One piece Chapter #1127 Officially begins the Straw Hats' anticipated adventure through the land of the giants, Elbaf. titled "Adventure in the land of mystery", The chapter focuses on Nami as she navigates a perplexing new environment alongside the crew members who have been with her since the early days before the Straw Hats crossed the Grand Line. Although the chapter delivers a sense of nostalgia for long-time fans, with its focus on the original crew, it also has a lot of mistakes that suggest that the current scenario is nothing more than just a hallucination.
Nami, who suddenly finds herself in a "LEGO" country-like atmosphere, faces even more enigmas as the chapter progresses. From suddenly encountering mysterious monsters to things that are not like before, One piece Chapter #1127 has way too many inconsistencies to simply call them oversights.
In the past, when such discrepancies appeared in the series, the responsible parties, whether it was the One piece The team, Shueisha, or Eiichiro Oda himself, were quick to acknowledge the errors, often assuring fans that they would be corrected in the official volume release. However, no such statements are made about the peculiarities in chapter #1127, suggesting that The mistakes are intentional And cleverly designed to build the mystery around Elbaf.
The inconsistencies in Nami's character design are far too numerous to ignore
Nami reflects the most noticeable mistakes in One pieces last chapter
Nami takes center stage One piece Chapter #1127 as she tries to unveil the mysteries of how she managed to arrive at the enigmatic LEGO castle. While the last chapter depicts too many design flaws, the previous chapter, #1126, also includes one subtle detail that suggests Nami is hallucinating. When Nami wakes up, She is shown with a tie around her right handA detail that is noticeably missing in chapter #1127. Instead, the tie appears on her left hand, and in some panels, it's gone entirely.
The most important oversight, however, is The absence of Nami's iconic tattoo. The pinwheel-and-tangerine tattoo, a symbol deeply tied to her identity and backstory, is mysteriously missing in Chapter #1127. Given the tattoo's significance to her character, its absence underscores that it may have been intentional. Adding to the strangeness, Namia falls from a great height in this chapter without sustaining any damage, despite having previously expressed a deep fear.
Moreover, there is a high possibility that Nami is the only real character depicted in the last chapter And every other straw hat is a figment of her imagination, as it is evident from the fact that the only characters that appear are the ones she calls for, which says that Nami is the one who does the talking. This theory gains significant support from the fact that Luffy does not behave like his usual self, with notable differences in his actions and character design.
Luffy is not his usual self in the last chapter
From missing his straw hat to claiming he wasn't hungry, Luffy in One piece Chapter #1127 feels very unfamiliar
Luffy appears in the final chapter with one of the attacks from his Gear Third transformation that fans are familiar with. However, when launching the attack, Luffy yells the name of his Gear Fourth transformation. While this may be a simple oversight that could be corrected in the volume release, other glaring mistakes in Luffy's portrayal feel deliberate.
By far the biggest mistake in Luffy's character design is The lack of his straw hat. Luffy considers the Straw Hat to be his most prized possession and unless he lent it to someone he trusted, the Straw Hat Captain will rummage through the hat before resting easy. Considering Luffy, much like Nami, is also just waking up on this mysterious land, it's odd that he isn't concerned about finding his hat. Unless it is hidden under the Viking helmet he's wearing, this detail casts doubt on whether this is truly the Luffy we know.
In addition, Luffy's behavior feels off. After defeating the giant lion/cat, Luffy declines to eat itSaid he was full after eating a huge rabbit earlier. Luffy never declines food, regardless of how full he may be. If Oda is deliberately changing Luffy's character, this suggests that the events may be part of a hallucination.
Finally, there are inconsistencies in his design. In one panel, Luffy appears to have a sword strapped to his back, but in the next, it's an axe. Similar minor inconsistencies also affect Zoro and Sanji, with Sanji behaving unusually.
Sanji isn't afraid of bugs anymore, while Zoro suddenly has a sense of direction
Given his long-standing gag of a poor sense of direction, one would expect Zoro to be the last to reunite with the group, probably lost along the way. However, in this chapter, Zoro comes across such a disaster. Additionally, there is a minor mistake in how Zoro's Wado Ichimonji ends up pointing to the left while he starts the attack in the right direction. A similar discrepancy occurs during Sanji's attack where he charges his right leg for Ifrit Jambe, but inexplicably lands the blow with his left leg instead.
While these could be seen as simple art mistakes, there is something more about Sanji's behavior that goes beyond just the visuals. In earlier chapters, especially during the Scipia arc, Sanji's entomophobia (fear of bugs) was quite clear, depicting his disgust and fear of insects. However, in chapter #1127, Sanji casually talks about eating bugsAs if his fear never existed.
Although minor inconsistencies in a chapter are common, the sudden change of key aspects of a character's identity and long-established traits hints at something much more significant. Could this mean a bigger mystery or manipulation behind the scenes?
Is Loki responsible for the Straw Hat's hallucinations?
The Elbaf arc has been teased for decades, making it hard to believe that the very first chapter of such a pivotal arc would be riddled with so many glaring mistakes, especially considering Oda's meticulous attention to detail, even in a weekly manga. Therefore, it is highly possible that these mistakes are intentional, and something larger is at play here. The idea that Current events may be hallucinations Gains further credibility given the presence of Prince Loki, an Elbaf character who has only appeared in silhouette so far.
With Elbaf's Viking theme and the last chapter referring to the Yggdrasil tree, it's clear that this arc is drawing heavily from Norse mythology. Loki, known in folklore as the "god of mischief," may play a similar role in One pieceManipulating reality and toying with the straw hats. These so-called mistakes may be part of a grander illusion orchestrated by Loki, with a hidden purpose that One piece Will be gradually unveiled as the Elbaf arc progresses.