New weapons are arriving with Genshin Impact 5.2, according to the leaks that originate from the beta tests of the update. The next major patch, also known as version 5.2, is a few weeks away from arriving as version 5.1 has just started, but with the beta tests already in progress, a lot of information about the upcoming content has been leaked, providing insight into what players Can expect. This includes, for example, the rumors Genshin Impact 5.2 Character Banners, which should feature the debut of Chasca and Ororon, along with reruns for several characters - even Albedo could be reruns in the patch.
The leaks also highlight some limited-time events that will make up for the already confirmed absence of new Archon Quests. In what is rumored to be the flagship event, players may return to Dragonspine, the icy mountain in the vicinity of Mondstadt. Nevertheless, rumors also indicate that there will be new playable areas in the Natlan map, as well as world quests and enemies to face. Among the leaks are also mentioned some new weapons to equip on characters starting in Genshin Impact 5.2, which should give them different abilities in combat.
Four new weapons for Genshin Impact 5.2 have leaked
One weapon is a 5-star bow, while the rest are 4-star armaments
total, Four weapons have been leaked for version 5.2. The weapons are described in detail and are listed in the Honey Hunter World database. According to the leak, one of the weapons is a 5-star bow. There is also a 4-star catalyst, a 4-star bow and a 4-star sword among the leaks. The 5-star weapon is most likely for the new 5-star character in the update, rumored to be Chasca in Genshin Impact. The other weapons will likely be added to the banner, though a leak on Reddit Indicates that one will be provided as an event reward in version 5.2.
Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage is a 5-star bow in Genshin Impact 5.2
The new leaked bow can serve Anemo DPS characters like Chaska
The leaked 5-star bow, which is speculated to be Chaska's signature weapon, is called Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage. According to Honey Hunter World, the bow has a mid-ranged base ATK (608 at level 90) and a massive CRIT DMG sub-stat (66% at level 90). The most important aspect of this leaked weapon, however, lies in its skill. The skill called The Moonring Sighted sees this When the user triggers a Swirl Reaction, their ATK is increased by a whopping 24% for 12 seconds. Additionally, the user gains bonuses if teammates are of other elemental types in Genshin Impact.
If 1/2 party members are of another elemental type, the user's Charged Attack DMG increases by 20% / 48% and Elemental Burst DMG is boosted by 10% / 24%. This means the user needs to be inserted into a varied team comp. The Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage 5-star bow for version 5.2 is designed to be used by DPS characters, preferably of the Anemo type. This weapon should perfectly fit Chasca's gameplay kit, as she is rumored to inhabit the field firing charged attacks at opponents in Genshin Impact.
This bow can also work on a DPS vent, for example. Characters of other types would have a harder time getting the ATK bonus since they would need to trigger the Swirl Reaction.
Flowered Feathers is a 4-star bow in Genshin Impact 5.2
The leaked weapon provides a bonus to charged attacks
The 4-star bow is allegedly called Flower-Wreathed Feathers. This bow has a low base ATK stat (510 at level 90) and an impressive ATK sub-stat (41% at level 90). The first effect that the weapon skill gives is a decrease in the consumption of gliding stamina by 15%. The second effect is directly linked to combat. When aiming with the bow, the user's charged attack DMG will be increased by 6% every 0.5s up to six stacks. This means that If a charged attack is held for three full seconds, the charged attack DMG will be boosted by 36% in Genshin Impact.
The flower-veathed feathers bow will be a great option for DPS characters focused on charged attacks. In fact, it could be a viable 4-star alternative for Chasca, who is expected to use charged attacks. This weapon should also serve several other DPS archers, such as Ganyu and Lini. The weapon's bonus might even work on Tighnari and Sethos, though both characters are better off with bows that offer them elemental mastery bonuses since their damage outputs stems from reactions, even if they use charged attacks in Genshin Impacts combat instances.
Waveriding Whirl is a 4-star catalyst in Genshin Impact 5.2
The leaking catalyst can serve older hydro characters
The next leaked 4-star weapon on the list is a catalyst called Waveriding Whirl. The weapon offers a low base ATK stat (454 at 90 level) although it is compensated with a large Energy Recharge sub-stat (61% at 90 level). The weapon's skill, called Fangs Flying to and fro, decreases the user's swimming stamina consumption by 15%. It does, however, also have a practical effect in combat scenarios. By using a skill, The user's max HP stat in Genshin Impact is increased by 20% for 10 secondsAn effect that can be triggered every 15 seconds.
moreover, Each Hydro character in the party increases the previous effect's max HP bonus by 12%, up to a 24% bonus. This weapon seems to be focused on ER and HP, which is a good weapon for hydro healers, such as Kokomi and Barbara, who both have their healing scale off their HP stat, although the ER sub-stat can help them get their elemental. Bursts ready for action faster than usual.
Calamity of the Spent Springs is a 4-star sword in Genshin Impact 5.2
The leaked sword could be a reward for an event in the update
The latest leaked weapon for version 5.2 is a 4-star sword called the Calamity of the Blighted Springs. This is the weapon that is rumored to be a reward for the update's flagship event, meaning Players may have a chance to upgrade the weapon to R5 (Refinement Rank 5). The weapon offers a mid-ranged base ATK stat (565 at level 90) and a decent ATK sub-stat (27% at level 90). The skill of the weapon is what makes this weapon stand out for some characters in Genshin Impact.
When the user is shielded, their normal and charged attack DMG is increased by 20%, and their normal and charged attack CRIT rate is boosted by 8%. This makes Calamity of the Blighted Springs a great sword for DPS units that rely on these types of attacks. Characters like Ayato and Clorinde will likely be the ones to use the leaked weapon skills due to their kits, although Ayaka and Keqing can also equip them - although there are better weapons for those two.
The leaks are still early and, as such, should be viewed with caution. The descriptions of the weapons may be incorrect, incomplete or subject to change before their release. Some weapons releases may even be postponed. Nevertheless, it seems like version 5.2 is preparing to offer players a whole new set of useful weapons, some of which cater to older characters in Genshin Impact.
Source: Honey Hunter World, Reddit