American Angela wants Michael deported (will she ruin his new life?)

American Angela wants Michael deported (will she ruin his new life?)


  • Angela is relentless in her efforts to deport Michael to Nigeria, despite their tumultuous relationship.

  • Angela's controlling behavior towards Michael has resulted in a toxic and deteriorating marriage.

  • Angela's vengeful nature and inability to accept Michael's happiness highlights her need for control and dominance.

Angela Deem from 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Will not stop until she deports Michael Ilesonmi to Nigeria. The 58-year-old Georgia woman meets her Nigerian beau on Facebook. She spent several months talking to him, during which she fell in love with his youthful personality and decided to meet him. in 90 Day Engagement: Before the 90 days Season 2, Angela traveled to Nigeria to pursue Michael. She enjoyed his company and did not wait long to start a relationship with him. Angela was sure she wanted a future with her online boyfriend.

Unfortunately, Angela and Michael's relationship did not blossom because they have different personality traits. While Michael's habit of cheating and his passive-aggressive actions ruined his relationship with Angela, her short temper and lack of trust further deteriorated their marriage. After that, Angela invited Michael to the United States in late 2023. However, living together only worsened their problems, which they had a big argument in 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 8 Tell All. finally, Michael realized that he could not save his marriage with Angela. He ran away from Angela's house and found a new family in America.


Is Angela weaponizing an American?

Angela still believes she is superior to Michael

In June 2024, Angela took legal action against Michael, claiming that he scammed her. It seems like she is embarrassed that Michael left her after getting his position in America. She probably feels that he scammed her because he gave up on their marriage in a few months after coming to the United States. Angela is a proud American who is likely Hurt that her foreign husband gets to live a happy life in a more progressive country Even after leaving you.

She just can't wrap her head around the fact that Michael actually fought back against her aggressive nature.

Maybe Angela thinks Michael doesn't deserve to be in the United States because he didn't come here with the right intentions. She probably feels that America and its opportunities belong to you and Michael is not worthy of being an American. Meanwhile, Michael thinks he did nothing wrong by leaving a toxic relationship and wants people to believe that his breakup with Angela shortly after getting his visa was just a coincidence. Between Angela and Michael, the latter seems more innocent in the situation. Angela has no right to send him back to Nigeria.

Angela is too vengeful

Angela cannot make her peace with Michael's happiness

Angela has always tried to dominate others, be it friends or peers. Therefore, she is afraid that Michael chose to dump her when it should have been her who dumped him.

The latest Tell All showed Angela attacking Michael and his reputation. She claimed he scammed her but got a reality check when the investigator revealed he found nothing on Michael. Angela's constant hatred of Michael is embarrassing. She needs to relax and think deeply instead of letting her emotions dictate her actions. Angela should withdraw her legal appeal because she gets nothing by deporting Michael.

Angela always controlled Michael

Angela is upset because she has lost her grip on Michael

Angela seems furious with Michael because she can no longer control him.

In the last six years, she controlled every aspect of her husband's life. She stopped him from doing a decent job, forced him to quit social media, and kept him from partying or hanging out with his friends. Angela kept Michael all to herself and prevented him from living his life. When she finally invited Michael to the United States, she expected him to be her do-boy. She never wanted for him to be an independent and masculine partner.


When Michael left Angela, he took control of his life and showed that he would no longer serve her. Angela feels lost and angry because she never expected Michael to dump her.

She probably hoped that she would be able to control him for the rest of her life. Now that Angela can't make Michael her do-boy, she wants him gone from America. She is desperate Trying something to have that feeling of having control over it again. Unfortunately for Angela, Michael will likely prove her wrong. The 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Star has already secured his residency in the country.

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Airs Sundays at 8 PM EDT on TLC.