THE Dragon Ball Super The series introduced many intriguing and vital characters to the beloved story created by the late Akira Toriyama. From new deities that expanded the lore of this universe to new villains that forced heroes to transcend their limits, this sequel was an incredible addition to the franchise.
Still, despite all the good things Super brought, a glaring problem was also introduced early on in the series, revolving around Universe 7's God of Destruction, Beerus. Since it was presented in Battle of the Gods film, this powerful deity was considered one of the most powerful beings in the series. Regrettably, the fact that his power seems to fluctuate according to the needs of the plot has made it difficult to properly estimate the level of other characters.
Beerus's inconsistent power level causes a big problem
A proper answer regarding his strength was never revealed
As a God of Destruction, Beerus is hailed as one of the most powerful creatures in the world. Dragon ball multiverse. He is an extremely powerful being who can fight several other deities at the same time and still emerge victorious. His skill and strength are such that some of the most powerful fighters in the series tremble with fear at the thought of this imposing god. Fans were introduced to his impressive abilities during the Battle of Gods Saga, in which he fought the recently awakened Super Saiyan God Goku.
This brief but intense encounter proved that Beerus was not someone to be messed with, as he managed to defeat Kakarot even with his divine transformation. In the film version of this fight, Whis revealed that Beerus had to use almost 70% of his power to defeat Gokumaking it seem like the Saiyan was close to his level. The anime never gave an official statement about how much of his true power Beerus had to use, but he still seemed to take his encounter with Goku seriously.
This battle is what has caused the most problems for fans when trying to accurately determine how powerful a character can be. For example, Goku's Super Saiyan God transformation was suggested to be enough to force Beerus to go the extra mile on his date. However, when Kakarot and Vegeta awakened to the next step, Super Saiyan Blue, the god was not at all concerned about them reaching his level. Beerus' unknown power makes it difficult to gauge how strong Goku and his friends areas there is not enough information to make an educated guess.
Beerus's power level is not set and fluctuates as needed
If the story needs him to be stronger, he will do so
Beerus's unstable power level seems to be directly tied to the needs of the story, increasing his powers whenever it's convenient. A perfect example of this issue is the Tournament of Power Saga and the deity's subsequent appearance in the series. During the multiversal battle for dominance, Jiren was introduced. This stoic and righteous fighter is said to have achieved power capable of surpassing even the Gods of Destruction themselves. He demonstrated this monstrous ability by dominating almost every combatant, with Goku having to reach the Ultra Instinct state just to stand a chance.
After learning to control and harness this unique ability, Kakarot was able to flip the script, being the one in control of the fight and shocking not only Jiren, but the Gods as well. Since his opponent was supposedly more powerful than Beerus, it would stand to reason that Goku would be as well. However, the next time Universe 7' and Goku interacted, it was implied that the deity was still several times more powerful. It seems that no matter what Kakarot or Vegeta does, Beerus' level will remain an unattainable goal.
This makes sense narrativelysince having the heroes reach the level of the most powerful being in their universe would make any new enemy a moot point. Goku could be able to deal with any threat with ease, making the thrilling battles the series is known for a thing of the past. Furthermore, Kakarot would lose the motivation to improve, as he is always trying to improve by fighting against stronger opponents. While not as rewarding as fans would like, hiding Beerus' true power could be a good thing for the franchise overall.
The problem with Beerus also comes from how he's been presented in the franchise. Battle of the Gods wasn't supposed to spawn an entirely new sequel, so statements made in that film (including the infamous one that Beerus and Goku's punch creates dimension-crossing shockwaves) shouldn't be compared to something in the future. Super Saiyan God was Goku's ultimate form, so it made sense to make him almost as strong as the strongest new character introduced in the film. Then, Dragon Ball Super came into being, and all that changed.
Power levels are no longer useful in Dragon Ball
The idea of ​​quantifiable force has been obsolete for decades
During the original Dragon ball In the series, as well as in early Z, power levels were an excellent plot device to determine the protagonist's growth as he encountered powerful opponents. Whenever a being more powerful than himself appeared, Goku could estimate how much training he would need to defeat them by learning about their maximum strength. Power levels also served as a way to let the audience know how much of a threat an enemy could be, making them wonder how the heroes would reach the threshold needed to overcome them.
This device started to feel obsolete with the introduction of Frieza and the Super Saiyan transformation. Instead of the power levels being easily quantifiable by fans like in the franchise's early days, they began to become too great for anyone to imagine. Frieza's final form was said to have a power of over 100 million, a number that not even most followers would be able to visualize. These amounts increased, becoming more irrelevant with each new enemy or transformation introduced. Even Toriyama himself admitted to regretting the introduction of power levels, and that in the Android saga he stopped thinking about them completely.
When the time comes Dragon Ball Super appeared, it was easier to deduce which fighter was stronger based on their performance during combat. There is no longer a need for a mechanic like power levels in the seriesas the capacity threshold increased to unimaginable degrees. While not having a true point of comparison between Beerus and the rest of the Z Fighters can be frustrating, it solves the problem of having to assign inconceivable power levels to a character.
Beerus will probably continue to be one of the Dragon Ball Superof the film's most important and iconic characters, as many of the series' conflicts revolve around him. His true strength may never be revealed, but this could have more positive than negative repercussions for the story. Whether his power level is confirmed or not, he will continue to be an inspiration for Goku and his friends to train hard and become stronger.