An Impossible Star Wars Legend Reveals That a Jedi Master and a Sith Lord Were Once Friends

An Impossible Star Wars Legend Reveals That a Jedi Master and a Sith Lord Were Once Friends

A seemingly impossible story in the modern world Star Wars Canon reveals that a Jedi Knight and a Sith Lord could befriend each other. The Jedi and Sith are, like the Star Wars the franchise makes it very clear that ancient enemies have a long and bloody history of conflict with each other. The first Sith Lords in both Star Wars Continuities were fallen Jedi who eventually developed their own distinct culture, religious beliefs, and code of conduct, although they appropriated and altered elements of Jedi culture, such as the use of lightsabers.

The Jedi and the Sith have fundamentally incompatible goals and viewpoints, with the Sith seeking to conquer the galaxy and impose their will – and the corruption of the dark side of the Force – on all systems, while the Jedi seek to serve the Force, the people. of the galaxy and democratic institutions like the Galactic Republic as protectors. The Jedi and Sith see each other as the final obstacle to their respective goals, so it is not surprising that there are almost no instances of friendship between Jedi and Sith.

A Shocking Jedi Legend Features a Jedi and Sith Friendship

Just a quick line

A Jedi and a Sith from the Old Republic fighting a lightsaber duel in Star Wars.

Perhaps the only example of friendship between a Jedi and a Sith being considered a concept is in a 2014 short story. The end of the storyby Alexander Freed and Chris Scalf, is set during the reign of the Galactic Empire in modern Star Wars canon, centering on a member of the Corellian Resistance and an antiques dealer. The antique dealer Antron Bach makes a throwaway reference to a story about Jedi Master Vonkhel forming an unlikely friendship with the Sith Lord of Gairm. No other details about the pair have been revealed, but the story's premise is undeniably fascinating.

Could a friendship between a Jedi and a Sith work?

They have different ways of life, not just different opinions


Given the history and culture of the Jedi and Sith in both Star Wars continuities, one might wonder how it is possible for a Jedi and a Sith to befriend each other. While it's easy to imagine a Jedi trying to reason with a Sith and treat them kindly, it's hard to imagine a Sith Lord seeing a Jedi as anything more than a useful pawn at best. Inevitably, a “friendship” between a Jedi and a Sith would inevitably end in the Jedi falling to the dark side, in the Sith abandoning the dark side or in the two fighting each other.

The story provides no context for their friendship, and both the Legends and modern canon continuities include technical examples of Jedi and Sith friendships (or at least partnerships). In the Legends continuity, the Sith Lord Scourge is a kind of “friend” of the Jedi Hero of Tython in Star Wars: The Old Republicwith the two sharing the goal of killing Tenebrae. In the modern canon Star Wars: The Clone WarsAnakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Count Dooku briefly work together to escape captivity. In both Star Wars instances, It's more of a temporary partnership than a true friendship.

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