool sometimes – she's hilarious and full of life. She is a vigorous woman who attracts attention. However, it's time for her to grow up. The men she naturally likes will always hurt her. Hopefully, Angela will forget about Michael, look for someone who will do whatever it takes to make her life better and easier, and forget about the dirty bags. At this moment, deeply traumatized, Angela is doing the best she can. She's not all bad and deserves some compassion.