onyx storm will be released in January 2025, and Yarros is releasing plenty of teasers to keep anticipation for its release high. Recently, theories about what comes next have only intensified – as Rebecca Yarros revealed a new point of view of Xaden in Fourth Wing pocket edition and the back cover synopsis for onyx storm. However, the best preview onyx storm ahead of its release comes from the winter issue of Cosmopolitan UK – complete with a three-page excerpt detailing the book's early events.
For most of the year, Iron Flame The cliffhanger ending left many questioning the state of Violet and Xaden's relationship, and what will happen with Xaden turning poison. While this excerpt doesn't answer all the burning questions, it does give clues about how the initial book might play out.– and it looks to be action-packed from the start. Fortunately, the three-page excerpt alleviates some of the biggest fears surrounding Iron Flame Xaden twists and supports some important theories that could affect the overall plot.
What happens in the new section of Storm Onyx
The book is full of action from the beginning
THE onyx storm The excerpt apparently begins at the beginning of the novel - as it follows the events that happened at the end of Iron Flame—and it starts with a sense of urgency. The excerpt begins with Violet and her team visiting Sawyer in the infirmary.where it is revealed that Venin is already within the walls of Basgiath. As Violet and her squad rush to defend the school, they realize that the Venin have been disguised as Scribe initiators the entire time, coming and going unnoticed.
It is later revealed that the Venin were trying to free Jack Barlowe, but Yarros does not clarify why they would consider his character so important. During this sequence, Violet also notices a venina with a long silver braid, who then mysteriously disappears into thin air. As they fight the venina that remains, Violet discovers that the venina will not harm her, as they claim they need it - which she believes is to help control Xaden.. The later section ends with the arrival of Xaden, and he quickly dispatches the rest of the poison within seconds.
The Venin have infiltrated the scribe quadrant
They may have been inside the walls from the start
There have been many hints throughout the series that there might be poison hidden within Navarre's ranks, and the excerpt proves that they are infiltrating the Scribe quadrant. During the events of the excerpt, Violet and the others are shocked to find a venin disguised as a scribe, and quickly ask some cadets to warn the others in the Archive. Yarros has not yet revealed how long the Venin have operated in this manner, but their presence creates an air of suspicion around the Scribes quadrant and their already questionable practices.
Given the number of circumstances surrounding the Scribe quadrant, it is likely that its role in future books will be closely tied to that of the venin.
Throughout the books, Violet realizes that the Archives do not have a complete collection of literature found in Navarre - and it is later revealed that they have destroyed pieces of history, including the existence of venin. The fact that the venin choose to disguise themselves as scribes raises suspicions about who else could be involved. Yarros has frequently hinted that Violet distrusts Markham, but his character's true ambitions have not been revealed until now. Given the number of circumstances surrounding the Scribe quadrant, it is likely that its role in future books will be closely tied to that of the venin.
Xaden is able to completely block violet
Violet explains that her walls are impenetrable
Throughout the sequence of events detailed in the excerpt, Violet tries to talk to Xaden through their bond, but finds that he has blocked her and his walls are completely impenetrable.. While this isn't necessarily the first time either of them has blocked the other's concentration, it's strange that Violet finds this case so different from the others. However, given that they are under attack by the Venin, it would make sense for Xaden to turn off the bond to focus.
Xaden has always been very skilled in this area, and in previous books has even helped Violet train to protect her mind from those around her - like Dain, with his ability to see memories through physical touch. It could be that Xaden's transition to Venin helped strengthen his signet abilities, but also those of lesser magic and mental block. If Xaden is aware of how effectively he was able to block Violet, it is certainly a hint that Xaden's transition to Venin changed him in more ways than one.
Alloy daggers lose power after killing a Venin
Can the alloy be repaired after being drained by a venina?
Much of Iron Flame spends time explaining the importance of alloy daggers, not only for strengthening and expanding Navarre's wards, but also for using them as a weapon against Venina. When imbued with power, the league becomes the only way to defeat a venin knight – but as this excerpt explains, daggers lose power after each kill. Violet explains that she can feel the power that has been drained from the dagger itself, very similar to how venina can drain the life from the land and the people they fight.
How often or when the league will lose its power will probably depend on venin's rating and the power it currently holds. During Iron FlameViolet mentions that some venim appear to have significantly less power, likely causing them to be initiated rather than a higher-ranking officer or general. This will certainly play an important role onyx storm as the book seems to be heading towards an all-out war with the Venin outside of Navarre – and within their own ranks.
There is a venina with silver hair – is she linked to the violet?
Violet was the only one who saw her
Once Violet goes down to the interrogation chamber, she notices how many venin are currently trying to break Jack Barlowe out of his cell. However, one vein in particular catches Violet's eye - one with a long silver braidvery similar in color to hers. Only Violet seems to notice this specific venin, and one wonders what Yarros is hinting at through their rather quick interaction.
Violet's unique hair color has often been compared to Venina's life-draining abilities, and Yarros has yet to explain why throughout the series. The idea of another gray-haired character could support the theory that Violet's father was Veninhence Violet's hair color, but her appearance could also be a clever use of foreshadowing on Yarros' part. Since Violet was the only one who noticed the silver-haired Venin, some theories believe that this scenario was influenced by her second signet, and Violet was revealing some kind of truth about the Venin.
How did the silver vein in your hair disappear?
Venin may have different powers than Rider
Throughout the series, Yarros explained that there are some common seals that pilots can possess, but there are other seals, like Violet's, which are much rarer. Given that the books only detail some of the rarer seals in action, it's safe to assume there are many more that Yarros will divulge in future books. In the excerpt, the silver hair vein completely disappears after Violet notices it, something that even Violet is shocked by.
There's a likely chance this is a new type of signet power that will come into play during Onyx Storm and could signal that Venin develop different types of abilities than knights. A comparable signet would be that of Quinn's astral projection – keeping her body in one place but projecting an image of herself elsewhere. While this may not be exactly what Violet experienced, it opens up the possibility that Venin's powers are more evolved than the knight's.
The Venin want to capture the violet – but why?
Violet's signet means something to Venin
Yarros made it clear that the venin are jealous of Violet's powers and often refer to her as the 'bearer of lightning' or 'she who controls the heavens'. All over Iron FlameViolet felt that Venin's interest in her began due to the battle at Resson. But during this scene, Violet ponders whether they want her to control Xaden. While this may be plausible, many other circumstances prove otherwise. In Iron Flamewe discover that Violet and Xaden are having similar nightmares, which is unusual.
The ending of Iron Flame also gives us a preview of the interaction between Xaden and the venin general, who strangely follows his nightmares. Although General Venin chose Xaden first, it was clear that his ultimate goal was to get to Violet.. Yarros has been teasing Violet's importance to venin all along Iron Flameand with this scene happening so soon onyx stormViolet will probably discover her importance to venin very quickly.
Xaden is still a good guy – and seems more powerful than ever
There is hope for Xaden in Onyx Storm
Fortunately, the new onyx storm the excerpt alleviated readers' fears regarding Xaden's venous state, as his eyes are no longer red -proof that he did not extract energy from the source again. The initial stages of transformation are apparently a little easier to combat, and Xaden, for now, seems to be handling the temptations well. His character is clearly seen fighting for the well-being of Navarre, and thanks to his vein abilities, his powers appear to have been amplified.
Xaden has always had one of the most powerful seals found in the entire world. Fourth Wing, but their shadows seem to have grown even more powerful. What's even more impressive is that once Xaden enters the interrogation chamber, it's only a matter of seconds before every venin is killed - courtesy of his use of shadows. Violet also notices this and mentions that although Xaden may be an initiate (in terms of venin rank), he is nothing like the others - he is better. This will certainly play a big role onyx storm.