Anakin returned before the Return of the Jedi, influencing a key Darth Vader decision

Anakin returned before the Return of the Jedi, influencing a key Darth Vader decision

Warning: Contains spoilers for Star Wars: Darth Vader #50! Star Wars Fans are well aware of the fact that Darth Vader Resolved in Return of the JediReclaiming his lost identity as the Jedi Anakin Skywalker. However, what they don't know is that Vader allowed the mutilated piece of his corrupted spirit that was Anakin Skywalker to shine before the events of Episode VIInfluencing a key Darth Vader decision - the one that led to his ultimate redemption.

in Star Wars: Darth Vader #50 by Greg Pak, Raffaele Ienco, Luke Ross, Paul Fry and Adam Gorham Darth Vader is in the final stages of his plot to kill Emperor Palpatine. So far during this story arc, Vader has acquired allies who also want to see Palpatine dead (the Schism Imperials), and he's used them to gain immensely powerful weapons: a Cyber-powered Zaly Shield and Electrostaff. With these weapons, Darth Vader stood a chance to match Palpatine's god-level strength, something he proves when the two Sith Lords finally go toe to toe.

Although the battle between master and apprentice is insanely epic, one of the most significant parts of this comic is also one of the most subtle. Right after Darth Vader claims the Zaly Shield and Electrostaff (both of which are fueled by planet-destroying power), he is approached by someone pointing their blaster right at him, someone he knows quite well: Sabé. Vader reminds Sabé that he told her he would kill her the next time they met, but rather than follow through on that promise, Vader simply leaves, solely focused on killing the Emperor.

Darth Vader still values ​​Anakin Skywalker's past

Darth Vader reminds Sabé of the love he still feels for Padmé

Anakin Skywalker's greatest trauma playing out in Darth Vader's mind.

In the current era of Star Wars'comic book canon, Sabé worked with Darth Vader On a number of missions, all of which bring out just a little of his humanity, and even bravery. But before the comics, Sabé was one of Padmé's handmaidens. She would act as a decoy when Padmé was Queen Amidala, she was highly trained to protect Padmé in any given life-threatening scenario, and she committed her life to serving Padmé, even after Padmé's death.

Sabé's strong link to Padmé (not to mention their resemblance) is why Darth Vader entertained any mission Sabé asked him to go on. However, there was a limit to Vader's generosity, and the two reached that limit the last time they met each other before the events of the comic. But even after they fell out, Darth Vader still did not kill Sabe. He threatened to kill her, and he could have with little more than a thought, but he didn't.

A part of Darth Vader, the part of him that was still Anakin Skywalker, couldn't cut off one of the last remaining ties he still had to the woman he loved. And he could never again be responsible for anything that even remotely resembled killing Padmé again. For Vader, Sabé was something of an echo of Padmé, and even when he could no longer hold on to the piece of his lost love, he still could not kill her, proving that Anakin Skywalker was not completely 'dead' after all. .

Darth Vader Sparing Sabé is a reflection of his ultimate redemption

Darth Vader chose to attack the Emperor rather than kill someone he loved

Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, and Luke Skywalker standing next to each other.

Sorry what happened in Star Wars: Darth Vader #50 Between Vader and Sabé, this scene is actually somewhat of a reflection of what later happens in Return of the Jedi. Darth Vader allows the part of himself that is still Anakin Skywalker to shine through just enough to stop himself from killing someone he loved who has direct ties to Padmé. And instead, Vader decides to go after the Emperor with the intention of killing him. in Star Wars: Darth Vader #50, the man is Sabé, and in Return of the JediIt's Luke Skywalker.

While Vader does not accept the light once more until Episode VIThe fact that he spurred Sabe to go after the Emperor perfectly set up his ultimate redemption. It proves that Vader is not only inspired by hate, but also love. His love for Padmé is felt in the love he has for Sabe, as well as the love he has for his son. This also confirms that Darth Vader knows that his real enemy is Palpatine, and as long as his master lives, the last remnants of love that Vader still feels are in danger of being snuffed out forever.


Indeed, Vader's choice to listen to the part of himself that is still Anakin Skywalker and spare Sabe directly influenced and foreshadowed his decision to save Luke in Return of the JediAnd it proved that Darth Vader was worthy of his ultimate redemption in Star Wars.

Star Wars: Darth Vader #50 by Marvel Comics is now available.