in American Horror StoryThe most mistreated character of the entire series was Misty Day (Lily Rabe). Misty was one of the sweetest characters on the show, and cared about every living creature, but she was still strict enough to ensure people wouldn't walk over her. Despite her loving and caring nature, Misty, known as the Swamp Witch, is burned alive, trapped in a cemetery, ridiculed and trapped to spend eternity in her personal hell. His end in American Horror Story: Coven Really upset audience like American Horror Story Misty Day did not deserve to suffer for all eternity.
Four and a half years after the conclusion of coven, A disturbing new season subtitle Apocalypse Sent out. in a sense, Apocalypse came across as "part two" of Coven. This season featured all the witches of Coven (except Fiona Goode) and the events that happened in their lives between the end of Coven And the beginning of Apocalypse. The return of all the witches meant that Misty day returned to the screenContinue her story, allowing the character to escape from her personal hell and have a second chance in life, giving audiences what they have wanted for the past four years.
Misty Day was the most misunderstood character in American Horror Story
The character was isolated most of the way through Coven
Her first scene seen Misty Day is burned at the stake for using witchcraft to bring a bird back to life. The murder was used as a warning to the other witches to hide their powers as they didn't want to end up like Misty. When the character resurfaced, she was shown living alone and alone in an isolated cabin. She was lonely and didn't belong to a coven, so when Zoe needed somewhere to keep Kyle safe, Misty offered her place, not because she wanted to take care of him, but because she didn't want to be alone.
Madison felt threatened by Misty, so she used her magic to lock Misty in a coffin in a graveyard in an attempt to kill her.
When the character was accepted into the coven, she was believed to be the next highest. Madison felt threatened by Misty, so she used her magic to lock Misty in a coffin in a graveyard in an attempt to kill her. Once Misty escaped, the coven turned on Madison, but they allowed both witches to take part in the Seven Wonders. Unfortunately, during the test of the seven wonders, Misty gets trapped in the dead realm. This trapped her in her own personal hell, and she distributed an endless number of questions in a biology class while crying her heart out.
The ending of Misty's Coven was very upsetting
This character did not deserve her fate
Although Misty knew the dangers of competing in the Seven Wonders, she still didn't deserve to spend all eternity in her own hell. Misty Day cared for every living creature, so to kill an endless number of frogs was the most intense suffering she could possibly face. As well as this, the character was ridiculous every time she brought the frog back with her magic, showing that Every time she was ridiculed on the show when she was alive it really got to her And affected her so much that it became her own personal hell.
This shows that Misty was unhappy when anyone would mock or make fun of her, such as referring to her as a swamp witch, showing the character to be mistreated on a higher level than what can be seen on the surface. The ending for Misty Day devastated audiences for years after the season finale Where Misty lost her life. Fortunately for audiences, season 8 of the show, subtitled apocalypse, Allowing the character to be revised and the ending to be revised in a more fitting way for the character and to fulfill the wishes of the audience.
AHS: Apocalypse gave Misty a second chance
Even when the season finale left off the events of the season, it allowed Misty to remain happy
in Apocalypse Fifth episode, "Boy Wonder," Misty is resurrected, allowing her to have a second chance at life. As well as that, she was reunited with her idol, Stevie Nicks, who ended up taking Misty away to rest and recharge for the rest of the season. Audiences waited four and a half years for this moment, and finally they got justice for Misty Day. Although she was not a main character in Apocalypse And only appearing in a handful of scenes, it was clearly important to the creative behind the scenes to give her a happy ending.
at the end of American Horror Story: ApocalypseMallory goes back in time and prevents all the events of the season from happening, meaning that the entire season, including Misty's happy ending, never happened. However, in the new timeline, Nan returns from the afterlife and offers Misty as a reward for Mallory's bravery in saving the world. That means it only lasted four years, but even with the timeline wiped, American Horror Story Allow Misty to have her happy ending and a second chance at life, just like she deserved after everything she's been through.