Gladiator II features several characters based on real historical figures from the Roman Empire, just like the first film. Gladiator II took a few story threads left over from the first film and wove them into another story, this time focusing on Lucius Vere. Performed by Paul Mescal Gladiator IIthe cast of Lucius practically repeats the story of Maximus from the first film; He has been wronged by the Roman Empire and is drawn into gladiatorial combat.
Obviously, Gladiator IIThe story draws several parallels with its predecessor. Very similar to the first one Gladiator II imbued with real Roman history and, despite GladiatorDue to some lack of historical accuracy, there were several elements related to the past. Many of the characters in the first film were real characters that fictional storylines were built around, and the same can be said for Gladiator II. Historical accuracy of Ridley Scott Gladiator and apart from its continuation, the people involved actually existed, and each of them Gladiator II.
Lucius Verus
Performed by Paul Mescal
Lucius's character Gladiator And Gladiator II based on the real-life figure of the same name, although with some notable differences. In the first film, Lucius is introduced as the son of Lucilla and the former Roman Emperor Lucius Verus I. Young Lucius is set to be next in line to the Roman throne before the actions of Commodus and Maximus change the political landscape of the Empire. IN Gladiator IILucius is shown completely removed from Rome.
Old version of Lucius Paul Mescal's Gladiator II was shown living in the coastal city of Numidia on the African continent.separated from Lucilla and the family of Rome. However, his city is attacked by the Roman army and he is captured before being forced to become a gladiator. Overall, this story is very different from the story of the real Lucius Verus II.
Lucius Verus II actually died when he was very young. During the Roman Empire, called the Year of the Five Emperors after the death of Commodus, five people competed for the throne. Lucius Verus II was not alive at that time, since he would have had one of the most compelling demands. Unfortunately, all of Lucilla's children died at a young age, meaning most of Lucius's story in Gladiator II imbued with fantasy created for the sake of another film in the franchise.
IN Gladiator IIAnother important historical change in the character of Lucius is realized. Although in the first part there were hints of a romantic story between Russell Crowe's Maximus and Connie Nielsen's Lucilla. Gladiatorit was never revealed that the former was Lucius's father. However, Gladiator II repeats this, revealing that Maximus was Lucius' father. Considering that Lucius idolized Maximus in the first film, this certainly makes sense and provides a thematic connection between the main characters of both films.
Played by Connie Nielsen
Like Lucius Verus, Gladiator IILucilla is also based on a real historical character. In the series, Lucilla is shown as the object of her brother Commodus' desires. Lucilla plays an active role at Commodus's court in Gladiator before doing the same in Gladiator II during the reign of the film's co-rulers Geta and Caracalla. IN GladiatorLucilla tries to kill Commodus, one of the few elements this translates into real life to free her from Commodus' oppression and give her son a better life.
Commodus' incestuous feelings for Lucilla are not based on historical fact and were an invention of the film's writers to make the former a more heinous villain.
In reality, Lucilla played a less active role in Commodus's court. Before this, she was very close to her father Marcus Aurelius and her husband Lucius Verus I. This made Lucilla an important figure in the Roman Empire, even becoming empress during the reign of Lucius. As mentioned, Lucilla did try to kill Commodus later in her life, but this attempt failed, as in Gladiator. After this, Lucilla was sent into exile before being found and killed by Commodus' men.noting the big difference in how her story will continue in Gladiator II.
Played by Joseph Quinn
Gladiator IIThe main opponents of Russia are the co-rulers of Rome Geta and Caracalla. The first is played by Joseph Quinn. Gladiator II and is based on the real-life emperor of the same name. Geta and Caracalla had an interesting relationship in real history, as they were servants of their father Septimius Severus. After his death, both were crowned co-rulers of Rome, which only intensified their rivalry and split the Senate in two. In the end, Geta was killed by Caracalla by force.
Gladiator IIGeta is similar in that throughout history he and his brother rule Rome together. Their rivalry is also on display: Ridley Scott stated Vanity Fair that he imagined these two as “damaged goods from birth.” Quinn reportedly took inspiration from Philip Seymour Hoffman in Mission: Impossible III and Gary Oldman from Fifth element for portraying his character so as not to repeat Joaquin Phoenix's performance as Commodus from the first film.
Played by Fred Hechinger
As mentioned, Caracalla's role in real Roman history was one of competition and deception. Caracalla initially tried to divide the Roman Empire into two halves: one under his role and the other under his brother. However, their mother vetoed the idea as she still had great political influence over her sons. Caracalla eventually orchestrated the murder of his brother and subsequently ordered curse of memory. This means a condemnation of the memory, resulting in Geta's name being banned, statues removed, coins bearing his image melted down, and records of his coinage melted down.
After this, Caracalla oversaw the massacre of about 20,000 people. These victims were mainly those who were loyal to Goethe, as well as those who did not follow the new rules laid down by Caracalla. After this, Caracalla ruled as the sole Roman emperor until his death in 217. Fred Hechinger portrays Caracalla in Gladiator II and also spoke with Scott about how to differentiate his character from Commodus Phoenix.
Performed by Denzel Washington
The last main character from Gladiator II based on a real historical figure - Macrinus. Macrinus is played by Denzel Washington. Gladiator II and is the organizer of the film's plot. Macrinus is a man with great political influence over the co-emperors Geta and Caracalla. In the film, he dreams of the throne of Rome and will do whatever it takes to get there, including manipulating Lucius. Macrinus owns a stable of gladiators and is a mentor of sorts to Lucius.
From the very beginning, Macrinus makes it clear that he intends to use Lucius as a tool. Macrinus can get close to the emperors and use Lucius to influence the political landscape of Rome from the gladiatorial arena, just as Maximus did in the first film. As such, Macrinus - pseudo-antagonist Gladiator II due to his treatment of Lucius and his desire for powerwhich symbolizes many villains in Gladiator franchise.
In real history, Macrinus was Caracalla's successor as Emperor of Rome. The idea that Macrinus was close to the co-emperors comes from history: the former was one of Caracalla's chief advisers as prefect of the Praetorian Guard. Macrinus eventually took power into his own hands, organizing the murder of Caracalla. Macrinus hired a soldier to serve as Caracalla's personal guard, who stabbed the emperor to death, leaving a power vacuum for about three days.
In the end, Macrinus proclaimed himself emperor and received the support of the Roman army. Given that Macrinus and the army were away from Rome, the Senate could not intervene. even if they wanted to. Interestingly, Macrinus never returned to Rome during his reign as emperor to avoid interference from the Senate. Macrinus was eventually killed. curse of memory a law was passed against him, which became a symbol of his unpopularity as the ruler of Rome, since Gladiator II highlights of his villainous role.