All Lightsaber Combat Forms Explained (And Who Used What)

All Lightsaber Combat Forms Explained (And Who Used What)

Star WarsLightsaber is the traditional weapon of the Jedi and the Sith, and there are seven different lightsaber forms in canon. When Luke Skywalker first saw his father's lightsaber, he was fascinated by it. "This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight,"Obi-Wan Kenobi explained to him."Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized time." The lightsaber is a symbol of Jedi traditions as well as a reflection of one's mastery of the Force.And that extends into Star Wars Various lightsaber types.

During the prequel era, Padawans were encouraged to experiment with the seven main lightsaber forms to find the one that suited them. Some forms are better suited for combat, while others rely on defense. The best Jedi master has multiple lightsaber forms and switches between them when the need arises, something that may be further explored in upcoming Star Wars Movies. Meanwhile, apart from the main seven, it is known that "Forbidden forms"Used in ancient times by the Sith. Some of these have returned in The acolyteAnd may yet appear again


Form I: Shii-cho

A common lightsaber form seen throughout the Star Wars prequel trilogy

Alternative names

The path of the Sarlacc, the determination form

Key user

Keith Fisto

Shii-cho is generally considered the oldest and most elementary lightsaber form; As a result, almost every Jedi begins by learning Shii-Cho, and will often fall back on this fighting style when all other techniques have failed. Practically all the Jedi seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Resort to shii-cho on occasion. This could also be observed when Jedi were cornered during the execution of Order 66.

A Jedi truly becomes a master of Form I when they have achieved inner peace

Form I is basic but effective, and it can be quite brutal and aggressive as it involves a quick flurry of strikes. While Sith learn shii-cho, they usually abandon it in favor of more aggressive forms. However, Shii-Cho's basic appearance can be misleading because a Jedi only becomes a master of Form I when they have achieved inner peace, which enables Jedi to use the lightsaber blade as an extension of their being.


Form II: Makashi

Count Dooku's preferred lightsaber form

Alternative names

The Contention Form, The Way of the Islamiri (Legends only)

Key user

Count Docu

First developed when lightsabers began to become more common among both the Jedi and the Sith, Makashi - or Form II - was A graceful lightsaber style fit only for the most skilled duelists. Relying on careful and controlled strikes instead of power and strength, Form II is dedicated to gaining the upper hand in one-on-one duels. Makashi was also designed to accommodate more experimental lightsaber designs.

These designs include the crossguard lightsabers common during the Hundred Years of Darkness or even the use of a second shoto blade, as exemplified by Ahsoka Tano. Makashi fell out of fashion when the Sith were believed to be extinct, but there are still some Jedi who practice it, including Ki-Adi-Mundi. Count Dooku was another who mastered Makashi, gaining a galaxy-wide reputation as a fearsome lightsaber duelist. His pride in this may be one of the things that led Dooku to the dark side.


Form III: Soresu

Obi-Wan Kenobi is considered the master of Soresu

Alternative names

The way of the Mynock, the form of resilience

Key user

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Form III was named Soresu, and was Generally believed that they were developed in response to the growing number of blasters in the galaxy. Form III is the style that accounts for how Jedi reflect blaster bolts with lightsabers. By the time of the prequel trilogy, all Jedi are trained in Soresu, in part because it's actually a very useful exercise.

Luke Skywalker notes in the in-universe guidebook Secrets of the Jedi:"initially, [Padawans'] Primary focus was defense, learning to block laser blasts while wearing special helmets that obscured their vision. By doing so, they could learn to let the Force be their guide." Obi-Wan Kenobi was famous for his use of Soresu and Kanan Jarrus was also skilled in the form. Luke Skywalker is also familiar with Form III, considering Obi-Wan was his master and his first lightsaber usage in the Skywalker Saga comes from deflecting blaster bolts aboard the Millennium Falcon in the first Star Wars Movie.


Form IV: Ataru

Master Yoda's terrifying lightsaber form almost wore even Palpatine down

Alternative names

The aggressive form

Key user


Ataru is one of the most aggressive forms of lightsaber combatRelying heavily on Force-assisted acrobatics. As such, Form IV is only mastered by Jedi who are strongest in wielding the Force. Similar to Makashi, Ataru is at his best during one-on-one duels, when the master of Form IV tries to finish a duel as quickly as possible.

The best Ataru masters ricochet around their surroundings, launching sweeping strikes that seem to come out of nowhere and thus force an opponent to be on the defensive. Ataru was used by Yoda in his duel with Count Dooku Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones As well as the climactic conflict of the Jedi Grand Master against Darth Sidious in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Many of its masters have proven susceptible to the seduction of the dark side, accounting for the popularity of Form IV among the Sith.


Form V: Shien & Djem So

The preferred lightsaber forms of Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano

Alternative names

The Path of the Crate Dragon, the Perseverance Form (both in Legends)

Key user

Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano

Shien and Djem So were developed by Form III practitioners who saw the need for a more offensive edge. Shien is designed for distance, allowing practitioners to swat back blaster bolts, while Djem So is designed for blade-on-blade combat. It uses an unconventional reverse grip, which is why Ahsoka Tano favors Djem So. Shien and Djem So incorporate many of the strengths of Form III, including the use of solid blocks, parries, stronger counterattacks and ripostes.

Many Jedi felt that Shien and Djem So were not loyal to the Jedi way

Form V's adaptability led to it becoming Anakin Skywalker's favorite form. Interestingly, many Jedi felt that Shien and Djem So were not loyal to the Jedi way, as it was perilously close to using the Force for offense rather than defense. This fits another user of Form V inside Star Wars canon: AhsokaS Baylan Skoll. Baylan's unusually large lightsaber required a modified version of Form V to account for its weight.


Form VI: Niman

A surprising lightsaber form used by Darth Maul

Alternative names

The Way of the Rancor, The Moderation Form, The Diplomat's Form (all in Legends)

Key user

Darth Maul

Form VI, Niman, is often seen as a synthesis of previous forms. This was the last form to gain widespread acceptance among the Jedi and emphasizes balance in the Force. According to the Knights of fate source book, The Jedi who developed Nyman wanted to triumph without dominating their opponent.

They wanted to protect themselves and even deliver justice without the temptation of power. It is therefore surprising that Darth Sidious' apprentice, Darth Maul, depended on Nyman Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menacesuggesting that his teacher deliberately subverted the Jedi's favored combat style. Indeed, a Nyman practitioner often blends lightsaber combat with the use of the Force itself and, as such, the form has become popular with many Jedi who are disinterested in the art of combat alone.


Form VII: Juyo (or Vaapad)

Mace Windu is one of the few Form VII practitioners

Alternative names

The Ferocity Form, The Way of the WornScr (Legends)

Key users

Mase Windu, the stranger

The seventh main lightsaber form, Joyo, is the most controversial. According to various sourcebooks, it probably originated millennia before the Skywalker saga as an outgrowth of Form I. Unlike other forms, Joyo encouraged Jedi to embrace their emotions and use them to fuel a relentless assault.

Therefore, Form VII was immediately banned by the Jedi for a long time. That probably explains it The acolyte Episode 5, where a Juyo practitioner - The Stranger - cuts a brutal swat through an entire squad of Jedi. This is the textbook example of Juyo in action, an aggressive and effective form that can look completely random, but surprisingly effective. The stranger compensated for his lack of defense by wearing a cortosis gauntlet and helmet, disrupting enemy lights.

During the prequel era, Jedi Master Mace Windu took it upon himself to refine Juyo into an offshoot known as Vaapad: The Perfect Form VII. Windu developed Vaapad to control his inner darknessBreaking the gap between light and dark. Nevertheless, he was wary of teaching others Vaapad, lest they master it as he did and thus succumb to their emotions rather than control them as the Jedi Master could. It remains to be seen whether Star Wars Will show Vaapad again.



The art of using two lightsabers at once

Key users

Ahsoka Tano, Kelleran Beck, Jackie Lon

Some Jedi use two lightsabers in combat, in what is known as the Jar'key method. There is actually a deep debate whether this should be classified as a form in itself (as in some older sources), or whether it is in fact simply a technique. Practitioners of Jar'Kai have a notable advantage in combat, as they can use one blade for defense and another for offense. Most dual-wielders have noted for Djem So, meaning it may be an outgrowth of that specific form.



A mysterious lightsaber form that is finally seen in canon

In addition to the main lightsaber forms, There are also someForbidden forms." It is likely that, during the High Republic era, Joyo was one of these; Certainly Trakata was, and the technique is only seen in The acolyte Until now. A practitioner of Trakata switches their lightsaber during combat, wrong-footing their opponent, taking the opportunity to angle their own blade for a lethal strike. The Jedi see it as extremely dishonest, and in legends even the Sith dislike it due to the momentary weakness.

The stranger in The acolyte Blended Juyo, Trakata and even Jar'Kai, demonstrating a great degree of training and skill. His cortosis armor was carefully chosen to compensate for the defensive weaknesses of both forms, and it is unclear whether a Jedi or Sith using Trakata would survive long without such equipment. Star Wars Will certainly build on this more going forward.


Dun Möch

A lightsaber form like no other, only mentioned in canon

Palpatine lightsaber Return of the Jedi

In legends, "Dun Möch" is the Sith art of undermining an opponent using taunts and psychological manipulation. It is only mentioned once in Star Wars Canon, in the Force & Future source book Disciples of HarmonyWhich contains only a brief comment:

"The Sith were deadly combatants with skills to rival any Jedi. They favored lightsabers with red blades and had their own lightsaber form, Dun Möch, which channeled rage, aggression and intimidation into victory. Like the Jedi, Sith incorporated Force powers seamlessly into lightsaber combat."

hope, Star Wars Will discover more about Dun Möch.