All egg artifact locations in David raiding

All egg artifact locations in David raiding

To unlock the Lost Eggasi Trophy in astro bot, Players must find three hidden egg artifacts in Astro Bot Dude riding level. Dude riding is fun Uncharted- themed adventure where Astro explores an ancient jungle temple while wielding Nathan Drake's trusty pistol. This level has many secrets, including bots based on Uncharted Letters, puzzle pieces and egg artifacts.

Many of these clusters in Astro Bot Feature special end stages inspired by famous PlayStation IP, such as God of war And Horizon. The Playstation Classic Game copy escape Even features one of the stages, with players challenged to catch apes and a special gold butterfly. Finding secrets unlocks trophies, so finding the egg artifacts is essential for a Astro Bot Platinum Trophy.

All A. Artifact locations in Astro Bot's Dude Riding level

How to find the three hidden eggs

Astro dressed as Nathan Drake from Uncharted standing on rock platform in Jungle Lake facing a crashed propeller plane tangled in vines

There are three egg artifacts hidden in the Dude Raiding level. Unfortunately, they are not easy to find unless you are specifically looking for them, as they are all off the beaten path.

A. Artifact #1 location

Astro dressed as Nathan Drake from Uncharted opening hidden chamber with an artifact inside in David riding level

Once Astro reaches the platform with the plane tangled in vines, head to the platform's edge and Look down to see a ladder leading down to a small platform. There will be a wall with four rock heads that can be rotated by hitting them.


To open the chamber, hit and rotate each head until it shows an angry face. A hidden chamber should open, revealing the first of three egg artifacts.

A. Artifact #2 location

Astro dressed as Nathan Drake from Uncharted Approaching line of stone ruins with coins on top in Jungle Lake in David Riding Astro Bot level

Once Astro has slid down the slope in a new area with turtles swimming in a lake, head to the platform on the right. From here, follow the path of coins that appear on the ruins. The second egg artifact is at the end of the path.

Much like the hidden levels in Serpent's Starway, Dude Raiding also features bots that can be rescued. All the bots in Dude Raiding look like characters from Uncharted Such as Elena, Chloe and Sally. There are a total of seven bots in Dude Raiding.

Finding the egg artifact is a bit more accessible, as it is close to the checkpoint marker that activates at the bottom of the slide.

A. Artifact #3 location

Astro dressed as Nathan Drake climbing rope in ancient jungle temple in Astro Bot's dude riding level

Once Astro enters the temple, head forward until you reach a pit full of deadly spikes and a single rope for Astro to climb. When Astro climbs the rope, rotate the camera around until you find a small platform. The third and final egg artifact is on a pedestal on this platform. It is worth being careful, as a single bolt-shaped enemy that spits fire protects it.

To defeat this type of enemy, dodge his fire breath and then charge a spin attack. This particular enemy type can be tricky to deal with, as it is invulnerable to basic attacks, and the strategy for defeating one is not immediately obvious.

Once all three egg artifacts have been collected, the Lost Eggsy Trophy should pop, putting you one step closer to the Astro Bot Platinum.

As a bonus, completing this level also unlocks Nathan Drake himself. Take a photo with him and Tomb Raider's Lara Croft unlocks yet another trophy for Astro BotSo make sure to add this trophy to your collection once you return to the crash site.