An Unbelievable '90s Superhero Officially Returns To DC Lore With His Original Costume And Powers

An Unbelievable '90s Superhero Officially Returns To DC Lore With His Original Costume And Powers

Warning: Contains spoilers for Zero Hour: Crisis in Time Special 30th Anniversary!

An unbelievable superhero from the 1990s just returned to DC Lor, with his original powers and costume intact. Nostalgia for the comics of the 1990s is currently riding high, and DC's new Zero Hour: Crisis in Time Special 30th Anniversary Get caught up in the trend, and showcase some of the biggest stories and heroes of the decade - including the super powerful Waverider. now, Waverider has returned to the DC Universe, raising questions about his future.

Many of the heroes seen in the Zero hours Anniversary specials are icons of DC in the 1990s, including the Jack Knight Starman, the Ray and Azrael.

Zero Hour: Crisis in Time Special 30th Anniversary is written by Dan Jurgens and drawn by a team of 90s DC artists, including Kelley Jones and Tom Grummett. Kyle Rayner discovers that during the original Zero hoursHal Jordan, under the influence of parallax, created a pocket earth. The earth is unstable, and slowly come undone. As the heroes of Kyle and Earth fight to save existence, they learn that Parallax has captured and enslaved Waverider when he came to investigate the villain's "Earth." The Heroes free Waverider, and he helps Kyle Rayner return home.

Waverider's DC Universe Origins, explained

Waverider played a prominent role in the DC Universe of the early 1990s

Waverider spoke in DC Comics

Dan Jurgens, the primary architect of Zero hoursCreated Waverider for 1991s Armageddon 2001 Crossover event. Originally a man named Matthew Ryder, he lived in the year 2030, at which point the Earth was under the thumb of the Despot Monarch. Ryder used time travel technology to attempt to prevent Monarch's rise. While he failed to kill Monarch outright, he kept the villain from seizing power. Still Armageddon 2001Waverider would join the time-traveling Linear People, helping them keep the timeline intact.


Later, when Jurgens was tapped to write and draw zero hour, He grounded Waverider front and center. Waverider was one of the first to learn of Extant and Parallax's plot to destroy the Timestream. He assembled a team of heroes to oppose Parallax, and played a key role in his defeat. Waverider never again reached the heights he did during Zero hours And the early 1990s, and, until this one-shot, was largely forgotten. Given the number of crisisStyle events that have swept the DC Universe for the past 30 years, his absence should come as a surprise.

Waverider has returned to the DC Universe

What's next for Waverider and the Linear Men?

Artwork showing Waverider in DC Comics

Now, the Zero Hour: Crisis in Time Special 30th Anniversary Settled where Waverider has been all along: under the thumb of his old enemy Parallax - but now he's free to roam the time stream once again. The DC Universe has changed significantly since Waverider's heyday, giving him new heroes and villains to encounter, and the aforementioned Crisis These events will undoubtedly pique his curiosity as well. The Zero hours The special also shows the full extent of Waverider's powers, which helps elevate him into a very elite class of DC heroes.

Zero Hour: Crisis in Time Special 30th Anniversary Now on sale from DC Comics!